2022 Assembly


Upcoming Side Event at the 66th UN Commission on the Status of Women: March 15th


When: March 15th 2022, 15:00 CET

Where:  Click here for Zoom URL

Meeting ID: 820 1066 9756

Passcode: 784558

About the event

RENATE endeavours to abolish all forms of human trafficking and exploitation that violates the human dignity and rights of persons. Throughout its European Network, RENATE adopts a Victim-Centred, Human Rights, Trauma-informed approach in relation to the Law. At this event, it demonstrates the extensive integrated work of its Network in responding to victims of human trafficking across 31 European countries. The work of RENATE ranges from the protection and care of victims in shelters to prevention through education and training. It also includes actions for systemic change through advocacy and campaigning and the empowerment of victims in the process of prosecution.


RENATE members are supported in empowering women and girls to speak and act for justice and equality, especially in relation to the violation of their dignity and human right.

RENATE provides moral, spiritual, educational and financial support to victims of human trafficking in shelters, that will enable them to reintegrate into society and live life to the full.

RENATE provides education and training that empowers victims who are seeking to rehabilitate their lives in order to obtain fulfilment and decent employment.

Stop Trafficking Newsletter | Boletín de Stop Trafficking (March | Marzo 2022)


FOCUS: This issue highlights the increase in sex tourism and what
governments and the tourism industry can do about it.

The lower socioeconomic condition of destination countries for sex tourists and the relative anonymity awarded to consumers is pointed to as a factor leading to criminal exploitation. Even in countries where prostitution is legal, sexual slavery and the abuse of minors are in evidence, and these activities are not permitted under any legal system.

This month’s newsletter reports numerous examples of progress in fighting against trafficking in the context of sex tourism, profiling the work of governments, law enforcement and NGOs in several countries.

Recommendations are made for further victim support and preventative action. Tourism companies and travel agencies are urged to be more proactive in pursuing a zero-tolerance policy towards any customers who seek out sex tourism while abroad.

Read the full newsletter here:


Anti-trafficking department of the Spanish Episcopal Conference host exhibition


At least 3 RENATE members, Maria Franciscas Sanchez, Ma.Pilar Caño González and Begoña Iñarra helped prepare the exhibition, which is the responsibility of the anti-trafficking department of the Spanish Episcopal Conference. The exhibition will be hosted throughout Spain over the coming months. 

From the 1st to 15th February the exhibition took place at St. Jeronimo’s Church which is located directly behind the Prado Museum, thus, many tourists saw it and it is all the more accessible since the titles were translated in English. 

St. Jeronimo’s Church was also the location for the beautiful vigil for the feast of St. Bakhita.

At the opening ceremony, Marifran Sanchez presented the exhibition and Begona Inarra presented on the question ’What is Human Trafficking?’ 

From the 16th to the 28th February the exhibition will be held at the Dominican Centre in Madrid. 

You can view the exhibition here


Additionally, below is an article of Ana Almaza (Adorers sisters) member of the Madrid Church Anti-trafficking here


About the last exhibition at St. Jeronimo’s Church please read more here


8th International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking


The eighth edition of the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking was an important time to pray and reflect together on the theme: “The Power of Care. Women, Economy and Human Trafficking”.

This gallery is a space of gratitude and commemoration of the most powerful moments of the Day organized by the International Committee in collaboration with each of you.

You can also watch the full day of prayer and reflection, which was broadcast and recorded in 5 languages. via the links at the bottom of this page.







Pope Francis on the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking: “Do not be afraid of the arrogance of violence”


Watch on YouTube

Full transcript in English:

“Dear sisters and dear brothers!

I address my greeting and my thanks to the organizers of the World Day of Prayer and Reflection against Human Trafficking, promoted by the International Union of Superiors General and the Union of Superiors General. Special thanks are owed to the group Talitha Kum, which is coordinating the initiative in collaboration with many local and international organizations.

The theme this year is: “The power of care. Women, economy and human trafficking”. It invites us to consider the condition of women and girls, subjected to multiple forms of exploitation, also through forced marriage, domestic slavery and slave labour. The thousands of women and girls who are trafficked every year denounce the dramatic consequences of relational models based on discrimination and submission, and it is not an exaggeration – there are thousands of them!

The organization of societies worldwide is still far from reflecting clearly the fact that women have the same dignity and identical rights as men. It is unfortunately noted that “doubly poor are those women who endure situations of exclusion, mistreatment and violence, since they are frequently less able to defend their rights” (Encyclical Fratelli Tutti, 23).

Human trafficking, through domestic or sexual exploitation, violently relegates women and girls to their supposed role of subordination, in the provision of domestic or sexual services, and to their role as providers of care and dispensers of pleasure, which proposes yet again a model of relationships marked by the power of the male gender over the female. This occurs even today, and at a high level.

“The violence suffered by every woman and every girl is an open wound on the body of Christ, on the body of all humanity”

Human trafficking is violence! The violence suffered by every woman and every girl is an open wound on the body of Christ, on the body of all humanity; it is a deep wound that affects every one of us too.

There are many women who have had the courage to rebel against violence. We men, too, are also required to do so, to say no to every form of violence, including that against women and girls. And together we can and must fight to ensure that human rights are interpreted in a specific way, respecting diversity and recognizing the dignity of every person, with special attention to those whose fundamental rights have been violated.

Saint Bakhita shows us the way of transformation. Her life tells us that change is possible when one lets oneself be transformed by God’s care for each one of us. It is the care of mercy – it is the care of love that changes us deeply and makes us able to welcome others as brothers and sisters. Recognizing the dignity of each person is the first act of care, it is the first act of care! Recognizing dignity.

And taking care of others is good for all, for those who give and those who receive, because it is not a unidirectional action, but rather it generates reciprocity. God took care of Josephine Bakhita; he accompanied her in the process of healing the wounds caused by slavery, until her heart, mind and inner self became capable of reconciliation, freedom and tenderness.

I encourage every woman and every girl who is committed to transformation and care, in school, in the family, and in society. And I encourage every man and every boy not to be left out of this process
of transformation, recalling the example of the Good Samaritan: a man who is not ashamed to tend to his brother and to take care of him. Taking care is God’s action in history, in our personal history and in our history as a community.

“Do not be afraid of the arrogance of violence”

God has taken care of, and takes care for us continually. Caring together, men and women, is the appeal of this World Day of Prayer and reflection against human trafficking: together we can encourage the growth of an economy of care, opposing with all our might every form of exploitation in human trafficking.

Dear sisters and dear brothers, I know that many of you are participating in this Day of prayer and reflection, from various countries and different religious traditions. I wish to express my gratitude and encouragement to all of you: let us go forward in the struggle against human trafficking and every form of slavery and exploitation. I invite you all to keep your indignation alive – keep your indignation alive! – and to find, every day, the strength to engage with determination on this front.

Do not be afraid of the arrogance of violence, no! Do not surrender to the corruption of money and power.

Thank you all, and keep going, do not be discouraged! May God bless you and your work. Thank you.”

#PrayAgainstTrafficking #ThePowerOfCare

Update from our Partners in Albania : Different & Equal


We are delighted to have received news from Different & Equal giving information on the work that is taking place in Albania.  

One of these projects is the The Mobile Unit : Identifying and Referring Victims of Trafficking

This project began in 2013 and focuses on working with vulnerable people and families and potential victims of trafficking.

The unit has two social workers and two others on the team who work in the identification of potential victims and referrals in line with the National Referral Mechanism and Standard Operating Procedures in Albania. 

The first element of the work is in the identification of potential victims,  and the mobile unit works according to a map of marginalised areas where there is often limited access to information about the risks of exploitation.

Another initiative that this organisation lead is called Grandma’s Home which provides day service for children who have been affected by domestic violence of trafficking.  This initiative was established in 2015 and is a great model of care provision in a setting that feels like a home.

There are now 5 such centres where children are cared for under this project.

We are very grateful for the information from Different & Equal and both of these initiatives have so much value in society where men, women and children are given a chance to be cared for and have their voices heard.

House of Prayer: pray for Mary Ward companions in Ukraine


Dear members of the Mary Ward family

A few days ago, we received an urgent prayer request from the Provincial of the Slovak Province, Sr. Agnesa, as the situation in Ukraine is very dangerous at present.

There is the great fear of another war.

As you will see from the e-mail from Sr Agnesa below, we have eight members, both Ukrainian and Slovak, in Ukraine at present.

Sr. Agnesa writes:

“I would like to inform you about the situation of our members in Ukraine, most of all about our two sisters Anastasia Mazur and Katarina Mazur who are in Kyiv.

This morning we had the Superiors meeting (online) and I spoke with Anastasia about the escalation of the tension between Russia and Ukraine.

Aware of the risk they are facing being in the Capital City of Kyiv in case of any Russian invasion and being concerned about them I suggested they leave Kyiv and come to Uzghorod where they would be much safer than in Kyiv.

Anastasia ́s answer was worthy of a Mary Ward companion
and I am very proud of both the sisters. They would like to stay
there with “their people”, it means the people they have been
serving until now, and are ready to help – cooperating with the Catholic Charity in Ukraine – in providing food and any support to the people in the case of the invasion (we firmly hope there will be no invasion). What would Mary Ward do? – Anastasia said – she would not run away and we want to stay with people in need, this is our way and our spirituality, she said.

I would like to ask you, if convenient, the whole Mary Ward family for prayers for our 8 Slovak and Ukraine CJ members in Ukraine: in Kyiv, Uzghorod and Seredne.”

Both leadership teams of the IBVM and the CJ support this request very strongly hoping that war can be avoided and that negotiations of the political leaders will find other ways to resolve the conflict.

Thank you very much indeed for your prayers for our sisters and for all the people of Ukraine and please invite any other members of the Mary Ward family known to you to add their prayers to ours

The leadership teams of CJ and IBVM in Rome

Sister Imelda Poole, President of RENATE, interviewed on the ongoing work to fight human trafficking


Source: Talitha Kum

15 FEBRUARY 2022


How did you get involved in the work against modern-day slavery? What were your first steps?

My congregation is IBVM (Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary), founded 400 years ago by Mary Ward. 17 years ago, a very courageous decision was made to open a new community outside the province’s boundaries. With the help of international organizations, we founded a new community in Albania. When we asked the Archbishop of Tirana what he thought we were called to do in Albania, he said “Sisters, will you please accept the mission to combat human trafficking for the church in Albania. We have hundreds of young Albanians being kidnapped and sold into the slavery of sex trade and sex work in the streets of Italy. Many are brutalized and traumatized”. That is how we started our work.

After we began working with Caritas here in Tirana, we set up a shelter for trafficked victims who came back from Italy. The National Conference of Religious in Albania invited me to Rome to be part of the international team of sisters and brothers working against human trafficking. At that conference, it was decided that an organization would be founded under UISG as the new international network of religious sisters working against human trafficking. At that point, Europe had no network. Five of us from Europe met in London, and eventually, many other sisters joined us for our first international European meeting. We established a network called Renate, Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation. The UISG international body accompanied our launch and led the way internationally on campaigns against human trafficking.

As the International Prayer Day of Saint Bakhita is approaching on the 8th of February, what are your plans to promote and spread the message across the world?

It is a very important day for us, being united with sisters working against human trafficking across the world. The theme of this year, “the Power of Care”, is wonderful and very deep. As the current economy does not support vulnerable women, especially those who have been trafficked, it is crucial to work with women against human trafficking, by empowering them and accompanying their work insertion. What brings people to life is kindness and love.  The nurturing of women and their economic inclusion is key to ensuring that they will never be at risk of human trafficking. We from Renate are making small videos for February 8th, mostly with young sisters and employees running shelters. At the core of our videos are survivors’ voices. Then, we send those videos to the international network body, Talitha Kum. They prepare for a 24 hours marathon of prayer. We are currently fulfilling our invitation to participate in the event through our videos.  Europe will have its voice represented with the survivors leading the way.

If you were to be remembered for one thing, what would it be?

The one thing I would want to be remembered for is contributing to building a world for care, based on kindness. I truly believe that we become whole through companionship, collaboration, and networks. Nobody achieves anything alone, especially when trying to fight against national and international groups committing hideous crimes such as human trafficking. The only way to go forward is to know that together, through love and kindness, our work will foster real positive change.

Where can we find out more about your work and get in touch with you online?

Renate has its own website that you can easily access: If you go through Google, you should type “Renate Network” and not just “Renate”, otherwise you will get a million other “Renates” from around the world. Another alternative is to type my name, Imelda Poole, on Google and you will find Renate’s website. We are also present on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.  Because I work in Albania, we have another foundation against human trafficking, where we do a lot of prevention work.   Our Albanian website is and the foundation is called Mary Ward Loreto. Do come and join us online, it would be wonderful.

Auxiliary Bishop Puff: “Human trafficking should not be profitable!”


Santa Marta Group Releases Appeal Against Business Trafficking

COLOGNE, February 10, 2022 / (Catholic News Agency -German).-

At the first European meeting of the Santa Marta Group, the auxiliary bishop from Cologne, Ansgar Puff, called for the crime of human trafficking to be deprived of its financial basis.

The meeting took place on February 8th and 9th in Cologne – at the invitation of the Archdiocese and the Migration Commission of the Bishops’ Conference.


Speakers from the police, victim support, science and politics, such as Wolfgang Spadinger (Task Force Human Trafficking in the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), emphasized the importance of cooperation in all areas of combating human trafficking. “An effective fight against modern slavery can only be achieved across borders and sectors,” summarized Auxiliary Bishop Puff. “We also have to include the perspective of the home countries of victims and start with the churches’ help at the beginning of the chain of exploitation and enslavement. New laws alone will not solve the problem.”


In a heated discussion about the role of employers and workers’ organizations, Prof. Ulrich Hemel, Chairman of the Federation of Catholic Entrepreneurs (BKU), and Jeroen Beirnaert from the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) agreed that a mixture of regulation, effective monitoring of existing laws and Individual responsibility of companies and consumers is required.


Prof. Joachim von Braun (President of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences) also pointed out that activities to combat human trafficking need to be strengthened in many areas. Thomas Wissing (ILO) underpinned this and drew attention to the importance of education and a grievance mechanism for victims, where they might also be able to claim compensation. Archbishop Hess summed it up: “The variety of perspectives at the conference made it clear to us how important this exchange is. At the same time, the church as a worldwide network can be an important source of inspiration for exchange.”


The session was chaired by Cardinal Vincent Nichols, President of the Santa Marta Group and Chair of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, as well as long-time Special Adviser to the Santa Marta Group, Kevin Hyland (OBE), Irish member of the Council of Europe’s Group of Experts against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA).

Hyland called for more attention to the impact of human trafficking in everyday life to increase awareness of victims and stressed the importance of European and national supply chain laws. He summarized the goal of the Santa Marta Group in the concise formula “leadership by example” – setting a good example and thus convincing many.


Action Plan presented

The aim of the online event with over 100 participants from 23 countries was to promote cooperation between the church, the police and other actors. For this purpose, an action plan was presented and discussed, which identifies core problems and steps to be taken to combat human trafficking.

The action plan contains recommendations for eight areas of victim protection and crime prevention. Among other things, the Santa Marta Group and the German Bishops’ Conference call for the crime of human trafficking to be made more visible to the public. “The topic of human trafficking and exploitation must reach the centre of society so that the crime is seen and understood as a problem,” said Auxiliary Bishop Ansgar Puff (Cologne), Chairman of the Human Trafficking Working Group of the German Bishops’ Conference.


Sufficient state funds are necessary, among other things, to create specialized departments in police and law enforcement agencies and to train specialists.

If illegal profits from exploitation and slavery could be confiscated, this not only made it possible to compensate the victims, but also increased the risk for the perpetrators. Because “Human trafficking must not be profitable!“, Auxiliary Bishop Puff said literally.

The Santa Marta Group and the German Bishops’ Conference announced that they would present the action plan to political representatives after the discussions had been evaluated and that they would like to introduce it to the next international conference of the Santa Marta Group.

In his welcome speech, Archbishop Stefan Hesse, chairman of the Bishops’ Conference’s Migration Commission of Hamburg, said “the Church still has many opportunities to intensify the fight against exploitation.”


Keyword Santa Marta Group

Pope Francis has made the fight against slavery and human trafficking a priority of his pontificate. In 2019, for example, the Vatican Dicastery for Integral Human Development published the “Pastoral Guidelines on Trafficking in Human Beings”, which provide valuable assistance for international work in this area.

The Santa Marta Group is a cooperation of high-ranking church representatives and organizations, police officers from over 30 countries and other governmental and non-governmental organizations who have met every two years in the Vatican since 2014 at the invitation of Pope Francis and on the initiative of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. The aim of the group is to develop “common and effective strategies” by state and civil society actors against human trafficking and exploitation.



Photo: Raimond Spekking / Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 4.0 )



2022 marks ten years since the launch of the Dhaka Principles, a framework for migration with dignity.  As we consider the big picture around modern slavery and labour exploitation in our world today, this model gives us an excellent framework for the developing work around due diligence and corporate responsibility that many human rights and anti-trafficking organisations are currently discussing.


The Dhaka Principles provide a roadmap that traces a migrant worker from recruitment, through employment, to the end of contract. They provide key principles that employers and migrant recruiters should respect at each stage in the process to ensure migration with dignity. 


The Dhaka Principles for Migration with Dignity (the “Dhaka Principles”) are a set of human rights based principles to enhance respect for the rights of migrant workers from the moment of recruitment, during overseas employment, and through to further employment or safe return to home countries. They are intended for use by all industry sectors and in any country where workers migrate either inwards or outwards.



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons