2022 Assembly


Nigeria’s response to the tragic loss of life of 26 Nigerian girls, trying to cross the Mediterranean sea, 5th November 2017.


‘’The Mediterranean has today become the world’s biggest cemetery leaving deep wounds on humanity’s conscience that will over a period of time produce historical scars to serve as a testimony to the ineptitude of our generation in dealing with this problem, ’’ said the Speaker of the Nigerian government House of Representatives, Mr. Yakubu Dogara, speaking at an international conference on Women Empowerment and the Fight Against Trafficking in Persons: Partnership Between Nigeria and Italy, organised by the President of Italian Chamber of Deputies,  Ms Laura Boldrini, in Rome, Italy on Tuesday, 21 November, 2017.
Mr. Dogara called on the international community to take drastic measures to combat the rising spate of human trafficking, especially from Africa to Europe. He invited everyone possible to collaborate together to combat what he identified as the root causes of human trafficking, hopelessness, extreme poverty and greed. Mr. Dogara pledged the commitment of the Nigerian authorities and urged the Italian authorities ‘’…to arrest and prosecute its citizens who are involved because it takes two to tango.’’
Mr. Dogara’s full address is available here: Speech by Mr Yakubu Dogara in response to deaths of 26 Nigerian women in the Mediterranean sea 5 Nov 2017.
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person.

MWL attend launch of Legal Aid Office and Centre for Coordination against Domestic Violence 25 Nov 2017 Tirana.






“For an effective justice in support of citizens”

On the occasion of the international day of violence against women, Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Health and Social Protection,

We have the honour to invite You:

On Saturday, 25 November 2017, at 10:50 hrs.

Hall of the Ministry of Justice

With the support of the Foundation “Open Society for Albania” OSFA

To mark the International Day of Violence against Women, 25 November, 2017, Mary Ward Loreto Albania and staff who are RENATE members, will be attending the formal launching of a new Legal Aid Centre in Tirana this weekend to support abused women. It is expected that this new centre will not only be a support to victims and survivors of domestic violence but it will also be  a catalyst for change, encouraging people to find their voice in the face of violence and abuse.
For news after the event, please see: 
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person.

Archbishop Auza calls on the international community to cooperate together, in order to combat human trafficking.


Address to the Security Council Open Debate on “Maintenance of International Peace and Security: Trafficking in Persons in Conflict Situations,” at the United Nations in New York, 21 November, 2017.
The Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations, called on the international community to work towards the eradication of slavery by confronting all of its economic, environmental, political and ethical root causes, emphasizing the importance of preventing and ending the wars and conflicts that create conditions for traffickers to exploit victims.
Full address available at:
Adapted by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications person.

16 Days of Activism Against gender-Based Violence Campaign.


An annual campaign by UN Women, the 16 Days of Activism Against gender-Based Violence Campaign aims not only to end violence against women and girls, but to also ensure nobody is left behind. The campaign further aims to raise awareness and ignite a global conversation about the need for inclusive and sustainable programmes, policies and resources in the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Beginning on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and running until 10 December, International Human Rights Day, the campaign originated from the first Women’s Global Leadership Institute, which was coordinated by the Centre for Women’s Global Leadership, in 1991.
This year’s theme ‘’Leave No One Behind: End Violence against Women and Girls,’’ celebrates the unifying nature of one of the essential principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, while emphasising the importance of worldwide efforts to ‘’reach the furthest behind first.’’  
It is intended to create advocacy opportunities to highlight one of the core visions of the 2030 Agenda, of a ‘’just, equitable, tolerant, open and socially inclusive world in which the needs of the most vulnerable are met.’’  
RENATE member, Denise Boyle, fmdm, shares with us a hugely valuable resource in the format of a series of pamphlets created by her colleagues in the ‘Future We Need’ group (FWN), especially in honour of the 16 Days of Activism. The first 7 pamphlets are available here:
DAY 2 16 days Leaflet-FGM Final (003)
Day 3 – Sexual harassment MOC
Day 4 BL Child Sexual exploitation FINAL
Day 5 Cyber Bullying 16 Days of Activism MOC Final
DAY 6 Girls Not Brides db
Day 7 – Social Violence Violence in the Work Place MOS FINAL
More information at:
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person.

An overdue mini-report re the 18 October!


 RENATE member Clare O’ Mahony RCGS, shares with us an update on how she marked the EU Day against Human Trafficking, 18 October 2017, by leading an ecumenical prayer hour in the city-centre Church of Ireland, together with Catholic, Church of Ireland and Presbyterian colleagues and friends.
They braved Storm Ophelia to gather in prayer before dashing back to the shelter of their homes after the wonderful prayer service together, united in their common mission.
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person.

Joint appeal from African and European Bishops, to help stop the ‘brain drain’ from Africa.


In a joint statement issued by the Commission of Bishops’ Conferences in the European Union (COMECE) and the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM), published in advance of the African Union and European Union Summit, to be held in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, from November 28 to 29, African and European Bishops call on African and European political leaders to work together in order to give young Africans a future through job creation and expectations about an adequate environment for sustainable development.
They share the fact that the fight against human trafficking is not separated from offering young African people the opportunity to develop their own life on their continent.
For more, please click here.
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person.

RENATE Annual Working Board meeting, 6-11 November, 2017. St. Joseph’s Retreat Centre, Malta.


The RENATE Working Board members and staff, gathered at the Mount St. Joseph Retreat House, in Mosta, Malta.  It was a week of facilitated review, reflection, sharing of best practice and bonding. It was a week of work where daily Mass and specially/ prepared Liturgies served to give perspective and anchor us in our work.
Full report available at: RENATE Annual Working Board meeting, 6-11 November, 2017. St. Joseph’s Retreat Centre, Malta.

Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

RENATE members present workshop on the Experiences and Challenges in Providing Care for Male Victims of Human Trafficking, when attending the OSCE Conference on Human Trafficking in Conflict and Crisis Situations.


At the OSCE offices in Vienna, on the 20 October, 2017, two panels and three interactive workshops provided a forum for international experts, practitioners from the field, academics, the media and civil society to exchange views, best practice and experiences in order to co-ordinate joint efforts and to develop recommendations to respond to the crime of human trafficking.
Anna Bartošová and Jana Verdura from Caritas Slovakia and RENATE members, actively participated at a workshop entitled Visibility of male victims and challenges in victim protection, organised by the Austrian Task Force on Combating Human Trafficking, OSCE Special Representative and Coordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

Ana and Jan contributed to the workshop with the presentation on Experiences and Challenges in Providing Care for Male Victims of Human Trafficking. They concluded their presentation with a screening of the short film Ivan.
Full details on the workshops available at:
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person.

Child Labour- A Closer Look at Trafficking and Exploitation of Children.


The ILO have produced a comprehensive overview of Child Labour , a worldwide phenomenon which impacts the most vulnerable in society.
From defining Child Labour through to examining the extent of Child Labour in regions such as Asia and the Pacific; Sub-Saharan Africa; Latin America and the Caribbean; Middle East and North Africa, the information is easily accessible and makes for sobering reading.
60% of child labour is based in the agriculture sector, a largely unregulated sector known to be particularly vulnerable to labour abuses.
Read about the Push and Pull factors contributing to children’s exploitation in the labour sector, the associated risks which impact on every child and how we can help eradicate the trafficking and exploitation, at:
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications person.



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons