Awareness-raising event in Spain, to mark the 18th October, EU Day against Human Trafficking.

In Spain, RENATE members Accion Social Confer and Fundacion Amaranta, have collaborated with CARITAS Spain, Fundacion Cruz Blanca and the Peace and Justice network, to arrange a Round-table discussion event on the occasion of the EU Day against Human Trafficking.
Commencing at 17.00 Spanish time, the event will be available online, at:
Attached are materials which have been prepared especially for the Day, distributed amongst a wide network of Parishes and circulated online via respective websites. Invitations have also issued to other Christian Churches and to the other Provinces in Spain.
18 October- European Day against Human Trafficking Invitation to contribute to the RENATE Campaign.
017 marks the 11th anniversary of the European day against human trafficking, also known as anti-slavery day. Recognised internationally as a day when both policy makers and the general public reflect upon the response to human trafficking, numerous events are held by the RENATE network and will be showcased on the RENATE website in the coming weeks. RENATE Working Board member Eilis Coe, rsc, shares a beautiful resource for a prayerful reflection before, during or after the 18th.
Prayer Card here:
Prayer Card 18 October 2017 EU Day against Human Trafficking.
Prayer Card version 2 EU Day against Human Trafficking.

RENATE President facilitates week-long series of presentations and homilies in the UK- to mark the 18 October, European Day against Human Trafficking.

From the 6- 14 October, RENATE President Imelda Poole, IBVM, has been conducting a series of information and awareness-raising events in schools and parishes in the UK. Imelda has covered ground in both Heywood and Altrincham in the Greater Manchester area; Durham in the northeast of England and Sheffield/Swanwick in Derbyshire.
Throughout her presentations, Imelda has been sustained by the interest and support for RENATE’s work, which was evident at each and every venue. Of particular note, was the response of young people in their Secondary/Post-Primary schools, all of whom are horrified at the concept of human trafficking and eager to find out what they can do to help bring an end to this human suffering.
Imelda is looking forward to reading about the fundraising and awareness-raising events which students are hoping to undertake in the coming year, on foot of her presentations.
18 October, European Anti-Trafficking Day, the European Parliament Library hosts the launch of The Routledge Handbook of Human Trafficking.

Ms. Catherine Bearder, Liberal Democrat politician and MEP for South East England, has issued an invitation to the launch of The Routledge Handbook of Human Trafficking, due to take place at 17.00 on the 18th of October at the European Parliament Library, ASP 05D, Brussels.
Edited by a team of international academics- Ryszard Piotrowicz, Conny Rijken and Baerbel Heide Uhl, the publication comprises 42 chapters with contributions from world leading experts in the field of human trafficking.
According to its Press release, ‘’The book reviews trafficking in human beings through the lens of law, anthropology, social and political science. It addresses statistical, data protection issues and showcases the most effective research methods, analyses the various actors and stakeholders and the different types of exploitation of trafficked persons. It critically highlights and analyse the most pressing current challenges posed by THB.’’ (Routledge, 2017).
If you wish to attend, you can only do so by means of registration. Please register through the link below:
18 October 2017 Book Launch Invite External Participants
RENATE network’s campaign in Malta, to honour the European anti-human trafficking day, 18 October 2017.

Sr. Margaret Gonzi, Good Shepherd sister and RENATE member, shares the roll-up banner which has been especially commissioned to create awareness about human trafficking and will be displayed in the local Parish church over the coming days and weeks.
Additionally, on the 2nd November, 2017, at Mount St. Joseph Retreat House, Mosta, Malta, RENATE Core Group and Working Board members, Adina Balan, CJ and Dagmar Plum, MMS, will give a talk on The Reality of Modern Slavery.
For full information Please click here.
RENATE network’s campaign in the Netherlands, to honour the European anti-human trafficking day, 18 October 2017.

On Sunday, 15 October, RENATE Core Group and Working Board member, Ivonne van de Kar will be co-presenting a talk entitled Slavery in Old Times (Trans-Atlantic Slavery and Arab Slavery) and Modern Slavery (Human Trafficking and exploitation), with White Father (and professor) Hugo Hinfelaar.
The presentation will draw upon Fr. Hinfelaar’s work of 50 years in Zambia, beginning with his early days in Africa when he actually met the last slaves sold in the Arab Slavery. Freeing the slaves was one of the reasons French Cardinal Lavigerie started the congregation of the White Sisters and White Fathers.
This year (2017), the Missionaries of Our Lady of Africa (MSOLA), celebrates its 150th anniversary and to mark the occasion, has organised the following series of events: a film, talks, lectures and an exhibition of their work in Africa, to take place in the Religious Heritage Centre in the Netherlands.
In honour of the 18th of October specifically, the congregation (MSOLA) has invited Ivonne to talk about Modern Slavery and the fight against Human Trafficking and both Ivonne and Fr. Hugo will look for the differences and the similarities between the different types of Slavery.
We may Old Slavery was abolished over 150 years ago, but was it really?
More at:
18 October 2017- Glo.Act (Global Action against Trafficking of Persons and Smuggling of Migrants).

To mark the 18th of October, Glo.Act (Global Action against Trafficking of Persons and the Smuggling of Migrants) shines a spotlight on the E.U. Anti-Trafficking co-ordinator, Ms. Myria Vassiliadou, posing a series of questions via interview.
Launched in January 2016, Glo.Act is an €11 million joint initiative between the European Union and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), aimed at addressing trafficking in persons and the smuggling of migrants. It is the largest project to date within the UNODC Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling section and is a project being delivered by UNODC together with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
A special edition of the Glo.Act Newsletter has been commissioned for the 18 October, where you can access Ms. Vassiliadou’s interview at:
RENATE member participates in Council of Europe debate, an event to mark the European day against human trafficking, 18 October, 2017.

RENATE Core group and Working Board member, Marie Hélène Halligon, RGS, will represent us at the forthcoming debate, an event hosted by the Council of Europe, the City of Strasbourg, the Prefect of the Eastern Region and the Strasbourg Academy, taking place at the Odyssey Cinema, Strasbourg.
The debate entitled Child Trafficking: the new faces of Slavery, even in France, will be moderated by Mr. Nicolas Le Coz, former President of GRETA.
We wish Marie Hélène every success and look forward to her news following the event.
18th October, 2017, European Anti-Human Trafficking Day, MWL Planed Activities in Albania.

To mark the EU Anti-Trafficking Day, October 18, 2017, Mary Ward Loreto Foundation in collaboration with other NGO`S, the Office of the National Coordinator for Fight Against Trafficking in Persons, Institutions, URAT Network and Ministry of Interior will organize awareness-raising activities against trafficking of human beings. The activities will take place in Tropoja, Puka, Shkodra, Lezha, Tirana, Lushnja and Këlcyra.
Planned activities:
- A joint calendar of activities coordinated with the Ministry of Interior;
- On 18th of October Ministry of Interior will organize a marching activity. All MWL Staff and URAT Network will be involved in this activity.
- Awareness raising with schools;
- Meetings with parents;
- Training with 9 school psychologists;
- TOT – a group of students training their co-workers on the fight against trafficking of human beings;
- Awareness-raising Activity with all partners and the above mentioned cities, on 18thof October;
The main purpose is to raise awareness on trafficking in human beings and increase the exchange of information, knowledge and best practices amongst the different actors working in this field. Each year, MWL organizes events to mark this day. MWL invites all actors working against human trafficking to join us in activities towards the elimination of trafficking in human beings.
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person.