2022 Assembly


Sister Viktorija’s Journey Against Human Trafficking: A January to Remember


In January 2025, Sister Viktorija of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross shared her remarkable journey in combating human trafficking (HT) with various communities across Croatia. Her dedication to raising awareness, fostering prevention, and advocating for victims continues to inspire many.

A Special Presentation to the Candidates and Novices

On 13 January 2025, Sister Viktorija was invited by the Sister Formator to deliver a presentation on human trafficking at the Provincial House of her Congregation in the Croatian Province. This session was attended by the youngest members of the congregation, including candidates and novices aged 20 to 25.

Reflecting on her journey since 2007, Sister Viktorija recounted her initial involvement in the fight against trafficking and highlighted her collaboration with superiors on national, provincial, and international levels. She also shared her experiences working with the Archbishop and conducting talks in over 50 parishes within the Archdiocese of eastern Croatia. Unlike her sometimes shorter presentations, this session was uniquely engaging, as the Formator allowed ample time for discussions in the warm and inquisitive atmosphere created by the young participants.

This presentation was particularly meaningful as it marked the culmination of Sister Viktorija’s efforts in organizing a two-and-a-half-hour HT awareness program for more than 300 Sisters of the Croatian Province. This January, her focus shifted to the youngest members of the congregation, who had joined the Convent in the past three to four years.

A Gathering with Franciscan Youth in Vinkovci

On 19 January 2025, Sister Viktorija connected with members of Franciscan Youth in Vinkovci. Her talk on human trafficking was attended by young people associated with the Franciscan convent. Following the discussion, the group united in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament to honor and remember the victims of trafficking.

Additionally, plans were made to extend these conversations to the broader community. During the first week of February, leading up to the Feast of Saint Bakhita, Sister Viktorija will deliver talks on HT to the faithful gathering in the Franciscan church in Vinkovci.

Preventive Workshops for Students in Gundinci

Sister Viktorija’s outreach continued on 6 February 2025, when she was invited by a religion teacher to visit a school in the village of Gundinci. She conducted two workshops aimed at preventive education on human trafficking, engaging 37 students in meaningful discussions. These sessions underscore the importance of early awareness and education in the fight against this global issue.

A Podcast with the Evangelisation Community

Currently, Sister Viktorija is collaborating with the Evangelisation Community of Vinkovci to produce a podcast on human trafficking. This initiative aims to further educate and inspire listeners to take action against trafficking. The podcast is expected to be completed before 8 February 2025.

Looking Ahead

Sister Viktorija’s tireless efforts to combat human trafficking through education, prayer, and advocacy remain a testament to her commitment and compassion. Her journey continues to touch lives and inspire hope, bringing light to a critical global issue. We are deeply grateful to her for her unwavering dedication to the fight against human trafficking.

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons