2022 Assembly


E Bulletin No. 7: International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Trafficking in Persons, 8th February, 2017- St. Bakhita Day. ‘’They are just Children! Not Slaves.’’


E.Bulletin No. 7  December, 2016.
International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Trafficking in Persons, 8th February, 2017- St. Bakhita Day. ’They are just Children! Not Slaves.’’
On the 17th of November, 2016, to mark Universal Children’s Day (20th November), the organisations below, echoed pope Francis’ appeal ‘’…to adopt every possible measure to guarantee the protection and safety of child migrants.’’

  • Talitha Kum- Union of Superior Generals (UISG/USG).
  • World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations (WUCWO).
  • Caritas Internationalis.
  • Department for protecting Integral Human Development, Holy See.
  • International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC).
  • Jesuit Refugee Service.
  • Pax Christi International.
  • Scalabrinian Missionaries.
  • Scalabrini International Migration Network.

The forthcoming International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Trafficking in Persons (8th February, 2017), will place a special emphasis on Trafficking in Children and Adolescents.
By way of preparation, Talitha Kum has shared the following information, which can be accessed by simultaneously pressing CTRL + CLICK  here
Joy to you this Advent season,

E.Bulletin No. 6, December, 2016



E.Bulletin No. 6,  December, 2016.

Dear Colleagues,
1.Many of you will recall Helena Maleno Garzón, who presented at the 2nd RENATE assembly earlier this month in Rome.
Please find below a link to YouTube, where you can access Helena’s TED talk on human trafficking and borders, entitled ‘The Cry that Breaks down the Walls.’
‘’In 1989 the night of 10th November the, Europeans holding tools and hammers, knock down the 165 kilometres Wall of Shame. Europeans wanted to be free, away from a wall that confined them.
Today, 27 years later, Europeans have built 1,200 kilometres of walls, retaining walls to keep us locked inside. Boza is a cry born in the depth of human condition. Boza is a cry that asks for a world without walls, a world full of human beings.”
El grito que abate los muros | Helena Maleno | TEDxLeon
2.The RENATE Assembly Statement has been sent to His Holiness Pope Francis and is attached to this E-Bulletin, for your information. The Statement is also available on the RENATE website,
3.Sr. Iva Kúšiková, ssps, has created a beautiful, short video-compilation of events at the 2nd RENATE Assembly. The video will be posted to the RENATE website in the coming days. No-one is named in the video, but if you do not wish your face to feature or be recognised in the video, please email me as a matter of urgency and we can arrange for the video to be limited to the Members’ area only, of the RENATE website.
With every good wish to you as we approach the season of Advent,
Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

E Bulletin No. 5: Join ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious against Trafficking in Humans) and the international community for 16 days of activism against gender-based violence.



E.Bulletin 5,  October 2016.

Join ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious against Trafficking in Humans) and the international community for 16 days of activism against gender-based violence.

The campaign calls us to work together to stop the trafficking of girls and women, which is an extreme form of violence. Many face forced labour in hazardous conditions with no chance of an education and no chance to escape from a cycle of poverty.
There are many simple ways to be part of this campaign.  The complete list of resources and campaign actions are available at and includes:
§  A 16 days campaign poster click here
§ A reflection sheet to print off with an activity to mark each of the 16 days of the campaign. You can light a candle each day and remember one woman click here
§ A range of school resources including information, actions, reflections and prayers click here
§ Prayers and an anti-trafficking reflection service for your community, school or parish click here
§ A parish notice to alert people to the campaign. This can also be used in work and school news bulletins click here
§  A range of reading material about the 16 days campaign and other related campaigns and what NGOs and other organisations doing click here
§ What you can do to improve supply chains of products produced around the world. click here
ACRATH are keen to hear what you are doing to mark the campaign and what resources you find useful. Please contact Rosie, an ACRATH worker, at  with any news or if you would like more information.
Adapted by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons