E.Bulletin No. 6, December, 2016.
Dear Colleagues,
1.Many of you will recall Helena Maleno Garzón, who presented at the 2nd RENATE assembly earlier this month in Rome.
Please find below a link to YouTube, where you can access Helena’s TED talk on human trafficking and borders, entitled ‘The Cry that Breaks down the Walls.’
‘’In 1989 the night of 10th November the, Europeans holding tools and hammers, knock down the 165 kilometres Wall of Shame. Europeans wanted to be free, away from a wall that confined them.
Today, 27 years later, Europeans have built 1,200 kilometres of walls, retaining walls to keep us locked inside. Boza is a cry born in the depth of human condition. Boza is a cry that asks for a world without walls, a world full of human beings.”
El grito que abate los muros | Helena Maleno | TEDxLeon
2.The RENATE Assembly Statement has been sent to His Holiness Pope Francis and is attached to this E-Bulletin, for your information. The Statement is also available on the RENATE website, renate-europe.net
3.Sr. Iva Kúšiková, ssps, has created a beautiful, short video-compilation of events at the 2nd RENATE Assembly. The video will be posted to the RENATE website in the coming days. No-one is named in the video, but if you do not wish your face to feature or be recognised in the video, please email me as a matter of urgency and we can arrange for the video to be limited to the Members’ area only, of the RENATE website.
With every good wish to you as we approach the season of Advent,
Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.