2022 Assembly


30 July – World Day against Trafficking in Persons.


In 2013, the UN General Assembly held a high-level meeting to appraise the UN Global Plan of Action to Combat Human Trafficking (2010). Member States also adopted resolution A/RES/68/192 and designated July 30 as the World Day against Trafficking in Persons. This resolution declared that such a day was necessary to “raise awareness of the situation of victims of human trafficking and for the promotion and protection of their rights.”

Every country in the world is affected by human trafficking, whether as a country of origin, transit, or destination for victims. Globally countries are detecting and reporting more victims, and are convicting more traffickers. This can be the result of increased capacity to identify victims and/or an increased number of trafficked victims.

In 2010, the General Assembly adopted the Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons, urging Governments worldwide to take coordinated and consistent measures to defeat this scourge. The Plan calls for integrating the fight against human trafficking into the UN’s broader programmes in order to boost development and strengthen security worldwide. One of the crucial provisions in the Plan is the establishment of a UN Voluntary Trust Fund for victims of trafficking, especially women and children. The Trust Fund facilitates effective, on-the-ground assistance and protection to victims of trafficking, through grants to specialized NGOs. It aims to prioritize victims coming from a context of armed conflict and those identified among large refugee and migration flows.

Despite many countries having national trafficking laws in place which are in line with the UN Trafficking in Persons Protocol, people continue to be trafficked. What is more, in many countries, victims may still be criminalized while the impunity of traffickers prevails.
Therefore, on the 2019 World Day UNODC is focusing on highlighting the importance of Government action in the interest of victims of trafficking. But the call to action is not only to Governments, the UN encourages everyone to take action to prevent this heinous crime.

UN Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons available at:
UNODC’s 2018 Global Report on Trafficking in Persons available at:
UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime:

New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants:

Information on the UN Voluntary Trust Fund:

RENATE Summer Newsletter 2019


Welcome from RENATE President, Imelda Poole (IBVM)

In the same year that Talitha Kum was founded in 2009, RENATE was being encouraged, by the Talitha Kum International group of religious working against Human Trafficking, to found a network across Europe to be the link in cross border work with the already established networks of religious working against Human Trafficking across the world. RENATE rejoices with Talitha Kum in celebrating their 10th anniversary. Congratulations to this wonderful and supportive global umbrella network. We celebrate their great achievements over the years and join with religious all over the world in Rome in September 2019 at this event. This will be a time to rejoice, to remember those who now survive from such ordeals but we will also be encouraging each other to continue this work until Human Trafficking is eliminated from the planet.

RENATE will celebrate their 10th anniversary in October, 2020, at a RENATE Film Festival event also in Rome. We hope to launch at this time the RENATE research on Trafficking and the Law across Europe. Many will be engaged in the implementation of these two great actions against Human Trafficking. It is hoped that it will be a significant time for advocacy, justice and awareness raising and for revealing the truth behind the hidden statistics and the amazing conflict of law across Europe.

Differences in HT law in Europe, as with HT law across the USA, disenables the victims in Europe from receiving full justice and prevents the perpetrators from receiving their due penalty. The training recently given on ‘Trafficking and the Law across Europe’, revealed this reality and RENATE was fortunate to have one of the best human rights lawyers in the USA speaking of the conflicts across the USA in HT law. We were awakened to this reality and the fact that cross border work, in such a climate, is complicated. This trade in human beings is a deep seated crime; injustice is deepened by weak law and becomes a failure on the part of humankind to release the victim from their trauma and into freedom.

Please click here to read  the RENATE Summer Newsletter 2019.



The release of Carole Racket – a victory for humanity!


The situation on the Mediterranean Sea is getting worse, despite the warnings of human rights defenders and despite the recommendations of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights who criticizes the approach focused on measures preventing migrants and refugees to arrive in Europe at the expense of the human rights-based humanitarian approach.

The absence of a systemic and durable solution, the lack of solidarity towards the States concerned by the arrival of migrants across the Mediterranean (Greece, Spain, Italy), the restrictive measures employed towards civil society acting within the limits of humanitarian law and international maritime law, many citizens organize rescue at sea, fulfill their ethical duty, civil disobedience, and risk their lives and freedom.

The courage shown by Carola Racket, captain of the last Sea Watch boat that docked at Lampedusa, has once again awakened public opinion and parliamentarians across Europe. We cannot remain indifferent to this new disaster that continues to transform the Mediterranean Sea into a cemetery.

In April 2019, solidarity and indignation were shown at the event organized at the Palais de l’Europe by the Intelligence Unit – Migration of the Conference of INGOs, sponsored by the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons. Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The many participants “called on the governments concerned and the EU to take steps to ensure that the complex problems of migration no longer lead to the criminalization of those who assist people in distress”.

Faced with these new cases of “crime of solidarity”, the watch cell of the Conference of INGOs calls for respect for the rule of law and requests the cancellation of the charges against Pia KLEP, captain of the Sea Watch 3, accused by the Italian justice of complicity in illegal immigration between 2016 and 2017.

Both national authorities and intergovernmental institutions should remember that “civilizational” progress is only possible through the participation of civil society and the commitment of the population to human rights, democracy and the state. by right. This is the time to demonstrate it by agreeing on a common and effective response for a management of the reception of migrants who takes as a compass the dignity of the human person.

Marie Hélène, RENATE representative to Council of Europe Conference of INGOs. Strasbourg the 5th of July 2019.

Training on Communications and PR- RENATE country group members in Albania- a reflection by Jess Templeman, Director of Programmes at the ARISE Foundation.


The struggle to effectively communicate your work is something that NGOs of all sizes suffer from. It is crucial for both raising funds and awareness, as well as instilling donor confidence in an organisation’s work. Yet, there is not much training available on it, especially for smaller, frontline NGOs. ARISE’s mission is to build up frontline networks to effectively do their job; so I was delighted when the Albanian country group invited me to provide some training on this exact topic.

My training was unfortunately brief, and could only provide guidance for the process of creating better communications and PR, rather than providing an in-depth solution. It is my hope, however, that it will have provided each attendee with a better sense of how they might – for not much cost – produce better PR and communications materials. Each of the organisations do fantastic work and hopefully the training will give them some better tools to be able to inform donors and others of what they do.

Each of these smaller organisations, by themselves, could not have afforded such a training. This is where RENATE as a network can offer such value by convening the training for all the country members, thus lowering the cost for each. It is one area where being in a network can add immense value to frontline organisations. I would encourage RENATE and other country groups within international networks to invest in more of these solid trainings for its frontline members. Hopefully, they will result in impactful change far outside what each organisation can afford alone.

Ana Stakaj, co-ordinator of the RENATE members in Albania, was delighted with the attendance of 25 members, which included a member from Kosovo,  (CARITAS Kosovo) who travelled especially for the meeting.  The evaluations indicated the training was excellent and most professional. People left very satisfied and glad of the opportunity now to take time to absorb all that had been presented and discussed.

For more on the ARISE Foundation:

Human Trafficking, the Basics of what Nurses need to know.


From Singapore whilst attending the ICN Congress of nurses, Kevin Hyland, OBE,  shares with us the most up-to-date resource for those working in the nursing profession, in order to guide them in their role in detecting and protecting victims of Human Trafficking.

The guide was launched at the ICN Conference in Singapore on 30 June last and with a membership of 20 million nurses worldwide, Kevin is optimistic about the possibilities for widespread, positive impact from grassroots level upwards.

Endorsed by the  International Council of Nurses, a Federation of more than 130 national nursing associations, the pamphlet is a joint publication of the International Council of Nurses supported by the HR Directorate HSE (Irish Health Services Executive) and the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI, Ireland.

The resource is in the form of a fold-out pamphlet which firstly outlines the types of Human Trafficking, listing sex trafficking, labour trafficking, organ harvesting and removal. It also lists associated criminal activities such as cannabis cultivation, street crime, street begging, benefit fraud and forced marriages to name but a few.

It highlights some general indicators to look out for in the case of suspected human trafficking and what actions to undertake if a nurse thinks they have identified a person who has been trafficked.


Webinar in US 20 July on the displacement of people/forced migration and its contribution to Human Trafficking (from Margaret Gonzi).


RENATE member Margaret Gonzi, OLCGS, sends us news of an hour-long webinar to consider the issues which contribute to the displacement of people and are at the root cause of forced migration and rendering people more vulnerable to human trafficking and exploitation.

The webinar takes place on Saturday 20 July at 14.30 EST (18:30 GMT Europe).

Sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Justice for Immigrants, the webinar is a platform to share learnings and insights as we explore the reality causing so many to undertake the dangerous journey north – in particular, the conditions in the northern triangle country of Honduras- and then endure the horrendous conditions at the detention centres at the US border.

In March 2019, a delegation of faith leaders, including Ann Scholz, SSND, Leadership Conference of Women Religious; Maria Orlandini, OSF, Franciscan Action Network; Jean Stokan, Sisters of Mercy of the Americas; and Lawrence Couch, Director, Sisters of the Good Shepherd National Advocacy Centre, travelled to Honduras to learn more about the root causes driving migration of people from the region.

To join the July 10 webinar at 2:30 EDT, simply:

  • Sign in at ly/CADelegationTrip to see the video component of the call.
  • Call 917-338-1451 and enter the PIN: 619 595 to hear the audio.

Adapted by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.


New task force at Europol to target the most dangerous criminal groups involved in human trafficking and migrant smuggling.


Hopes are high for a positive and critical impact to prevent human trafficking, following the launch of a Joint Liaison Task Force Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings (JLT-MS) launched at Europol on 2nd July 2019.

The new task force, coordinated by Europol’s European Migrant Smuggling Centre (EMSC), will focus on intelligence-led coordinated action against criminal networks involved in migrant smuggling and trafficking of human beings. Liaison officers from all EU Member States and potentially operational cooperation partners will work even closer together to identify networks, prioritise, prepare and execute cross-border operations.. This new operational platform will allow liaison officers from all EU Member States to step up the fight against constantly adapting criminal networks.

Additionally, the new operational platform offers an opportunity to target the proceeds of crime ,in particular money laundering and asset recovery.

Optimistic in responding to the news of the launch of this new task force, Imelda Poole, President RENATE Europe said ‘’This is excellent news. At last, cross border work is being taken really seriously to combat the crime of Human Trafficking and to confront the criminal gangs with even more intelligence than they can muster. It gives hope to us who work at grassroots.’’

Full Press release at:

NGO Committee to Stop Trafficking in Persons- CSTIP.


The Mary Ward Loreto Generalate share with us a flier containing useful Advocacy Points.
CSTIP is an NGO based in the UN, comprising membership of faith-based organisations worldwide, committed to the prevention and eradication of Human Trafficking and Exploitation, through advocacy and education.
It works collaboratively with its member organisations and other stakeholders, taking action on local and national levels. CSTIP members are a powerful voice against Human Trafficking, initiating actions to address problems; facilitating access to UN processes and agencies and collaboration with anti-human trafficking campaigns; advocating for stronger mechanisms to monitor international commitments on prevention, protection and prosecution; supporting efforts that provide services to victims of human trafficking.
Members of the NGO Committee to Stop Trafficking in Persons participate in working groups.
These groups educate themselves and others on human trafficking and advocate for human trafficking to be addressed in processes and documents, such as resolutions, protocols, and treaties. NGO CSTIP members are engaged in the following working groups; Sexual Exploitation Working Group; Corporate and Social Responsibility Working Group and the Forced Labour Working Group.
More information on the CSTIP at:

Advocacy Points, July 2019
High-Level, Political Forum

Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

“Healthy family – healthy children! Multidisciplinary support for children of former victims of trafficking and victims of domestic violence.’’


Co-responsibility and collaboration at its best as our colleagues at the “Vatra” Psycho-Social Centre share about their ongoing information and training programmes, as they work to strengthen the capacities of those in the Vlora Municipality, Albania, who are responsible for child protection. Specific to the training held on 21 June last, were the following: identification, referral, management and protection of cases of abused, violated, exploited and trafficked children.

In attendance were cross-sectorial Technical Group members as well as psychologists and social workers from different schools attended the training on the topic “Identification, referral and protection of children, victims/potential victims of trafficking in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures for Protection of Victims/Potential victims of trafficking; the responsibilities of each actor according to this decision.”

The purpose of these trainings, was to strengthen the capacities of all actors responsible for child protection, in terms of identification, referral, management and protection of cases of abused, violated, exploited and trafficked children.

Acknowledgement: This activity was developed in the framework of sub-granting scheme of the project “Strengthening Civil Society to Prevent and Protect Children from Abuse and Violence in Albania” funded by the European Union, and implemented by Terre des hommes in Albania in partnership with the Albanian National Training and Technical Assistance Resource Centre ANTTARC.

 Adapted by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

UN Women’s flagship report, “Progress of the world’s women 2019–2020: Families in a changing world.”


This report assesses the reality of families today in the context of sweeping economic, demographic, political, and social transformation. The report features global, regional, and national data. It also analyses key issues such as family laws, employment, unpaid care work, violence against women, and families and migration.

This landmark report proposes a comprehensive family-friendly policy agenda to advance gender equality in diverse families. A package of policies to deliver this agenda is affordable for most countries, according to a costing analysis included in the report. When families are places of equality and justice, economies and societies thrive and unlock the full potential of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The report shows that achieving the SDGs depends on promoting gender equality within families.

Full report at:



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons