2022 Assembly


An IBVM Congregational member at the UN shares the report below on a side event at CSW63, 13 March 2019, entitled “Access to rights of Women and Girls who are Victims of Human Trafficking:Assistance, Protection, Support.


Dr. Myria Vassiliadou, EU Anti Human Trafficking Coordinator presents a comprehensive overview of the actions undertaken by European States as required by various legislative instruments set out by the EU and the UN.

The report is particularly interesting in that it includes reference to jurisdictions outside Europe, such as the Phillippines and the collaborative processes with the IOM (International Organisation for Migration).  Please click here to rad the report.

RENATE Member addresses CSW63 at the UN, New York, 12 March 2019 – Social Protection Systems and Access to Public Services in the Fight against Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery.


Drawing upon more than eight years of experience working as a psychologist with Albania’s most vulnerable communities, Sabjola Bregu ably communicated the necessity for government and society to place health professionals centre-stage in the areas of prevention and support when addressing the harsh realities of Human Trafficking and Exploitation.

Sabjola worked with cases with complex traumas, domestic violence, victims of trafficking, women at risk of being trafficked and exploited, children in street situations and with families from marginalized communities in Albania. She has extensive experience on advocacy and support services at the community centre “Little Angels” SHKEJ, Albania.  All the while, her work is focused on supporting Albanians girls and women whose lives are affected by, or at risk of being affected by prostitution in the UK.

Through a series of PowerPoint slides, Sabjola spoke about the centrality of healthcare professionals to the identification, treatment and rehabilitation of survivors of Human Trafficking and Exploitation. Sabjola made a powerful testimony to the value that social protect affords through a functioning and community-based healthcare system in combatting slavery.

Luke de Pulford, Director of the ARISE Foundation ( ) which sponsored Sabjola’s presence at this year’s CSW, stated ‘’ARISE exists to support frontline work and amplify their voices. It was a privilege therefore to be able to bring Sabjola and another colleague, Sr Sherly,  to the U.N. who both spoke with great clarity about the imperative of healthcare and education to prevent exploitation. The U.N. needs to hear from more voices like these – people who have their sleeves rolled up and are providing help where it is most needed. Our huge gratitude goes to Women at the Well ( for releasing Sabjola from her crucial work with Albanian women in the U.K. to attend.”

To view the video clips of the speeches:

Please find Sabjola’s address and PowerPoint slides.

Sabiola now works in the UK under the umbrella organisations of St Mary’s Twickenham College, Women at the Well and The Medaille Trust.

Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

RENATE members honoured in publication ”Women can,” launched in Albania 8 March 2019 International Women’s Day.


Congratulations to RENATE members from Albania Mrs. Ana Stakaj and Sr. Elda Nikolli Sisters of Charity of St. Jeanne Antida Thouret,  whose working lives in Albania along with that of 50 other Albanian women, with shared values and shared principles, is acknowledged and celebrated in a book published on International Women’s Day, 8 March 2019, in Albania.

Authored by Edlira Gjoni, graduate of the McCain Institute, Washington DC, and Executive Director of the Centre for Public Impact, Albania, the book honours 51 Albanian women who give service which impacts positively on the lives of others in Albania, particularly in the areas of social justice, community and human rights.

Both Ana and Sr. Elda work in the areas of Human Trafficking prevention, advocacy and awareness-raising.  They both are committed to the empowerment of women and girls and work tirelessly at grassroots level to ensure women and girls remain in education, attain life-skills which enable income and reduction of vulnerability to human trafficking and exploitation. They also work in support of women and girls in vulnerable situations, offering healthcare supports.

Ana is particularly involved in initiatives with Mary Ward Loreto in which the 6 transforming advice and service centres work in direct action with abused and trafficked people.

View interview in Albanian, with Ms. Gjoni at:

Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

WOMEN CAN – Reflections on launch of publication in Albania, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, by Ana Stakaj, RENATE member.


Two RENATE members were presented with certificates of leadership excellence from the Center for Public Impact, powered by the McCain Institute and Arizona University, for their demonstrated Character Driven Leadership.

The certificates were awarded on the International Day of Women, when Ms Edlira Gjoni launched her movement “Women Can-Vajzat për Shqipërinë” and book of the same title, promoting values and character driven leadership of women in Albania.

The author, Edlira Gjoni was a fellow at the McCain Institute on International Leadership from 2017-2018 for the Next Generation Leaders program. Her experience in the USA prompted her to initiate the movement Women Can.“Today in Albania, there is energy for a new shared leadership structure with women emerging in more visible roles and to be proud and empowered female leaders,” Gjoni said.

Gjoni captures interesting aspects of the Albanian women and their roles as character driven leaders. She has selected 51 women and leadership traits to portray 51% of the Albanian population who are female. Her book “Women can” introduces us to the Albanian female leaders who serve as role models and inspire us to continue making a difference.

The women portrayed in the book are not public figures, and in her opening remarks presenting the book, Gjoni explained that this was a purposeful decision “to give space, recognition, and gratitude to all these women who serve and make us proud and often are not recognized for their efforts.”

In the book, which brings a new perspective to portraying women in Albania, Sister Elda Nikolli represents the value of being Pro-Active and Youth-Savvy; Ana Stakaj represents the trait of Leading by Example.


RENATE members In Italy, take opportunity to share information about their work and bring influence to bear at the Council of Europe Conference of INGOs.



In response to an invitation issued in early February, to engage with Council of Europe Conference of INGOs’ delegates on a Country Visit to Italy, we are delighted to share that five RENATE members of NGOs in Italy, have indicated their willingness to participate.

If selected from amongst all other NGOs in Italy, our colleagues will have a valuable opportunity to bring the issue of human trafficking and exploitation, to the heart of the Council of Europe Conference of INGOs and to share about the work undertaken at grassroots level by RENATE.

The Country Visits are a good occasion to meet NGOs and to share common European concerns on the future of human rights, democracy and rule of law from the NGOs’ perspective, as well as other matters that concern NGOs in the specific countries.

During each visit, the Conference of INGOs focus on the different national and local mechanisms that allow NGOs to take part in the decision-making process in different areas of the public policies.

 The report of each visit is published, sent to the government for comments and discussed during the plenary meeting of the Conference of INGOs in presence of Ambassadors and invited national NGO members. The list of Civil Society representatives participating in the meetings is not transmitted to the public authorities.

During each visit, the delegation meets the representatives of different ministries at governmental level. The Permanent Representation of the respective Member State to the Council of Europe also supports the organization of the agenda.

The participation of civil society in decision-making is one of the priorities of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe and the Committee of Ministers has recently adopted guidelines on civil society’s effective and meaningful participation in the political decision-making process.

RENATE extends gratitude to our colleagues in Italy who have so generously volunteered to participate and eagerly await the outcome of the selection process in the hopes that our RENATE member’s NGOs are selected

Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

Lessons learned from The Lighthouse, a transitional living programme for young women who are survivors of sex trafficking. PODCAST.


At The Lighthouse, a victim-centred approach is giving the power back to the trafficked victims and empowering them to say what their needs are, what their concerns are, and for them to lead survivor-driven services.

Activate the link below to hear Polly Williams, Programme Supervisor at the Lighthouse, introduce a thoughtful report and review of 11 learned lessons from this program, all of which are applicable and can be adapted to the European context.

The podcast refers to the following 11 areas: Labels; Curriculum; Trust; Mobile Phones; Staff; Life-skill development; Resident guidelines; Case management; Interviews; Applicants U18 and Reducing Length of Time Back in ‘The Life.”

Podcast available at:

There is a helpful resource via EBook, ‘’Ending Human Trafficking; 5 Things You Must Know,’’ available at:

Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

Joint statement from The Ministry for Foreign Affairs in France and from The Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Sweden.


On International Women’s Day , 8 March 2019, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced their joint decision to develop a common strategy to combat Human Trafficking for sexual exploitation in Europe and globally.

Both countries are already committed to fostering comprehensive inter-agency strategies and action plans in their own countries to tackle the challenge of human trafficking as well as to develop international cooperation in this area.

The two Governments encourage all States to join the ‘’Blue Heart’’ international awareness-raising campaign and confirm their intention to support the “Blue Heart” initiative to fight human trafficking and its impact on society.

The main focus of their common strategy will be to reduce the demand for girls and women in prostitution, in Europe and globally. Trafficking for sexual exploitation will continue as long as there is a demand for girls and women in prostitution. Therefore, focusing on reducing demand will be an important measure for combating trafficking for sexual exploitation, for combating violence against women and children and for enhanced gender equality.

Full statement here.

Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery- Publication by Mike Emberson, former CEO of the Medaille Trust.


In an exciting new venture The Medaille Trust has partnered with Redemptorist Publishing to produce a book entitled Human Trafficking & Modern Slavery: Introducing the issue and Recognising the Signs, written by Mike Emberson. (ISBN:9780852314852).

The book describes the horror of modern day slavery and human trafficking in the UK. Each year, thousands of victims are brought into the country to be exploited in brothels, on farms and in private homes. This worldwide trade is estimated to enslave millions of people and earn, the perpetrators of the crime, billions of pounds. This book details the part the UK plays in this vile trade. Illustrated by real-life case studies and informed by the authors’ many years of work in this field, the shocking details of this human rights abuse are laid bare.

It is hoped that the reader will gain many benefits from a study of the book, but especially the following:

  • Develop a greater understanding of the problem and issues surrounding Human Trafficking.
  • Know what is being done to counter Human Trafficking.
  • Know what they can do to assist in the work to combat Human Trafficking..

About the authors:

Mike Emberson has been involved in anti-trafficking work since 2003 and is the previous CEO of the Medaille Trust.

*The book is dedicated to all those victims of human trafficking and modern slavery who remain to be rescued, to Sister Ann Teresa of the Order of St Joseph of Annecy (our founder) and to the staff of the Medaille Trust.

Adapted by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

International Women’s Day – Women of Courage Award – Congratulations!



US first lady Melania Trump and US secretary of state Mike Pompeo present the 2019 International Women of Courage award to Sr Orla Treacy during a ceremony at the State Department in Washington, DC.

‘An Irish nun who works in South Sudan was presented with an award for her work by US secretary of state Mike Pompeo and US first lady Melania Trump on Thursday.

Sr Orla Treacy (46) from Bray, Co Wicklow, was one of 10 women given the International Women of Courage Award at the US Department of State in Washington, DC.

Sr Orla was nominated for the prize by the US embassy to the Holy See. The award, in its 13th year, recognises women around the globe who have demonstrated exceptional courage and leadership “often at great personal risk and sacrifice”.

In 2006, she travelled to Sudan with four other Loreto nuns to set up a new mission in the country. Today, she serves as the head administrator of the Loreto Rumbek Mission in Maker Kuei, overseeing a boarding secondary school for girls, a co-educational primary school, and a women and child-centric primary healthcare facility.

In an interview with The Irish Times last year, she described the challenges she and her students face in a country riven by civil war.

“We have been threatened at gunpoint, we have been insulted, all number of problems because she is a woman and should be sacrificed for the sake of the greater good. Technically it’s a boarding school but I call it a women’s refuge because you’re constantly trying to protect these girls from forced marriage. I work with people who live very much on the margins: life and death, hunger and despair. Every day they live on the edge. And yet in that you can still glimpse love and hope every day.”


International Women’s Day 2019: ‘’Better the Balance, Better the World.’’


International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women – whilst also marking a call to action for accelerating gender balance.

At the heart of Human Trafficking is a disregard for the dignity of the human person, both the perpetrator and the victim.

Collectively and collaboratively, we all can play a part in ensuring the respect for the dignity of the human person, in particular, the dignity of women.

In an age when trafficking of women and girls continues to be a lucrative trade, it is time to activate the collective efforts of all who care about human rights and specifically, the prevention of human trafficking and exploitation.

Let’s be dynamic at RENATE Europe and post your #IWD2019 message on social media with your “hands out” balance pose for a strong call-to-action for others to also help forge a #BalanceforBetter.

Check out the IWD 2019 Image Collection and IWD 2019 Photo Competition.

Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.




Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons