2022 Assembly


RENATE members In Italy, take opportunity to share information about their work and bring influence to bear at the Council of Europe Conference of INGOs.



In response to an invitation issued in early February, to engage with Council of Europe Conference of INGOs’ delegates on a Country Visit to Italy, we are delighted to share that five RENATE members of NGOs in Italy, have indicated their willingness to participate.

If selected from amongst all other NGOs in Italy, our colleagues will have a valuable opportunity to bring the issue of human trafficking and exploitation, to the heart of the Council of Europe Conference of INGOs and to share about the work undertaken at grassroots level by RENATE.

The Country Visits are a good occasion to meet NGOs and to share common European concerns on the future of human rights, democracy and rule of law from the NGOs’ perspective, as well as other matters that concern NGOs in the specific countries.

During each visit, the Conference of INGOs focus on the different national and local mechanisms that allow NGOs to take part in the decision-making process in different areas of the public policies.

 The report of each visit is published, sent to the government for comments and discussed during the plenary meeting of the Conference of INGOs in presence of Ambassadors and invited national NGO members. The list of Civil Society representatives participating in the meetings is not transmitted to the public authorities.

During each visit, the delegation meets the representatives of different ministries at governmental level. The Permanent Representation of the respective Member State to the Council of Europe also supports the organization of the agenda.

The participation of civil society in decision-making is one of the priorities of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe and the Committee of Ministers has recently adopted guidelines on civil society’s effective and meaningful participation in the political decision-making process.

RENATE extends gratitude to our colleagues in Italy who have so generously volunteered to participate and eagerly await the outcome of the selection process in the hopes that our RENATE member’s NGOs are selected

Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons