2022 Assembly


Religious and Consuls united in common purpose to combat Human Trafficking.


Religious and Consular representatives displayed unity of purpose as they joined together at a Conference on 8 December to proclaim their commitment to collaboration in the work against Modern Slavery.

UISG representatives Gabriella Bottani, Coordinator Talitha Kum and Sally Hodgdon, vice-President UISG, spoke about the work of Religious working in the areas of Human Trafficking awareness-raising, protection, prevention and support as part of their wider, ongoing missions, for more than two decades.

H.E. Ambassador Sally Axworthy , UK Ambassador to the Holy See together with H.E Ambassador Derek Hannon, Irish Ambassador to the Holy See and H.E. Ambassador Godwin George UMO, Nigerian Ambassador to the Holy See each insisted that identifying traffickers, prevention and provision of assistance to survivors are essential prerequisites if we are to combat Modern Slavery.

Commentary available at:

Adapted from Rome Reports, by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

International Migrants Day: 18 December 2018


Migration has always been with us. From time immemorial, people have moved in search of new opportunities and better lives. Climate change, demographics, instability, growing inequalities and aspirations for a better life – as well as unmet needs in labour markets – mean it is here to stay. The answer is effective international cooperation in managing migration to ensure that its benefits are most widely distributed, and that the human rights of all concerned are properly protected.’ António Guterres, UN Secretary General.

A useful video has been made by the Thomson Reuters Foundation, highlighting the issue of modern slavery and migration as smugglers  look to capitalise on the ever-increasing numbers displaced in modern times. This is a valuable resource which can be deployed in any setting, for awareness-raising, advocacy and campaigning.

Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

RENATE attendance at the Council of Europe World Forum for Democracy.


RENATE member Marie Helene Halligon, olcgs, represented RENATE at the recent gathering of the Council of Europe World Forum for Democracy, held in Strasbourg, 19-21 November, 2018.

This year’s theme ‘’Gender Equality: Whose Battle?’’ which was mediated through storytelling, Labs and Keynote speakers, created quite a stir during an action-packed three days.

The Forum focused in particular on women’s public, political and economic participation and on combating violence against women in the wake of #MeToo.

Human Trafficking and exploitation was given full airtime. In Lab 9, the focus was on ways to stop human trafficking as well as helping and empowering survivors to ensure their reintegration and rehabilitation. Topics covered were ‘’Women’s rights without borders: cross-border areas in Europe facing prostitution;’’ ‘’Red Tra Sex, Argentina’’ (promotion of human rights of sex-workers) and ‘’Bagel Bejgl,’’ (an economic empowerment programme).

Under the Storytelling sector, Gabriella Gillespie, Child bride, survivor, mother of five, author and activist from the UK shared about how at the age of 13, she was trafficked from the UK to Yemen together with her sisters where they were sold as child brides. Hers is a story of victim; survivor and mentor and was an inspiration to all at the Forum.

Full details of the Forum at:

Facebook link:

Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

Co-responsibility in combatting Human Trafficking and Exploitation- activities through Advent and beyond……



The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights declares every person’s entitlement to Human Rights. Claiming these rights begs co-responsibility of all people.  Our responsibilities to combat human trafficking can be achieved through a myriad of ways, many of which call for simple changes in lifestyles and attitudes. For example, our demand for cheap goods, cheap clothing, cheap foods such as seafoods etc. in turn has fed into the human trafficking and exploitation arena in sourcing cheap labour- each of us can make a difference by minimising our consumerism and ‘possession obsession!’

In the face of increased displacement of people due to global warming and climate change, most of whom are vulnerable to traffickers who promise them a means of escape and the possibility of a better quality of life, we can redress the harm done to our planet.

We can also take more positive action with those living in poverty, by not turning a blind eye and sharing our own abundances, be they food, material wealth, practical belongings and capacities to volunteer, advocate and campaign.

The Future We Need is a Faith-based group who together with have prepared a series of leaflets to guide us through the season of Advent.

Please find below resources for the forthcoming fortnight, more will feature next week.

Advent Week One Rights of Nature final

Advent Week Two Consumerism final

Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

16 Days Activism against Gender Based Violence.


Human Trafficking is a form of violence. Let’s end human trafficking.

The 16 Days of Action against Gender-Based Violence take place annually from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day). During the 16 Days of Action, we are invited to campaign to end violence against women and girls.

The Future We Need Group (FWNG), of which some RENATE colleagues are members of, have prepared a series of resources to assist us in participating in the campaign.

Join the conversation and spread the message- Let’s end human trafficking.

Please find the 16 sets of resources in the following links:

DAY 1 – 16 Days Leaflet Elimination of Violence Against Women, Oct 2018

DAY 2 – 16 Days Leaflet FGM, Oct 2018

Day 3 – 16 Days Leaflet Sexual Harassment, Oct 2018

Day 4 – 16 Days Leaflet Child Sexual Exploitation, Oct 2018

Day 5 – 16 Days Leaflet Cyber Bullying, Oct 2018

DAY 6 – 16 Days Leaflet Girls Not Brides, Oct 2018

Day 7 – 16 Days Leaflet Harassment and Violence in the Work Place, Oct 2018

Day 8 – 16 Days Leaflet – Education, Oct. 2018

Day 9 – 16 Days Leafet Human Trafficking Oct 2018

DAY 10 – 16 Days Leaflet – Rape as a Weapon of War Oct 2018

Day 11 – 16 Days leaflet – Widows & Property Oct 2018

DAY 12 – 16 Days Leaflet – Climate Change & Women’s Vulnerability Oct 2018

Day 13 – 16 Days Leaflet – FEMICIDE

Day 14 – 16 Days Leaflet – Objectification of Women Oct 2018

Day 15 – 16 Days Leaflet – Does Patriarchy in the Church Play a Role in Abuse

Day 16 – 16 Days Leaflet – UN HR Day

Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.


Celebratory dinner in honour of Imelda Poole, IBVM, RENATE President, awarded MBE 21 November 2018.


At a celebratory dinner held in London last night (22 November, 2018), donors and friends of RENATE gathered to mark the occasion of the President being awarded an MBE.

It was an inspiring and supportive event to celebrate this special honour which Imelda has accepted on behalf of RENATE and sisters working to combat human trafficking around the world.

In their honour, guests at the dinner made financial contributions to support the work of RENATE.

Imelda shared the story of her life thus far and the story of RENATE as a firmly established network of Religious, collaborating in a myriad of ways in working against human trafficking and exploitation. A striking statement which struck a chord with everyone was that ‘’…ours is a Mission of Presence, with humility as a core source of our Mission. We work with people fallen off the edge. There is where we are called to set up new communities, outside the boundaries.’’

Two RENATE Working Board members present, Adina Balan, cj, and Ms. Ana Stakaj, shared about cross-border rescue work and activities at grass-roots level respectively. Adina spoke of her struggles against all odds in Romania,  to provide for and ensure assistance to young women and girls who are survivors of human trafficking and violence. In this regard, she instanced the capacity of RENATE as a network responding across borders whereby RENATE members in the UK provide shelter and agency in response to her call. Adina’s parting words resonated with everyone as she said ‘’Some people are alive today because RENATE exists, being there at the right time.’’

Ana Stakaj shared about the various actions underway in Albania, amongst which is the setting up of a Citizen’s Advice Centre where MWL provide Emergency Support and assistance in negotiating with social services in order that survivors of human trafficking, can live independent and dignified lives. In doing so, she spoke of ‘’…trying to break the chains of poverty and domestic violence.’’ People were very interested to hear Ana speak about the myth of migration that abounds amongst youth in Albania. Many aspire to leave the country in order to find a better quality of life, describing the UK, the USA and Canada as the ‘promised lands’ in their eyes.

The function concluded with congratulations extended to Imelda and to all at RENATE, with pledges of continued support and prayers into the future.

Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person.

NUNS & SEXUAL TRAFFICKING. Following an interview earlier in November 2018 with Sr. Imelda Poole, IBVM, MBE, President of RENATE, Ian Linden.


Following an interview earlier in November 2018 with Sr. Imelda Poole, IBVM, MBE, President of RENATE, Ian Linden. (Visiting Professor St. Mary’s University, Strawberry Hill, London) has produced video footage of the interview which is available at

The Oxford based Las Casas Institute are producing shortly another version using different clips on their website: this is the personal website of Professor Ian Linden. Here you can find his books, blogs and publications, as well as serving as a means of contact.




Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons