2022 Assembly


We all are partners in the fight against Human Trafficking.


On 5th March, Mary ward Loreto Men  (MWL Men) and Mary Ward Loreto Youth (MWL Youth), gathered at Lushnj, attending a forum on a Project on Safe Emigration and Human Trafficking, led by the MWL Men.

A panel led the gathered group of men and youth in a discussion about trafficking, emigration, coaching for employment, and tourism in Albania. The forum included perspectives and voices from women, youth, and men.

After the forum there was a meeting with the youth focus group to sign their contracts with MWL President, Sr. Imelda Poole. Each of the young people signed their contract, showing their commitment to the coaching program. Imelda Poole signed the contract on behalf of MWL, as a sign of MWL’s commitment to these youth and their futures.

We are all partners in the fight against human trafficking, and days like this show how that fight can only be accomplished through community and commitment.

Adapted from MWL FaceBook postings.

Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

Talitha Kum interview via Webinar with Gabriella Bottani, to celebrate 10th anniversary.


On 6 March last, via Webinar, Sr. Gabriella Bottani, international coordinator Talitha Kum, presented a comprehensive overview of the work and progress of Talitha Kum since inception in 2009.

Sr. Gabriella bore witness to the work of Religious sisters working to combat Human Trafficking and Exploitation across six of the seven continents- Africa, Asia, Australia/Oceania, Europe, North America and South America.

It was an opportunity not only to learn about the work thus far but also to explore what each of us can do in the areas of Prevention, Protection, Prosecution and Partnerships.
For those of us who missed the webinar, you can hear the full recording at :

Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.


63rd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, 11-23 March 2019.


‘’Social Protection systems, access to public services and sustainable infrastructure for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.’’

A sad fact of life that Human Trafficking remains in the spotlight at the annual CSW gathering at the UN, New York. Of interest from amongst the many side events taking place at this year’s CSW, is one focused on Human Trafficking entitled ‘’Addressing Vulnerability: Collaborative approaches to Trafficking Prevention through a Human Rights Lens,’’ co-sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy with the Mission of Belarus on Human Trafficking.

Taking place on 18 March and moderated by Jean Quinn, OLCGS, Executive Director of UNANIMA International, speakers include H.E. Valentin Rybakov, Permanent Representative of Belarus to the UN; Simone Monasebien, Director UNODC New York Office; Mely Lenario, Survivor advocate, social worker and Marietta Latonio, Advocate, researcher, professor of social work, USPF CEBU M&E officer at Good Shepherd Welcome House, CEBU.

Words of welcome, from H.E. Ms. Geraldine Byrne Nason (Ireland), Chairperson:

Keep up to date with CSW events at:

Recognition of the valuable role made by Religious sisters in the work to combat Human Trafficking and Exploitation.


At a conference entitled ‘’Woman as Promoter of Hope,’’ organized by the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations (WUCWO) on the occasion of the International Women’s Day 2019, British Ambassador to the Holy see, H.E. Sally Axworthy once again affirmed the work of Religious sisters.

‘’In partnering with Religious sisters, we can make change, have impact and address the global challenges we are working with, ’’ stated Ambassador Axworthy.

Ambassador Axworthy spoke of how women in policy and especially foreign policy, work with Religious sisters towards achieving foreign policy objectives. She referred to two specific areas (1) the prevention of sexual violence and (2) in combatting modern slavery.

Full report:

Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

Meet the street nun helping people make a living from New York’s cans.


There are somewhere between 4,000 and 8,000 people in the city who support themselves by picking up cans and bottles.

On a Saturday afternoon in early November, about 30 people are watching a documentary inside a shack in the heart of Bushwick, a post-industrial neighborhood in Brooklyn. They are all canners – people who make a living redeeming empty cans and bottles, five cents a piece. Although they all got up before the sun and have worked in the cold for hours, no one looks like they’re about to fall asleep. All eyes on the screen. The short film, streamed from YouTube and projected on a white sheet, is about a workers cooperative in Argentina.

The screening was organized by Ana Martinez de Luco, a Catholic nun who says she prefers to work “under the sun, not the Vatican”, and calls herself a street nun. Click here to read more.


Statement from Anna Rurka, President of the Conference of INGOS Council of Europe Celebrates the World NGO Day. Strasbourg, 27 February 2019.


Today, the Conference of INGOs celebrated World NGO Day for the first time at the Council of Europe with a debate on “Why do we need NGOs? – (I)NGO contribution to the work and to the mandate of the Council of Europe”.

The event gathered a variety of stakeholders, including representatives of Civil Society, Permanent representations of Council of Europe Members States, prominent Human Rights activists, students and members of the Secretariat of the Council of Europe. We were particularly delighted to welcome Marcis Liors Skadmanis, founder of the international calendar day for Non-governmental organizations, ‘World NGO Day’.

INGOs enjoying participatory status with the Council of Europe are partners of the Council of Europe bodies and institutions with regard to standard setting, monitoring and implementation of activities. However, most of them agree that there is room for improvement to make this contribution less sectorial and more visible.

In certain national contexts, some NGOs and their leaders bear a heavy toll, often endangering their lives and their freedom, in order to defend human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The Council must defend them and defend the space in which they operate. This is a culmination for the  implementation of the standards promoted by the Council of Europe.

The Conference of INGOs, as a collective body, serves as a protective space for NGOs, guardian of the democratic role that NGOs play in the Member states and the Council of Europe. This democratic role and participation of NGOs in the Council of Europe should not be taken for granted. NGOs must be appreciated and valued as an incubator of the democratic innovation, adaptable to internal and external conditions and challenges.

An invitation to build a common vision, with some recommendations to enhance civic space at the Council of Europe and in Member States, will be addressed to the Committee of Minister shortly.







The Future of Work, Labour after Laudato Si.


In light of the complexities of human trafficking and how criminals continue to develop new and manipulative ways to prey on the vulnerable, as international movements, Conferences of Religious, Social Centres, Third level educational institutions and businesses have the capacity to contribute jointly to the promotion and implementation of Laudato Si in areas related to work and labour.

‘’Challenges facing the world of work today are numerous at the global level. Let us just name a few : 1.5 billion workers are involved in precarious forms of work, with wages insufficient to raise a family, short terms contracts if not no contracts at all, not to mention the victims of trafficking, a big part of them being women, and children involved into child labour. 800 million workers are still living in poverty, under the threshold of 2 dollars a day. The globalisation that we have witnessed over the last forty years has paralleled a trend leading to greater inequalities, both between countries and within countries. Finally, it seems that we are entering what some would a call a fourth industrial revolution: the impact of robotisation, new technologies is probably the continuation and also an amplification of the previous phases of industrialisation and automation. The development, yet still uneven, of artificial intelligence in different sectors of the economy, from public to private services, in domains ranging from health to the automobile industry, may have drastic consequences on the way we shall understand human autonomy, initiative, and responsibilities in a world where interconnectivity and relations could become more intensive and invasive. Is this the future we want? Are these changes inevitable or is there a discernment to be conducted.’’ Fr. Pierre Martinot-Lagarde SJ.

Full article at :

Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

Talitha Kum Webinar with Gabriella Bottani, 6 March as part of the ongoing celebratory events to mark the 10th Anniversary of Talitha Kum.


2019 sees Talitha Kum celebrate its 10th anniversary, a very significant year for Talitha Kum and for all Religious working to combat and end Human Trafficking and Exploitation. As part of that celebration, Sr. Gabriella Bottani, International Coordinator of Talitha Kum since 2014, kindly invites us to connect online, on March 6th, at 2pm in Italian language (Rome time) or at 3pm in English language (Rome time).This is a lovely opportunity to listen to Gabriella’s testimony of how Talitha Kum will continue to respond to the challenge of trafficking in persons, and what each of us can do. You can pose questions live to Sister Gabriella or text them via WhatsApp at +39 3499358744.

Below are the links to access the online meeting:

We hope that you may be able to connect on Wednesday next. Looking forward to an interesting and engaging webinar.

Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons