‘RENATE endeavours to abolish all forms of human trafficking and exploitation that violates the human dignity and rights of persons.
Throughout its European Network, RENATE adopts a Victim-Centred, Human Rights, Trauma-informed approach in relation to the Law.’
Mindful of the RENATE Policy statement above, the RENATE network has planned a number of events to mark the 9th European Union Day against Human Trafficking. Some examples are as follows:
- RENATE members at CARITAS Slovakia share with us their social media campaign below:
“They threatened if I stopped with prostitution my kids and I would end up on the street. They would inform the Social office that my children have bruises from being beaten, that I perform prostitution and would lose my kids in the end. I didn´t even know what day it was. They told me what was going to happen if I decide to escape or tell anyone.
People say time is a great healer but it’s not true. Even now after some time has passed am I able to forget. However, I try to think about the future. I managed to cut loose from the environment that I have very bad memories of and try to live a normal life. I have kids and I take care of them the best I can. My biggest desire is for my children to be healthy and happy. When they are happy, I am too. We are not alone anymore. I met a person that we matter to. He helps me with everything, together we fight… “
Photo by Tony Frič
“When I look back at my past I feel upset. I wish something like that would never happen to me ever again.
I would like to change my life, start a family. Devote my time to people in need. I started to attend a secondary school as I believe it is important to acquire some kind of a skill.. I have a reason to live – a son who lives in an orphanage. I care a lot about him and visit him regularly. I wish to have my own home and be happy again…” Photo by Tony Frič
2. RENATE members in Hungary share news of their one-day conference on a Holistic Approach for Victims of Human Trafficking, which will be held at the House of Dialogue.

In collaboration with the SOLWODI Hungary Association (Solidarity for Women in Need), the ORFK and the House of Dialogue, the day is aimed at the Religious in our communities who are actively engaged in ministering to Victims of Human Trafficking and are working to combat Human Trafficking.
The day will involve input from experts familiar with the topic, plus a series of workshops to provide further insight and knowledge which can be used at a practical level, as follows:
- Therapeutic methods for helping abused children.
- Child abuse and crisis management.
- Experiences in serving Hungarian women who have been victims of Human Trafficking in Austria.
- Opportunities for Prevention- especially for young people.
- Rehabilitation and integration in a sheltered house.
An impressive line-up of speakers will officiate during the day, including Szabolcs Sajgó, SJ, (host); H.E. Michael August Blume, Papal Nuncio & Ambassador of the Holy See in Hungary; a representative from the Ministry of the Interior; Gabriella Legradi, SCSC, President of SOLWODI Hungary Association; Ágnes Németh, Police Colonel ORFK; Drd. Leah Ackermann, SMNDA, Founder SOLWODI Hungary Association; and Déli Biró, clinical psychologist.
Full information at: https://parbeszedhaza.hu

3. RENATE members in Ireland send us news of the event organised by both MECPATHS (Mercy Efforts for Child Protection Against Trafficking with the Hospitality Sector), and the governmental Department of Justice and Equality, held in the Courthouse, Washington Street, Cork city, on 17 October.
The event titled ‘’Frederick Douglass: a Living Legacy,’’ sought to honour the efforts of the American abolitionist Frederick Douglass to counter slavery and examine our responses to Human Trafficking in Ireland today.
President Michael D. Higgins sent a letter of support, which was read at the event and Minister David Stanton, FG, Minister of State for Equality, Immigration and Integration spoke to us via satellite feed from overseas. Inputs from Kevin Hyland, OBE; Senator Gerry Buttimer, FG; Assistant Garda Commissioner John O’ Driscoll; Mary Crilly, Sexual Violence Centre Cork and founding member of Cork Against Human Trafficking; JP O’ Sullivan, MECPATHS Ireland and others, ensured those who attended were not only well informed but motivated to become involved in anti-human trafficking work within their own communities and further afield.
4. Our colleagues at SOLWODI Romania have been busy organising awareness-raising events, giving presentations to youth and children in foster care, boarding schools and high schools, from 16-19 October 2019, on the topic ‘’Human Trafficking and Security considerations when using the Internet.’’

On the eve of the 18th October, they held a Prayer-service at St. Elizabeth parish, Timisoara, where people gathered to reflect, share, understand and pray together.
5. October is designated a national anti-trafficking month in Albania and RENATE members have been busy organising a variety of events to raise awareness about Human Trafficking and Exploitation, as well as encourage engagement of both Government and Civil Society in collaboration to work to combat Human Trafficking and Exploitation.

This year, the URAT network are hosting the UN GiftBox initiative in Elbasan.
6. RENATE members at Different and Equal in Albania, held information seminars on 16 October, for students at the Alexander Moisiu High School. This was a most successful event, in collaboration with the pedagogical staff and the school psychologist and Different and Equal look forward to building upon such collaborations into the future.

For more, please see: www.albaniahope.com , www.differentandequal.org and https://m.facebook.com
More features in the coming weeks from the RENATE network as they marked the 18th October.
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.