2022 Assembly


RENATE-France – Country report of inaugural meeting. Marie Hélène Halligon, olcgs.


The RENATE-France group exists since the end of the very first RENATE General Assembly! We were two of us from France: Sr Solange Rault and me, and we didn’t want to stop working together against Trafficking when back in France.

So, we began to find other sisters who were working against Trafficking in Paris and around the country, with a view to creating a network together. But knowing what Religious life is like – moving from place to place, country to country for the purpose of serving vulnerable people – the composition has changed a lot in 10 years!

A few of us from 2011 to 2019

With Sr Imelda’s permission, we called our group: “RENATE-France”, and are looking forward to becoming an official Association.

At the moment, we number 12 women Religious from different countries and congregations, establishing little by little a national network, linking with Associations, G & NGOs, and working together and with them to eradicate Trafficking in Human Beings by all means we can, sharing information, prayers, articles… see our page:

We meet every two months, sharing and trying to find ways to raising awareness (public, youth, Religious women…) or lobbying the government. May the Shepherd Lord help us all so that Trafficking and Exploitation may be eradicated in 2030…






Trafficking In Person’s (TIP)  Hero 2019- Gabriella Bottani, cms, co-ordinator Talitha Kum.


We continue to rejoice in the selection of our colleague Gabriella Bottani as one of this year’s TIP heroes. The selection not only helps bring a spotlight on the issue of human trafficking, it also acknowledges the collaborative work of women Religious worldwide, working to prevent human trafficking; educate and raise awareness about the risks and impact of human trafficking; campaign against the crime of human trafficking and create vocational training opportunities to enable the vulnerable.

TIP Heroes are recognized for their tireless efforts—despite resistance, opposition, and even threats to their lives—to protect victims, punish offenders, and raise awareness of ongoing criminal practices in their countries and abroad.

On behalf of the US Embassy to the Holy See, Ambassador Callista Gingrich has issued a statement about the work of Gabriella and Talitha Kum, which is available at:

Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications

For our Welfare and not for our Harm (Jeremiah 29) – Report by Dr. Anna Rowlands.


Giving voice to the voiceless in a report launched online 27 June 2019, leading Catholic Theologian, Dr. Anna Rowlands, writing about the experiences – including faith experience- of people living in asylum destitution and the experiences of the refugee support community at the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) UK.

The report analyses barriers to justice and dignity faced in the UK by destitute and detained asylum seekers. The report draws upon interviews with JRS staff and volunteers and especially asylum seekers at the Jesuit Refugee Services UK who have struggled to gain asylum as refugees, many of whom have experienced detention.

The report finds that asylum seekers in destitution and detention feel dehumanised by the asylum system but find strength through community membership, faith and volunteering.

For our Welfare and not for our harm: a faith-based report on the experience of the refugee and refugee support community at JRS UK 2017-2019 is available at:

Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

Summer time provides an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate MWL anti-human trafficking mission- past, present and future!


While the work to prevent and combat human trafficking is very demanding and has many guises, it is important to take opportunities to acknowledge and celebrate all that has been gained as a result.

RENATE members at Albania Hope share news of such opportunities in Tropoje, where they attended four meetings related to the mission past, present and future.

The following areas were covered:

  1. The development of an advisory team in the region;
  2. The women’s group developments in many villages;
  3. The future summer camp in Bajram Curri;
  4. Listening to the issues and successes of the women’s group in Raja;
  5. A visit with a local family.
  6. A visit to the MWL craft kiosk up in the valley of Valbona, which is now very successful and fast becoming a source of identity, pride and income for the women who share their artistic gifts and talents in providing the variety of crafts for sale there. Through the kiosk, it is hoped that girls will have sustained employment in their own locality, rendering them less vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation

It is hoped that this news item might give new ideas to other RENATE members and to open up the possibilities for sharing best practice, as well as the importance of acknowledgement and celebration!

Prepared by Anne Kelleher



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons