The annual RENATE campaign in honour of St. Bakhita is under way and we invite members to share their plans for events due to take place to mark the occasion. News of events will be shared amongst the network, via the RENATE website. Please forward to
Events to mark the feast of St. Bakhita, 2018. The International day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking:
St. Bakhita in the spotlight at TV2000, Rome.
RENATE member, Sr. Tina Ventimiglia, shares with us her participation in an interview panel hosted by TV2000, Rome, discussing Human Trafficking and contemporary society.
Full programme at:
Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.
Event in Albania, 8 February, 2018- In honour of the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking, feast of St. Bakhita.
This year the theme for Bakhita Day: ‘’Say YES to Freedom and No to slavery: Migration without Trafficking’’, attracted many people to come and be present at the cathedral of St Paul in the heart of Tirana, Albania. This theme concerns all of us in every corner of the world. Here in Albania we have refugee camps and the country struggles to bring real justice to the many people coming through our borders. Thousands of Albanians are now refugees all over Europe and some caught up in the nightmare of human trafficking. This day helped us to focus on the details and the suffering, asking for pardon as we own our participation in such a global crime. The evening event was led by the Albanian network against human trafficking called URAT.
Both the Archbishop of Tirana, George Frendo OP and the Government Minster against Human Trafficking, Rovena Voda, spoke movingly and with passion during this service, highlighting the many issues related to Human Trafficking and reflecting the stories which lead to such trauma. All members of the network participated in the evening event and bought with them many members of their organisations who are part of this ongoing effort to eliminate the world of human trafficking. The evening worship consisted of a shortened form of that compiled by Talitha Kum in Rome. It included the wearing of wrist bands distributed during the evening declaring our involvement ‘’Yes to Freedom and No to slavery’’, a film made locally on Safe Migration by MWL and two Power Points. One of these PP’s expressed the horror of the plight of refugees all over the world and the other, which was addressed by students from the Company of Mary School called ‘’Ylber’’, illustrated the many pieces of art work produced by the students as an anti-trafficking awareness raising campaign in the school. All the prayers and readings illustrated the plight of the trafficked and the need for all people to take action against such a crime and we were called to be in union with Pope Francis who is leading us in this action.
The service in Albania involved a call to action in support of the refugees in the local camp in Tirana. All those present were invited to contribute to the care and the demanding upkeep of the many people from countries, mainly in the Middle East, who are resident in this centre. URAT, the Albanian network against trafficking, which meets monthly at Mary Ward Loreto, will implement this action within the next month. This will be in collaboration with the director of the refugee camp.The pictures of the evening, focusing on this issue, reflect very much the mood of the evening.
[nggallery id=25]
RENATE member Sr. Joanna Lipowska, fmm, sends us news from the Bakhita Network in Poland, in honour of St. Bakhita’s Feast Day, 8th February 2018.

This year, as part of the preparations for the 4th International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, the St. Bakhita Network in Poland prepared a special Novena to St. Bakhita, which began on 30th January and will last until 7th February.
The Novena to St. Bakhita for the victims of human trafficking and for the cessation of all forms of slavery was addressed, along with an appeal, to a wide audience. Many religious Congregations and communities in Poland join in this prayer. Thanks to the Conference of Major Superiors, the letter written by us – the Bakhita Network – was delivered to all Congregations in Poland.
The novena was also published on many Catholic websites. Some parishes, various community groups, school youth (we informed catechists) and individual people also join in this prayer.
On the 8th February, in the memory of St. Bakhita and to be mindful about Modern Slavery, holy masses and services will be celebrated in many places. In several cities there will be a screening of the film Nefarious: Merchant of Souls, followed by a meeting about counteracting human trafficking. For these occasions, small leaflets with brief information on human trafficking prevention have been printed for distribution.
The members of the Bakhita Network, their collaborators and friends are responsible for organising most of those events.
All materials are available at: ;
8 Feb 18 Poland Novena Nowenna do św. Bakhity_PDF
Adapted by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.
RENATE member, Sr. Tina Ventimiglia shares the poster prepared by her community, inviting everyone to join them in prayer at 20.00 at Cappella San Giuseppe lavoratore, Padua on the 8th February.

In partnership with the Clewer Initiative, the Medaille Trust are holding an evening of reflection, thought-provoking presentations, music and prayer, to commemorate St. Bakhita’s feast-day, 8 February. The event will take place in the beautiful Liverpool Cathedral, St. James Mount, L1 7AZ, Liverpool, commencing at 16:00.

There will be exhibition stands and literature from the Medaille Trust and the Clewer Initiative plus a craft stall of items for sale from the Mama Margaret anti-trafficking project, Kenya.
RSVP: or call Richard on 0785 275 0082.
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

The URAT (United Response Against Trafficking) Network in Albania has prepared a Prayer and Liturgy Service which will be held at St. Paul’s cathedral, Tirana on the 8th of February. Confirmed attendance include the Deputy Minister of Interns/ National Co-ordinator against Trafficking in Persons, who will present a speech. Archbishop George Frendo will present the homely.
Please find attached the materials related to the event:
Prayer Card;
The Liturgy Service;
The poster;
The invitation.
This year, the network has chosen to concentrate on the theme Migration without Trafficking, and will be supporting the National Asylum and Migration Centre in Babrru, Tirana by means of food, materials and goods for the refugees currently living there. This action will take place post St. Bakhita Day.
Watch this space for news and photographs!

RENATE member Gabriella Légrádi, SCSC, sends us a copy of the Flier announcing the Prayer Service organised by SOLWODI Hungary, which will be held in Budapest, 8 February 2018.
Beginning with a thirty minute time of silent prayer and reflection, the Jesuit community will lead the congregation in the celebration of Mass.
After Mass, there will be a talk about Human Trafficking, with input from a policewoman, a priest and also from a woman at a local shelter.
It is hoped that there will be a large turnout of people, to learn more about Human Trafficking and to pray together for the victims and the end of trafficking.
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.
In honour of St. Bakhita, a series of talks at parishes is under way in Croatia.
RENATE member Viktorija Šimić, SCSC, shares her human trafficking awareness-raising actions to mark the feast of St. Bakhita, 8th February, 2018.
Commencing on the 25th January, Viktorija continues her visits to parishes and has arranged to visit six parishes from late January and throughout the month of February. Every Thursday, she will visit a different parish to give a talk about Human Trafficking and to pray with the parish priests and the assembly, for the victims and to bring an end to Human Trafficking. It is a source of great hope that the parish priests are receptive to the topic.
An additional step has been the translation of the RENATE Information and Awareness-raising Flier, which has been translated into Croatian and which Viktorija has circulated to all the Religious communities (male and female) in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
‘’Let’s hope that this small step forward will help the Religious and the
Church in general in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, to know more about human trafficking in order to pray more earnestly and to act accordingly.
May St Bakhita pray for us, and may God bless us.’’- Sr. Viktorija.
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

Events to mark the feast of St. Bakhita, 2018. The International day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking. (Published on Friday, 19th of January):
APT Ireland (Act to Prevent Trafficking) have planned an Inter-Church service, to take place at St. Paul’s Church, Arran Quay in Dublin, on the evening of the 8 February. The theme will be ‘’Set my People Free,’’ with imagery of paper chains playing a central part of the evening.
The interactive service comprises reflections on Readings; Prayers and personal sharing. A brief drama will feature as part of the service and a guest speaker from RUHAMA will address those present.
The programme for the evening has been jointly prepared by APT and RENATE members with members of other organisations who share the same ministry in awareness-raising, advocacy, working against human trafficking and supporting survivors as they rebuild their lives.
See poster attached. APT Flier 2018
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.
The RENATE Film Called to Give Voice to the Voiceless will be screened in St. Michael’s church in the city centre, as part of the plans to mark the 8th of February, feast-day of St. Bakhita and the International day of awareness and Prayer against Human Trafficking. RENATE member, Sr. Magdalena Eichinger, SSpS, sends us news of SOLWODI Austria’s plans in Vienna, in honour of the occasion.
Sr. Anna from SOLWODI, has prepared a prayer service which will take place at St. Michael’s church. Before the service, Sr. Anna, Sr. Magdalena and their colleagues will distribute information flyers in the streets and invite people to join the service and/or access more information which will be available in the foyer of the church.
The service will conclude with a screening of the RENATE film Called to give Voice to the Voiceless.
After the service, there will be a meeting of those attending, largely members from the different organisations involved in this ministry, with an opportunity to network and share experiences, whilst enjoying some refreshments.
8 February 2018 Poster SOLWODI Austria.
Adapted by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.
Event to mark the feast of St. Bakhita, 2018, in Bratislava, Slovakia.
RENATE member Andrea Bezákovà, sends us news of plans to mark St. Bakhita’s feast day, 8 February 2018, as CHARITA Slovakia hold a Prayer Service at 19.30 in Bratislava, with music from the Taizé tradition performed by the Salvatoris Choir.
‘’Prayer leads to a deeper knowledge of the other, to knowledge that does not judge, but understands and is capable of suffering with others.’’ Anselm Grün, Benedictine monk.
For more:
Feast of St. Bakhita, 8 February 2018. ‘’Say YES to Freedom and No to Slavery.’’ (Published on Friday, 12th of January 2018):
In preparation for events to honour the feast of St. Bakhita, we invite you to participate in the annual RENATE Campaign to mark the International day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking and to share with us your plans and/or any event that you participated in or attended. .
A variety of events present themselves, ranging from; holding a Prayer Service; using the RENATE video ‘Called to Give Voice to the Voiceless;’ attendance at a Liturgy; giving a talk to a community; holding an awareness-raising event; keeping a Prayerful vigil and much more.
Please find a link to Talitha Kum, for suggestions and information on the feast day
Also available from the USCSAHT (U.S. Catholic Sisters against Human Trafficking), is their annual Calendar of Prayer, prepared by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange, in the United States of America.
“Prayer and reflection vigil against Trafficking”
Theme 2018: Trafficking and migration
Commemoration of Saint Bakhita
UISG has released its resources for The International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking 2018 which will be celebrated on 8 February. The theme is ‘Migration without trafficking’.
Access the resources in multiple languages here
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.