Ending Trafficking Begins with us. Das Ende des Menschenhandels beginnt mit uns. Terminarea traficului incepe cu noi.Dhënia fund e Trafikimit Fillon me NE. Az emberkereskedelem vége velünk kezdődik! It-tmiem tat-traffikar uman jibda minna stess. Ukončenie obchodovania začína od nás. Крајот на Трговијата започнува со нас. Terminar com o tráfico começa por nós. Fine tratta comincia da Noi. Oprirea traficului de persoane începe cu noi. Położenie kresu handlowi ludźmi zaczyna się od nas. Het einde van mensenhandel begint bij ons. Mettre fin à la Traite : à nous d’abord de nous y mettre. Konec trgovanja z nami. Припинення торгівлі людьми починається з нас. Kova prieš prekybą žmonėmis prasideda nuo mūsų. Acabar con el tráfico humano empieza con NOSOTROS. At gøre ende på menneskehandel begynder hos os. Cilēku tirdzniecības beigas sākas ar mums. KONEC OBCHODOVÁNÍ S LIDMI ZAČÍNÁ NÁMI! KRAJ TRGOVANJA POČINJE S NAMA! PRESTANAK TRGOVANJA LJUDIMA ZAPOČINJE S NAMA! Краят на трафика на хора, започва с нас
A Report from Imelda Poole IBVM who presented at the Anti Trafficking Conference, 175th Jubilee Celebrations of the IBVM Indian Province.
India had always been a country I had been drawn to go to on mission and I had volunteered many years ago. Now many years later here I am in a small part of the NE of India, impacted in a way I could never have imagined. The huge numbers of people, the noises, the smells and the dire poverty was the first explosion on my psyche that first afternoon travelling from the airport in Kolkata to Loreto House right in the middle of the city. I was just one night in Kolkata at Loreto House, where I experienced wonderful hospitality and then I returned to the airport. The journey to the airport, once again left a huge impact. I witnessed many people inside walled latrines performing their morning ablutions on the sides of the streets. Private wash places, I soon discovered, was a luxury in most places where I visited. A huge number of street vendors were cooking for the day and the aromas were mouth-watering at every turn of corner. The streets were buzzing with a million rickshaws, small motors, market sellers and hundreds of tiny kiosks. These filled every nook and cranny and sold everything you would ever want to buy. The cows meandered through it all. My first stay after Kolkata was in Ranchi where there is a Loreto school and where the cultural welcome included felicitations with flowers scattered over us, a washing of hands and a garland laid across my neck. This ritual was repeated so many times during my wonderful stay in this beautiful place. Please click here to read the full report.
This Declaration of Religious Leaders Against Modern Slavery was endorsed by Anglican, Buddhist, Catholic, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and Orthodox religious leaders. “We, the undersigned, are gathered here today for a historic initiative to inspire spiritual and practical action by all global faiths and people of good will everywhere to eradicate modern slavery across the world by 2020 and for all time. In the eyes of God*, each human being is a free person, whether girl, boy, woman or man, and is destined to exist for the good of all in equality and fraternity. Modern slavery, in terms of human trafficking, forced labour and prostitution, organ trafficking, and any relationship that fails to respect the fundamental conviction that all people are equal and have the same freedom and dignity, is a crime against humanity. We pledge ourselves here today to do all in our power, within our faith communities and beyond, to work together for the freedom of all those who are enslaved and trafficked so that their future may be restored. Today we have the opportunity, awareness, wisdom, innovation and technology to achieve this human and moral imperative.” 2nd December, 2014. (*The Grand Imam of Al Azhar uses the word “religions”.)
The latest from the IOM Missing Migrants project reveals startling statistics regarding the deaths of migrants. In a review of the following areas, ‘’Fatalities by month,’’ ‘’Recorded migrant deaths by region,’’ ‘’Recorded migrant deaths by region of origin’’ and ‘’Top causes of death in 2017,’’ the research tracks incidents involving migrants, including refugees and asylum seekers, who have died or gone missing whilst in the process of migration towards and international destination. More at: http://missingmigrants.iom.int/ Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.
In recent years, the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross, the International Congregation, have held a special Day every year when all Holy Cross Sisters living and working on four continents, reflect on the problem of human trafficking. They pray especially for the end of trafficking in women and girls and also pray for the victims. For a number of years, three Holy Cross Sisters have been members of RENATE: one from Czech Republic, one from Hungary, and one from Croatia. At Congregation level, the Sisters became involved in the work against trafficking in 2008 when they had the General Chapter. On that occasion, Sister Eugenia Bonetti was invited to work with the Sisters who met in the Mother House in Switzerland to take part in the General Chapter. Later on, a group of Sisters from different Provinces was formed to see how Sisters can be more effectively involved in this work. Every Province and Vicariate was asked to name a Sister as coordinator for the Province or Vicariate. In September 2017 the 1st Conference of the coordinators took place in Switzerland, where the Sisters from four continents met, shared with each other about their work and reflected on further work in combating trafficking in people. The 25th November every year is just one of common things that the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross do. Isn’t it powerful to know that on that day thousands of Sisters united in the Spirit, pray to God with the same intention: to stop human trafficking and for the victims. In their prayer this year, the Sisters from Croatia, asked the “God of beauty, freedom and truth, that the victims may be set free and that they experience inner healing.” The Sisters also prayed to God to hasten the day when people will no longer be slaves. May the holy Sisters pray for us today to fulfil God’s will towards the needy as they did during their lives. Adapted by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.
An annual campaign by UN Women, the 16 Days of Activism Against gender-Based Violence Campaign aims not only to end violence against women and girls, but to also ensure nobody is left behind. The campaign further aims to raise awareness and ignite a global conversation about the need for inclusive and sustainable programmes, policies and resources in the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Beginning 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and running until 10 December, International Human Rights Day, the campaign originated from the first Women’s Global Leadership Institute, which was coordinated by the Centre for Women’s Global Leadership, in 1991. 16 Days Activism against Gender Based Violence 32 page compilation of daily activities 2017. For more: https://renate-europe.net/16-days-activism-gender-based-violence-campaign/
Rysunek 1Prof. Wolfgang Mayrhofer & ERSTE course participants.
A two-days course on ‘’Successfully leading teams and oneself” was organised by the ERSTE Foundation Academy (NGO) and offered to non-governmental organisations from Eastern and Central Europe. The course took place in , 12-13 October, 2017. It was led by Prof. Wolfgang Mayrhofer, head of the Interdisciplinary Institute of Management and Organisational Behaviour, Department of Management, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Austria. RENATE member, Aneta Grabowska, took part in this course on behalf of PoMOC Association from Poland. Workshop Description: The capability for successful leadership is not something you are “born” with, albeit this will be no disadvantage. Leadership can be learned and acquired. Professionalisation of management must not be limited to technical/instrumental professionalisation through increasingly applying management concepts and instruments (e.g. strategic development and controlling). Above all, it also means professionalisation of leadership, be it establishing appropriate structural arrangements, interpersonal leadership and improving it through training and learning, and leading yourself to become a holistic leader. Top-leadership skills are related to knowledge and behaviour of leaders, i.e. how they can influence their employees´ behaviour but also their ideas, emotions and values, their attitude towards organisational goals and strategies, their commitment and identification as well as the more general organisational culture. In addition, leadership today more than ever, means leading in and with teams; the leader as “lone wolf” or “great person”-theories are outdated. The focus now is on social processes within teams. Leaders will continuously have to prove themselves within teams and to be prepared for the dynamics of such teams. Lecturer: Prof. Wolfgang Mayrhofer conducts research in the area of comparative international human resource management and leadership, work careers, and systems theory and management. He has authored and co-authored more than 180 book chapters and peer-reviewed articles and has authored, co-authored and co-edited 29 books, among them most recently: Mabey, C. & Mayrhofer, W. (Eds.). 2015. Developing Leadership. Questions Business Schools Don’t Ask. Los Angeles et al.: Sage. Why participate? Participation in this course was very useful to:
get a conceptual as well as practical understanding of modern leadership theories and concepts
gain additional insight into your personal leadership style and skills and how to further improve them
diagnose crucial factors for leading teams
identify crucial roles in teams
understand major factors for team learning.
The time at the course in Vienna was well invested and allowed participants to look at the different approaches to leadership and leadership styles, leadership motive patterns and behaviour. A life cycle of teams: forming -> storming -> norming -> performing -> adjourning, was also discussed. A practical exercise of building a LEGO tower was a good test for all participants who faced not a very complex task but with some conditions to consider. It was interesting to see the results which did not necessarily satisfy all. It was important to discuss and understand the conclusions. Prof. Mayrhofer encouraged all to reflect either in groups or individually, on our personal leadership skills and style. He said: ‘’As a leader your most important task is to be successful through others”. Global leadership ideals, setting goals, the role of motivation and the roles which have to be filled in in a successful team were described and discussed within the group with further practical exercises. Compliments to the Prof. Mayrhofer for the training programme! Thank you to the organisers for making it happen! Aneta Grabowska (Workshop Description comes from the official information from the programme organisers). Edited by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.