2022 Assembly


RENATE at Katholikentag in Leipzig: "Give a Voice to the Poor and Oppressed"


On Wednesday, the 25th May 2016 in Leipzig, the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) inaugurated the 100th Katholikentag or Catholic Day. This popular festival brought together Catholics, as well as people of other religious traditions, in dialogue with political, cultural and business leaders.
More than 1000 exhibitions, performances and talks took place and more than 40.000 people participated, over the five days of the festival.
RENATE was present with an information stand and organized a public discussion, with a view to sharing information about the work of RENATE and awareness raising about human trafficking.
A comprehensive report from this event is available here: RENATE at Katholikentag in Leipzig_report by Sr. Andrea Tillmanns RGS
Please see also an interview with Sr. Andrea Tillmanns by Tobias Böcher, Journalist with Steyler Missionare.

Sr. Viktorija Šimić Takes a Proactive Lead in Raising Awareness of HT in Croatia


Sr. Viktorija invited the Archbishop of her Diocese, Đuro Hranić, to write a letter to all the parish priests in the Diocese, informing them of her work in prevention and awareness-raising about Human Trafficking. The Archbishop positively responded to her offer of being available to visit each of their parishes where she could give a presentation on human trafficking and lead the adoration afterwards, in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
In his communication to all the parish priests, the Archbishop referred to Sr. Viktorija’s congregation and her membership of RENATE. He wrote of her excellent work in having already visited 10 parishes in the Diocese, where she informed the congregations about trafficking in human beings and led the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament afterwards.
To further emphasise the importance of this work, most of content of the Archbishop’s letter to the parish priests has been posted to the website of IKA (Catholic Press Agency, The Archbishop has also spoken about the subject when interviewed by the Croatian Catholic Radio.
In light of her parish visitations, the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross Congregation in Croatia (approx. 350 Sisters) have invited Viktorija to share her knowledge and information with them and to lead them in prayer and reflection. Thus, over the period of the congregation’s Annual Retreat, Sr. Viktorija will present her two-hour programme to groups of 30-50 sisters, in afternoons and evenings of the Retreat. Following the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament where the Sisters will offer prayers for the prevention of Human Trafficking, there will be a screening of the film “Ballerina”.
RENATE wish to thank Sr. Viktorija for sharing her story and taking initiative to be proactive in raising the issue of human trafficking. RENATE wishes her, every blessing in her ministry, which is inspirational.
Adapted and amended by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person

Two Little Girls Campaign at the Nano Nagle Centre in Slovakia


Two Little Girls at the Nano Nagle Centre_1
Two Little Girls at the Nano Nagle Centre_1

Second week of March, the Team of Caritas Slovakia travelled with the Two Little Girls Campaign to the east of Slovakia, the region with the highest occurrence of human trafficking cases. They held a workshop in Spišské Podhradie in the Nano Nagle Centre, a place for Romani women, children and youth from families of difficult situations. The centre is run by the Presentation Sisters. Two short films were screened to introduce the topic of modern slavery. The films were followed by questions to make sure children had understood the main idea. They also asked a lot of questions that leaded to mutual discussion. Caritas Team brought them the most important information about risks and dangers of trafficking in an accessible way. Then the children were divided into two groups and asked to list the right and wrong signs of a relationship between boy and girl. After that two of the children were encouraged to perform a role play where one of them tried to lure the other one into a dream job abroad. At the end of the workshop they took a photo together to show their commitment to fighting human trafficking.
Two Little Girls at the Nano Nagle Centre_2
Two Little Girls at the Nano Nagle Centre_2

Two Little Girls at the Nano Nagle Centre_3
Two Little Girls at the Nano Nagle Centre_3

Two Little Girls Campaign to be launched in Slovakia


The campaign TWO LITTLE GIRLS is named according to a short animated film that follows stories of two young women, Maria and Jana. They were cruelly deceived by people they trusted and were trafficked against their will into prostitution. The aim of the campaign is to warn young people and specifically young women about the dangers of traveling abroad under false promises of employment.
Two Little Girls will be used as a central point for discussion in workshops with young people in schools and social institutions. For this purpose member of RENATE and workers of Caritas Slovakia Anna Bartošová and Jana Urbanová have developed education TOOLKIT that will be distributed together with the DVD among teachers, Romani mediators, social workers and youth workers. They will be educated in a training on how to use the film and materials in their work. The accompanying materials – booklets, posters and fliers describe what people can do to protect themselves and how they can get help.
A special WEBSITE has been created where the film, toolkit and other promotion materials are available as well as suggestions on how they can be used.
The campaign is going to be launched on 20th of November in the British Embassy in Bratislava. The film will be screened on TVs in buses across Slovakia over one month. Counting with the number of passengers using bus as a most frequent public transport, the estimated number of viewers is 700 000 in the course of 30 days. The film will also be broadcasted in Slovak and Romani languages in national and local TVs.



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons