2022 Assembly


8th February, Feast of Saint Bakhita who Was a Slave until Aged Twenty


A brief profile of the life of St. Josephine Bakhita, Witness of Hope

St. Josephine Bakhita
St. Josephine Bakhita

In 1869, Josephine Bakhita was born in Darfur, in the Sudan. In 1878, at the tender age of nine, she was kidnapped by slave traders and was so traumatised at being kidnapped from her family that she could not even recall her name, so the slave traders named her “Bakhita”, meaning the “fortunate one”.
Over the next seven years at the slave markets in Sudan, young Bakhita was sold and re-sold into slavery, enduring severe beatings and hardship until she was bought by an Italian merchant for the Italian Consul in Sudan in 1885. Two years later, Bakhita travelled with the Consul to Italy where she was formally introduced to the faith by the Canossian Religious Sisters, where she experienced healing from the deep traumas of abduction, slavery and war. With the sisters, Bakhita came to understand a totally different meaning to the word “master”. She learned that another kind of master or Lord existed, a master who is kind, understanding and loves unconditionally. This master is the Lord of all lords and is the living witness to God’s infinite love for each of us. For Bakhita, the most powerful message of all was the fact that she was known and loved and just like her, this master had himself been flogged and now He awaited her “at the Father’s right hand”. With such love and hope, Bakhita knew she was no longer a slave, she was a free child of God, stating “I am definitely loved and whatever happens to me-I am awaited by this love. And so my life is good”.
In 1896, Bakhita was professed and congregational records show that she was gentle in spirit and most loving towards her fellow sisters and students, whom she served faithfully for the remainder of her life until she died in 1947.
Despite being a slave who worked for different masters, her spirit was always free and through her growing faith, she found the grace to accept God as the ultimate Master. Her constant mantra was “Be good, love the Lord and pray for those who do not know Him”. Her humility, simplicity and constant smile won the hearts of all citizens as she travelled around Italy in order to share the liberation she had received through her encounter with the God of Jesus Christ. She made God known and loved through sharing about her life experiences, the challenges encountered, her dreams, hopes and fears. Through her example and witness of hope, Bakhita became a source of uplift and is a shining light for all who are oppressed and victimised by human slavery.
We can try and follow her example, to have a powerful faith, to serve God and to do His will in order that those who are suffering, may find solace and hope for the future.
Bakhita was beatified in 1992 and canonised in 2000. Her feast day is the 8th of February, which is now designated by the Church as the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking.
To download full text click here: St. Bakhita_a brief profile of her life_ENG
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person

Report from the Press Conference in Vatican, 2nd – 4th February 2015


Sr. Imelda Poole IBVM, President of RENATE, was invited by UISG (International Union of Superiors General) to be present and participate in the press release at the Vatican for the worldwide day of prayer against trafficking, the Feast of St. Bakhita. She spoke on behalf of RENATE and also about her work in Albania, which was named Talitha Kum Branch in the official reporting. Her interviews for the Vatican Radio and TV can be found here: (available as ”Presentation on the Day Against Human Trafficking”).
Links to the official reports:
Light a lamp to dissipate the darkness of human trafficking
CNA_EWTN News by Elise Harris

International Day of Prayer against Trafficking, 8th February 2015


Pope Frances has strongly denounced many times the trafficking of human beings, defining it as «a crime against humanity» and calling on all to fight and looking after the victims. Responding to the Holy Father’s plea

Pontifical Council of Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People

International Union of Superiors General (UISG and USG)

Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace

promote an



The First International Day will be celebrated in all dioceses and parishes in the world, in the groups and schools . 8 FEBRUARY 2015, the Feast Day of Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese slave, freed, who became a Canossian nun, and was declared a Saint in 2000.
Click here to read the official Pamphlet 8-February-2015 prepared by the Global Freedom Network.
Courtesy of RENATE Members we can share the following prayers in various languages.
Albanian: AL_ftesa ne shqip  AL_ftesa ne anglisht  AL_Bakhita bookmark
Croatian: HR_Prayer Card translated to Croatian  HR_SVJETSKI DAN MOLITVE PROTIV TRGOVANJA LJUDIMA
Dutch: NL_Gebedsdag Tegen Mensenhandel – PERSBERICHT  NL_Gebedsdienst Dag tegen Mensenhandel
English: ENG_Compilation 8th February 2015 Introduction to Day of Prayer & St. Bakhita  ENG_Celebration Saint Bakhita  ENG_Prayer Card in English  ENG_cj_Prayer Suggestions for the Anti Trafficking Day 8th of February  UK_TRAC 8th February 2015 Feast of St Josephine Bakhita for Europe  US_Prayer service INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER

French: FR_International Day of Prayer translated to French

German: AT_Gebet um ein Ende des Menschenhandels  AT_Gottesdienstvorlage  AT_Presseerklärung  DE_Die Heilige Bakhita
Hungarian: HU_meghívó_febr-8
Italian: IT_Celebrazione Santa Bakhita  IT_pieghevole_italiano  IT_preghiera_italiano  IT_veglia di preghiera

Polish: PL_czytanka  PL_droga krzyżowa  PL_modlitwa o wstawiennictwo  PL_modlitwa wiernych  PL_modlitwy na noc czuwania  PL_czuwanie modlitewne  PL_modlitwa na 8 lutego 2015

Romanian: RO_Bakhita  RO_rugaciunea credinciosilor 8 februarie
Slovak: SK_ikona  SK_plagat  SK_TS_Den motlitieb obete OSL- SKCH  SK_UCASTNIK_Den modlitby 8.2.2015
Slovenian: SI_Molitev proti trgovini z ljudmi  SI_Molitev proti TZL – RV
Spanish: ES_cj_Prayer Time on the 8th of February translated to Spanish

Light Up the World against Human Trafficking


Letter from Talitha Kum for the first International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking.

Rome, 23rd January 2015

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

This is a letter to follow-up on the introduction made earlier this month.  We are proceeding with the plans for celebrating an International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, and would like to provide your network with resources developed by the Talitha Kum Team here in Rome.  You are free to use or modify these resources to suit your local needs.  The resources will be available on a special website after 2 February, 2015.
The resources include a short prayer available in English, Swahili, Thai, Arabic, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, French, and soon Chinese and Bahasa Indonesia.  There is also a longer Prayer Service available in English, Italian, French, and Spanish.   If you are able to translate materials into other languages, we thank you and ask that you share these translations on the website.  Attached to this e-mail is the official Program which will be followed in Rome, in English.  Please note that a Press Conference will be held in Rome on 3 February; you may want to do something similar locally.
The Talitha Kum Team
Full text of the letter is available in the Member Only Area.
UISG A Light Against Trafficking_Program Outline

The Reality of Human Trafficking, You Can Raise Awareness with Us


„You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know” said William Wilberforce, an English politician, philanthropist, theologian and a leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade who lived in the XVIII/XIX century.
You are welcome to study this simple flier on modern day slavery and use it for awareness raising on the problem. We thank you for doing so. We acknowledge the Institute of a Blessed Virgin Mary in the US who shared this material.

The Reality of Human Trafficking
The Reality of Human Trafficking



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons