2022 Assembly


E Bulletin No. 7: International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Trafficking in Persons, 8th February, 2017- St. Bakhita Day. ‘’They are just Children! Not Slaves.’’


E.Bulletin No. 7  December, 2016.
International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Trafficking in Persons, 8th February, 2017- St. Bakhita Day. ’They are just Children! Not Slaves.’’
On the 17th of November, 2016, to mark Universal Children’s Day (20th November), the organisations below, echoed pope Francis’ appeal ‘’…to adopt every possible measure to guarantee the protection and safety of child migrants.’’

  • Talitha Kum- Union of Superior Generals (UISG/USG).
  • World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisations (WUCWO).
  • Caritas Internationalis.
  • Department for protecting Integral Human Development, Holy See.
  • International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC).
  • Jesuit Refugee Service.
  • Pax Christi International.
  • Scalabrinian Missionaries.
  • Scalabrini International Migration Network.

The forthcoming International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Trafficking in Persons (8th February, 2017), will place a special emphasis on Trafficking in Children and Adolescents.
By way of preparation, Talitha Kum has shared the following information, which can be accessed by simultaneously pressing CTRL + CLICK  here
Joy to you this Advent season,

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons