2022 Assembly


SOLWODI Hungary anti-Human Trafficking Awareness-raising event ‘Human Trafficking in Hungary 2021.’


To mark the EU International Day against Human Trafficking, RENATE colleagues in SOLWODI Hungary presented a day’s conference to raise awareness about human trafficking, share best practice and network together in order to best support one another in the work to combat human trafficking and exploitation.

The awareness-raising event took place on 16th October in Párbeszéd Háza (Budapest, the Jesuit Cultural and Spiritual Center) and was available both offline and online.

Sr. Gabriella Légrádi SCSC, president of SOLWODI underlined the importance of networking.
Ms. Jakobovich Nóra Tamara PHD (Ministry of the Interior) presented the actual achievements and challenges Hungary faces to combat human trafficking.


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Ms. Ágnes De Coll (Hungarian Baptist Aid) summarized a recent Hungarian study on human trafficking, published in 2020.
Her presentation was followed by Lt Col László Kovács, who shared his experience working at the segregated areas in Hungary , taking part in a governmental project that helps 300 Hungarian villages living in extreme poverty, in highly vulnerable circumstances.

Delegates also had the privilege to watch the testimony of a survivor, a young woman who took part in SOLWODI’s recovery programme. It was a deep and moving witness of God’s restoring grace in her life.


The Programme for the day: Párbeszéd Háza – Az emberkereskedelem elleni küzdelem európai napja (

Talitha Kum Leadership Training – Invitation to apply!


Registration is now opwn for the 3rd Training course for Talitha Kum leaders.

Talitha Kum’s leadership training is a priority of the Network!

The course will be carried out in collaboration between Talitha Kum and UISG, the Pontifical Antonianum University and the Tangaza University College of Nairobi. 

The aim of the course is to offer a training to develop professional and relational skills to promote greater collaboration between networks for joint actions against trafficking in persons.

how to comprehend human trafficking dynamics;
leadership models
spirituality and Social Doctrine of the Church
the importance of networking and communication
projects’ planning and development
financial management and fundraising
It will also provide information about Talitha Kum’s mission, vision and project of action.


DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: Monday January 10th , 2022 .


WHEN IS THE COURSE? The course will be online from March 2022 until March 2023


TO APPLY and see full details of the programme:-

CARITAS Kosovo launch of project ‘STOP AND HELP’


RENATE Colleagues at CARITAS Kosovo share with us news of the launch of their new anti-human trafficking and domestic violence initiative entitled ‘’STOP and help’’

The initiative is the result of nine years collaboration amongst the Euro-Mediterranean network and includes reports, guidelines and research.

Additionally, the initiative comprises film footage Rruga-The Path and documentary ‘shorts’ of CARITAS Euro-Mediterranean anti-Trafficking. 

The following components are particularly informative:

  • The national strategy against Human Trafficking in Kosovo; 
  • Reports on shelters for victims of domestic violence in Kosovo;
  • A peer education training manual on adolescent-related risks and dangers;
  • A needs-assessment report on human trafficking and domestic violence in the region of northern Kosovo;
  • A second report on the compliance of Kosovo with the standards of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings; 
  • A Guidebook for the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence;
  • A feature on Invisible Children and unpunished Crime;
  • Mapping of Sexual Violence Services in the Western Balkans and Turkey. 

The Project proposal STOP AND HELP! will help to improve prevention of domestic violence
and human trafficking, to advance protocols and means of intervention and to elevate the
system of referral services for victims of human trafficking and domestic violence on a
higher level. In this way the project will support the ongoing battle against these increasingly occurring violent criminal acts.

Components of the project will mostly rely on: public campaigns through electronic media and printed promotional material in order to increase public awareness on risks of domestic violence and human trafficking, strengthening of cooperation between municipal authorities, civil society and other key actors, psychological sessions and counselling, as well as basic support and medical assistance provision.

Unseen on Climate Change and Modern Slavery


Source: Unseen UK

Watch on Youtube

Unseen has written a joint letter with other anti-slavery charities to Alok Sharma, President of COP26. The letter calls for urgent action to acknowledge the link between climate-induced displacement and migration and the increased vulnerability of the world’s most marginalised societies to exploitation and slavery. Click the image above to watch a short film on why its so important to tackle climate change holistically.

Unseen’s CEO writes in The Guardian
The government needs to raise its game in its approach to tackling modern slavery, says Unseen’s CEO Andrew Wallis OBE in an article published in last week’s Guardian newspaper. He also sets out clearly and simply the negative repercussions that the new Nationality and Borders Bill will have on survivors of modern slavery and asylum seekers.

To ensure the UK doesn’t lose its place in the world for tackling modern slavery and exploitation, next week we’ll be asking you to write to your local MP to make crucial changes to this new bill. So please keep an eye on your inbox.

Response from G7
The newly-created coalition of anti-slavery charities – of which Unseen is a member – has received a response to its joint letter to G7 leaders asking for them to endorse supply chain reform and their concerted effort to eradicate forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking globally by 2030.

In their response, the G7 Trade Ministers stated that they ‘call on all countries, multilateral institutions and businesses to work together, including with survivors of forced labour, to eradicate forced labour from global supply chains.’ They also cited past guidance notices on human rights due diligence to help drive out exploitation.

It’s a step in the right direction, but there’s still much further to go. We will continue to keep up pressure to bring lasting changes on the ground.

Helpline Hero Campaign
Our challenge to our vital supporters to become a Helpline Hero by taking part in our campaign is still open. Visit our website for more details on how you can talk, walk and raise funds to ensure Unseen’s Modern Slavery & Exploitation Helpline is there for anyone who needs help or has a concern.

RENATE contributes to Conference of INGOs at the Council of Europe webinar: 18 October 2021.


The Conference of INGOs organised two events on 18 October 2021, to mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (17 October) and the European Anti-Trafficking Day (18 October).

A ceremony with senior officials of the Council of Europe was held outside the Palais de l’Europe from 12h30 – 13h15, where testimonies of persons who have been a victim of trafficking or whose rights to decent work have been denied were presented.

The ceremony was followed by a webinar that explored the issue of decent work – articles 1, 2, 3, 4 and 26 of the revised European Social Charter related to: the formality of work; usefulness of work and impact on the environment, respect for the rights and dignity of all persons. Dr Mary McHugh, RENATE Representative at the INGO Council of Europe, supported the work in coordinating this webinar of raising awareness against Human Trafficking.
RENATE member Ana Stakaj, Executive at Mary Ward Loreto Albania, presented a very moving and impactful presentation, based on her experiences working with women and girls in Albania whose lives are affected by the lack of access to decent work, rendering them vulnerable to human trafficking and exploitation.

We are grateful to all of you who helped RENATE give voice to the vulnerable, through your sharing of stories from your own ministries, which make the harsh realities of human trafficking very ‘’real’’ for those who attended and heard. Sr Marie Helene Halligan (Good Shepherd) former RENATE rep at the INGO and Marie Christine Davy, another RENATE rep at the INGO, were in attendance at this important event.

View the webinar here

CSW65 webinar: Anti-human trafficking work during COVID-19 Pandemic


Watch the full webinar here

This webinar is the first of a collection which will soon receive a dedicated page on, which will arm activists with insight and practical recommendations to combat human trafficking.

The webinar was first held on 17th March 2021, at the 65th UN Commission on the Status of Women and reports on the impact of COVID-19 on anti-human trafficking efforts.

The series of webinars will pool the formidable combined experience of RENATE Network’s dedicated contributors, who are engaged in the fight for the rescue and rehabilitation of  trafficking survivors.


RENATE members at Community House DAMARIS, mark the EU anti-human trafficking day by holding a Walk for Freedom.


RENATE members and Representatives from Community House DAMARIS participated in a silent walk for the millions of victims of human trafficking.

The “Walk for Freedom’’ challenge was coordinated by A21 and took place in downtown Athens, on the occasion of the European Day against Human Trafficking.

Walk For Freedom: Μια σιωπηλή πορεία για τα εκατομμύρια θύματα εμπορίας ανθρώπων. To Κοινοτικό Σπίτι Δάμαρις περπάτησε και φέτος για την Ελευθερία, στην καθιερωμένη πορεία που διοργανώθηκε από το Α21 σήμερα στην Αθήνα, με αφορμή την Πανευρωπαϊκή Ημέρα κατά της Εμπορίας Ανθρώπων.

For more information:

Congratulations to Brikena Pukka and all her team at Qendra Psiko-Sociale ‘’VATRA’’ on being awarded a Child10 award for 2021, at a ceremony in Stockholm, officiated by HM Queen Silvia.


On 18 October 2021, HM Queen Silvia’s Foundation Care About the Children and Child10 held a seminar at the Royal Castle in Stockholm to highlight the EU Anti-Trafficking Day.

The event brought together the international public, private and civil society sector together to enhance collaboration and discuss joint challenges.

During the seminar the Child10 Awarded Members of 2021 received their Child10 Award from HM Queen Silvia.

HM Queen Silvia expressed her gratitude to all saying ‘’Thank you for your exceptional work to combat trafficking and other forms of commercial sexual exploitation of children. Organizations such as yours, working directly with these children, either in person or online, are essential in order to ensure a safe environment for children to seek help.’’
The full list of organizations receiving the Award was as follows:

Nvo Astra eLiberare Ellencentret Footprint to freedom survivor-led consultancy Lightup Germany Lightup Norway Lightup Austria MARTA Udruzenje “Novi put”/Association “Novi put” Novahuset – föreningen mot sexuellt våld Qendra Psiko-Sociale “Vatra” IROKO Onlus

“UN Gift Box” on display in Rreshen, Albania, 19 & 20 October 2021.


The “UN Gift Box” campaign was officially launched on 19 October in Rrëshen-Albania, as an activity organized by the URAT Network, as an awareness-raising initiative in Albania where the entire month of October is designated to anti-Human Trafficking.


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Representatives of the institutions in the municipality and county level, and the Catholic church, joined the opening event and conveyed their message to the public to combat human trafficking together.

The GiftBox activity aims to raise awareness and inform the community about trafficking in human beings. It also helps people to identify preventive methods of this phenomenon.
25 volunteers, a youth group from the high schools, who are trained for the campaign, are involved and contributing to the awareness raising.
In Rreshen, the UN Gift Box is open and available for the public on two days, 19 and 20 of October.

Everyone can save a victim from this crime against humanity!


Imelda Poole, RENATE President & TIP hero 2021 speaks at webinar ”Empowering a New Generation to Fight Modern Slavery,” Rome, October 2021.


Watch back over the seminar Empowering a New Generation to fight Modern Slavery, jointly hosted by the US Embassy to the Holy See and the Embassy of Ireland to the Holy See and hear Imelda Poole, President of the RENATE network & 2021 TIP.

Hero Award recipient;Gabriella Bottani, International Coordinator, Talitha Kum & 2019 TIP
Hero Award recipient;Blessing Okoedion, President of Weavers of Hope, APS & 2018 TIP Hero Award recipient and Sr. Monica Chickwe, Vice-President Slaves No More,  speak to the theme ‘’Empowering a new Generation to Fight Modern Slavery’’on 4 October at an event led by the US Embassy at the Holy See.

Welcoming remarks were made by both Mr. Patrick Connell, Charge’
d’Affaires US Embassy to the Holy See & Sr. Patricia Murray, IBVM,
Executive Secretary, International Union of Superiors General.
Mr. Derek Hannon, Irish Ambassador to the Holy See made the Closing
The event was moderated by Ms. Barbie Latza Nadeau, journalist &
To view:



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons