2022 Assembly


Ukraine: More than 1000 Days of War


Context of Ukraine in numbers:

  • Another 400,000 refugees arrived to EU in the first six months of 2024 alone.
  • 4,7 million people are displaced within Ukraine.
  • 11 973 civilians and 583 children killed;
  • 19 546 children deported to Russia or to temporary occupied territory;
  • 1 932 children missed;
  • New wave of vulnerable internally displaced people (IDP) from the East. Since August of this year, 170,000 people have left their homes in the east of the country;
  • Intensification of bombing: introduction of guided aerial bombs (Zaporizzha, Sumy, Kharkiv regions), combined attacks of drones, missiles, ballistic missiles (Poltava, Lviv, Kyiv regions), double tapping (Odesa, Kharkiv regions);
  • Movement forward on the front line, burnt ground tactics;
  • Continued destruction of energy infrastructure – 60% of 2022 capacity was destroyed in 2024.
  • Destruction and damage of civilian infrastructure: 250 000 houses, 3 798 educational facilities, 1 911 healthcare facilities, 2 093 cultural objects, 630 religious building.[1]

Caritas Ukraine at the Front Line of Counter Trafficking

Significant war-related population displacement has increased the risks of human trafficking, as noted in a report by the Office of Monitoring and Combating Human Trafficking at the US Embassy in Ukraine. The war and its economic impact increased the individual vulnerability to human trafficking even of those Ukrainians who did not become displaced persons. National social service noted more cases of human trafficking and only for half a year granted 121 official statuses of the victims of human trafficking (in comparison to 118 in 2023). As in December 2024 National social service noted already 182 cases of human trafficking. 123 cases are combined types of exploitation, 19 cases of involving into war conflict, 15 persons became the victims of labor exploitation and 13 persons were sexually exploited.

[1] Data as of November 2024 by Ombudsman of Ukraine

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The tendency of labor, sexual and other exploitation of Ukrainians in captivity or at the occupied territories, is going on. The representatives of Caritas Ukraine and all the experts in counter trafficking underline the affection of war and increasing the cases of exploitation due to armed conflict, occupation and captivity of civilians by russians.

“The on-going war has accelerated these exploitation trends. Traffickers know how to prey on people under stress; they know exactly who to target, how to recruit vulnerable individuals for later exploitation.” – Natalia Holynska, counter trafficking project manager, Caritas Ukraine.

      During the last 6 months Caritas Ukraine staff identified 120 potential victims of trafficking, 78 survivors of trafficking. 77 of them were included into the project as direct beneficiaries and received the comprehensive assistance. Tailor made assistance to the victims is being given to the beneficiaries during a period of time. All the direct beneficiaries received psychological or psychotherapeutic services, social, medical, judicial, material assistance, information, referral, assistance in job searching and grants for micro-business.

Almost 70 thousand people received useful information and were probably prevented from risks of human trafficking. The on-line course created by Caritas Ukraine at the platform Prometheus “Human trafficking: how to protect yourself and your loved ones” was actively advertised among different target groups. General feedback of the participants is very good, they estimated the course with the mark 8,6 (from 10 possible). 9 from 10 participants would recommend this course to the others. 

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Prepared by Natalia Holynska,

Caritas Ukraine counter trafficking project manager

Key Insights from RENATE Member Brian O’Toole on Human Trafficking and Care for the Earth


We are pleased to share two insightful reports authored by RENATE Working Board Member for Ireland, Brian O’Toole, Director of the Presentation Sisters Justice Desk. These reports offer a thoughtful exploration of critical issues at the heart of our mission:

  1. Human Trafficking from a Faith and Justice Perspective
    This report captures the rich discussions from an event held at St. Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. Featuring contributions from Sr. Abby Avelino, Dr. Ethna Regan, and Kevin Hyland, it examines the intersection of faith, justice, and the fight against human trafficking.
  2. COP29 and the Care for the Earth
    A compelling and accessible piece reflecting on COP29, emphasizing the vital role of religious communities in environmental stewardship. It also highlights how climate change exacerbates the vulnerability of marginalized people, often leading to the devastating realities of human trafficking.

We warmly thank Brian for his dedication and thoughtful work in producing these invaluable resources. His insights deepen our understanding of these pressing issues and inspire meaningful action.

Discover more by exploring the reports below.

Human Trafficking from a Faith and Justice Perspective:

COP29 and the Care for the Earth:

WATCH NOW! RENATE Short Film – “Beyond Borders: RENATE’s Mission to End Human Trafficking.


A powerful short film by RENATE, Beyond Borders explores the harsh realities of human trafficking and exploitation in Ireland and the UK. Beyond Borders will challenge you to look beyond the surface, confront uncomfortable truths, and join the fight for freedom and dignity. It has been developed to be used as a tool for advocacy and awareness raising. Please feel welcome to use it in your communities and share it amongst your networks.

Click here to access the film on YouTube.

Thanks for watching!

Recent Newsletters from RENATE Network Partners


We are pleased to share four important newsletters from our RENATE Network partners: SOLWODI Germany, STOP Trafficking, Secours Catholique, and our funders, the Conrad Hilton Foundation. These newsletters provide valuable updates on their work to combat human trafficking and support survivors.

Secours Catholique, Lutte Contre la Traite des êtres Humains:

STOP Trafficking Newsletter:

SOLWODI Germany:

Conrad Hilton Foundation:

We encourage you to take the time to read these newsletters and learn more about the wonderful work being done by our partners. Your engagement helps amplify their efforts and inspires collective action in creating a safer and more just world for those affected by trafficking.

Combatting Sex Trafficking in Ukraine Amidst War


The ongoing war in Ukraine has tragically fueled an increase in sex trafficking, with traffickers exploiting the chaos and vulnerability caused by the conflict. As RENATE Member Natalia Holynska, Anti-Trafficking Programme Manager at Caritas Ukraine, highlights, traffickers are targeting those most at risk, preying on their desperation for survival.

Our colleagues on the ground are working relentlessly to combat this horrific exploitation and provide support to those in need. Learn more about their vital work and the ongoing fight against trafficking in Ukraine by reading the article here.

#Ukraine #EndHumanTrafficking #SupportSurvivors #HumanRights #CaritasUkraine #RENATE #AntiTrafficking #GenderJustice

Sr. Viktorija Simic’s (SCSC) November Mission Update: Workshops, Awareness, and Advocacy


Sr. Viktorija Simic SCSC, has been actively engaged in a variety of initiatives this November, continuing her mission to combat human trafficking and raise awareness among youth and the broader community. Her work has included workshops in schools, interviews, and preparing prayer materials for the Holy Cross Sisters’ global day of reflection on human trafficking.

School Workshops

Sr. Viktorija has been visiting schools in the region to conduct workshops for seventh and eighth-grade students, focusing on awareness and prevention of human trafficking. Highlights of her recent visits include:

  • 4 November: A workshop at the primary school in Gradište with 28 eighth-grade students and several teachers.
  • 15 November: A session at the primary school in Vrbanja, engaging 25 seventh and eighth-grade students and their form teachers.
  • 21 November: Plans to visit the primary school in Drenovci, working with 31 students from the seventh and eighth grades.
  • Later this month, Sr. Viktorija will visit another school near the Serbian border, where she will meet with a smaller group of 14 students.

Media Engagement and Publications

Sr. Viktorija’s efforts have also reached broader audiences through media:

  • Following her interview on Croatian Catholic Radio on 12 October, a local journalist published an article titled “The Light of Hope and the Voice of the Fight Against Human Trafficking” in Vinkovački list. The piece, also available online (read here), highlighted her anti-trafficking advocacy.
  • An interview with the magazine Radosna vijest (The Good News), a publication by the Pope’s Missionary Works, was published earlier this month. In this feature, Sr. Viktorija discussed her ongoing fight against human trafficking.

Parish Outreach

Sr. Viktorija has been invited to give lectures on human trafficking to Confirmation candidates in two parishes within her Archdiocese. These sessions are aimed at engaging young people, typically around 16 years old, in meaningful discussions about this pressing issue. Dates for these lectures are being finalized.

Preparing for Global Day of Prayer and Reflection

Sr. Viktorija is preparing prayer materials for the Holy Cross Sisters in Croatia to mark 25 November, the Congregation’s global day of prayer and reflection on human trafficking. This significant event unites Sisters worldwide in solidarity and advocacy against this grave injustice.

SOLWODI HUNGARY’s Activity, November 2024


November 2024 was once again a busy month for SOLWODI HUNGARY.

We got an invitation by the Hungarian Women’s Lobby to be member of a panel at
their conference on 12th November 2024 in Budapest, at the Budapest University of
Jewish Studies. The conference was about the 4Ps: Prevention, Protection, Prosecution and
Partnership to combat Human Trafficking in Hungary.

The guest speaker of the event was Reem Alsalem, UN Special Reporter on Human
Trafficking/violence against women who talked about her latest findings and her
reports on the violence against women and girls.

During the panel discussion and after during the workshops we could exchange our
views on the current state of human trafficking in Hungary and could share our best
practices with representatives of other anti-trafficking organisations, operators of
national helpline, police and social workers. We have had a very fruitful conversation
of the topic. We came out of the conference with the idea of our next event: an inter-
faith conversation how to prevent and combat trafficking and sexual exploitation.

On 15th November 2024 SOLWODI team visited the Catholic girl school – ‘Patrona
Hungariea’ – in Budapest. This was a reoccurring engagement. It was not the first-
time sr. Klarissza SSND asked SOLWODI HUNGARY to help raise awareness on
trafficking and other issues related to sexual exploitation. The girls between 16-18
were all very constructive during the conversation and asked a lot of questions.
Hopefully our activity will help them to avoid victimisation.

SOLWODI HUNGARY has started to collect our Christmas gift bags for those
women and girls who take part in the street prostitution. Last year, we collected
34 bags of kind gifts: chocolates, home made cakes, hand-written post
cards/messages, warm cloths, hats and gloves, candles and other small gifts. Our
aim is to replicate last years success and distribute again the gift bags on the street
for the victims of prostitution.

Spotlight on Pornography and Human Trafficking: SOLWODI Hungary’s EU Anti-Trafficking Day Conference and NGO Collaboration”


On 17th October 2024 in Budapest, like in the previous years before, as part of the
European Union’s Anti-Trafficking Day SOLWODI HUNGARY took part of the
international activity. We have organised an international conference and round table
discussion with the title of: “Pornography: a tool and a path towards human
trafficking”. Our guest speakers were Renate van der Zee, an investigative journalist
from the Netherlands, who has presented her latest findings on the Dutch porn
industry and the women who took part of the content production. Ms van der Zee
explained to the audience that many times women are agreed to work as fashion
models through their agencies but when they arrive to the studio the reality is
different. All form of coercion, violence and fright are used towards them to do
pornographic videos and many times they are subjected to prostitution. Our other
guest speaker was fr Laszlo Tokodi OP from the ‘Saint Jean Paul II Institute’ from
Hungary, who talked from his perspective about pornography, it’s relevance in
society and impact on people especially on young people. We have had a long and
lively round table discussion after the presentations where the two guest speakers
reflected on each other’s findings and views, answering the questions of the
audience. The conclusion was that all form of pornography is a violence against
women, harmful to the person as ‘content producer’ as well as consumer of it, we
should openly say that is simply wrong and should keep working against it and
helping the victims.

Fr Tokodi also talked about the book and it’s manual which was published by their
institute to help children and parents/carers to protect themselves from pornography
and to talk about the issue. It was also on sale at during the conference. The book is
a No1 best seller in Amazon in the USA and can be ordered on this link or the
original publisher can be contacted for copies on different languages:

The conference was kindly hosted again by the Jesuit community in Budapest, and
we had the opportunity to participate on a holy mass co-celebrated by Szabolcs
Sajgo SJ and Fr Laszlo Tokodi OP for the victims of human trafficking.
On 18 th October 2024 SOLWODI HUNGARY hosted a mini-NGO meeting to faith
based NGOs who work in Hungary against trafficking. The following organisations
were represented on the meeting: Salvation Army, The Baptists, The Anonymous
Ways Foundation, and the Lehetőség Családoknak 2005 NGO – and SOLWODI
HUNGARY as host.

It was decided in 2022 that three times a year we would have as a rotating meeting
and a round table discussion between the faith based NGOs in Hungary where we
can share our best practicies, ideas, problems and solutions. We can identify issues
what we can jointly present tot he Hungarian National Anti-Trafficking NGO round
tablet hat way solutions could be find for problems, and law makers and regulators,
state actors could be aware of problems and many times are happy to bring
solutions to it.

RENATE training event , 13-17 November 2024, on Trauma and Mental health of practitioners working in the field of anti-human trafficking.


From 13-17 November 2024, 16 RENATE members gathered at Deurne, a small suburb of Eindhoven, in the Netherlands, to learn about Trauma and Mental health of practitioners working in the field of anti-human trafficking. 

The event opened with a presentation by Ivonne van de Kar, RENATE Co-President on the RENATE Europe Network, its Mission, Vision, Values, structures etc.  Ivonne then presented on the nature & scope of human trafficking & sexual violence in the Netherlands and the systems & practices observed in the Netherlands when addressing human trafficking and also when trying to care for the carers.

Professor Antoaneta Mateeva, Associate Professor, New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria drew upon her experience and wisdom, to help us understand trauma –its definition, types and systemic factors. 

Over the days together, Professor Mateeva helped participants realise the depth of impact of life -experiences on each and every one, and how these experiences shape and fashion reactions and decisions in later life, both personal & professional. 

Participants gently explored personal reactions to traumatic situations. They examined early childhood trauma and its effects in the later life.

Throughout, participants considered theories to understand and support people victims of violence and more specifically, those with the lived experience of human trafficking. 

The concept of resilience and the strengths-based model of support was considered as the participants looked at approaches such as Trauma-oriented care and the Mentalization-based model of care. 

With a focus on trauma prevention, policies and practice, Professor Mateeva emphasised the importance of the context of community, culture and work with the local attitudes to people with the lived experience of violence and human trafficking. 

There was an opportunity to explore the notion of structural discrimination as well as an exploration of local service structures and cultures of help in mobilizing the community around the beneficiary. 

Throughout, there was an emphasis on ‘’Caring for the carer,’’ as the discussions centred on acknowledging and understanding how a beneficiary’s trauma actually affects the carer.  Specifically, the AMBIT model of Mentalisation-based work informed the discussions.

Sharing of trainees’ personal experience from their professional roles played a central and invaluable part of the time together.

At the end of the day, it was agreed that the most important component of recovery and resilience is ‘’forgiveness.’’ 

Great gratitude was expressed to Professor Mateeva, for not only sharing her expertise but also for the gentle and sensitive approach she employed throughout the days together. 

 Comments from the participants:

 Thanks for the methodology where you included our own individual perspectives and these in turn brought attention to the wider context in which we work. 

Like the combination of theory, knowledge & practical exercises. 

Valuable opportunities for us to learn from one another and note the occasional differences between east & west, in terms of approaches & perspectives. 

I am grateful for the information on Mentalisation, which I am going to implement in my working life once I go back to my own country. 

Good to have government representatives present on these trainings as we are not working in a vacuum, they need to know what we do and how we work. 

Thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences & perspectives.

Eye-opening to hear some of the problems and realities others around the room experience. 

Thank you to each & everyone for our sharing, I felt like I was with family. 

Victory in the European Court of Human Rights


RENATE is proud to share the remarkable achievement of our member organization, Caritas Slovakia, whose efforts have culminated in a landmark victory for human rights and justice.

On 24 October 2024, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) delivered a unanimous judgment in the case of B.B. v. Slovakia (Application no. 48587/21), declaring that the Slovak Republic violated Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which prohibits slavery and forced labor.

The case originated from the failure of Slovak authorities to conduct a sufficient investigation into a credible allegation of human trafficking. Ms. B.B., a highly vulnerable individual, was trafficked to the United Kingdom in 2010, where she was forced to work as a prostitute for over a year. While a perpetrator was convicted of pimping, the authorities limited their investigation to this charge, neglecting to address the larger context of human trafficking.

Thanks to the dedicated advocacy of Caritas Slovakia, through its Stop Human Trafficking project, and the legal representation of renowned human rights lawyer Parosha Chandran, the Court found that the Slovak authorities failed in their obligation to thoroughly investigate this plausible accusation of trafficking.

This judgment not only underscores the systemic shortcomings in addressing human trafficking but also emphasizes the need for robust legal and social support for survivors. It is a victory for Ms. B.B. and a testament to the life-changing impact of providing victims with access to justice.

RENATE congratulates Caritas Slovakia and all involved in achieving this milestone. This case reaffirms the importance of our collective mission to combat human trafficking and advocate for the rights of survivors.



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons