2022 Assembly


Launch of the National Referral Mechanism Handbook. Joining Efforts to Protect the Rights of Trafficked Persons: A Practical Handbook


WHEN : 24 January 2022, 15:00 – 17:00 

WHERE : Zoom webinar (CEST time zone) 

ORGANIZED BY : OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and  Human Rights (ODIHR) 

The event will showcase the key components and new features of the updated NRM Handbook  and highlight the importance of a human rights-based, gender-sensitive, trauma-informed, and  victim- and survivor-centered approach. It will also facilitate the exchange of information among  OSCE delegations, international experts, survivor leaders and civil society on ensuring that survivor  voices are reflected in the implementation of NRMs across the OSCE region. 

Agenda and participants 

The updated NRM Handbook will be presented by Tatiana Kotlyarenko, ODIHR Adviser on Anti Trafficking Issues, Rachel Witkin, Head of Counter-Trafficking, Helen Bamber Foundation,  and Maximilian Scheid, ODIHR Assistant Project Officer. 

Reflections on the NRM Handbook will be presented by leading anti-trafficking experts, including: 

Shandra Woworuntu, Chair of the International Survivors of Trafficking Advisory Council (ISTAC) Valiant Richey, OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in  Human Beings (tbc) 

Kevin Hyland OBE, Member of Council of Europe Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in  Human Beings 

Maia Rusakova, Executive Director, Stellit 

With welcome remarks by Matteo Mecacci, Director, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human  Rights, Representative of the Polish CiO (tbc), and US Congressman Chris Smith, OSCE  Parliamentary Assembly Special Representative on Trafficking in Human Beings. Moderators: Tatiana Kotlyarenko, ODIHR Adviser on Anti-Trafficking Issues; and Andrea Huber,  ODIHR Head of Human Rights Department 


Those interested can register here 

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons