2022 Assembly


Sister Viktorija’s Journey Against Human Trafficking: A January to Remember


In January 2025, Sister Viktorija of the Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross shared her remarkable journey in combating human trafficking (HT) with various communities across Croatia. Her dedication to raising awareness, fostering prevention, and advocating for victims continues to inspire many.

A Special Presentation to the Candidates and Novices

On 13 January 2025, Sister Viktorija was invited by the Sister Formator to deliver a presentation on human trafficking at the Provincial House of her Congregation in the Croatian Province. This session was attended by the youngest members of the congregation, including candidates and novices aged 20 to 25.

Reflecting on her journey since 2007, Sister Viktorija recounted her initial involvement in the fight against trafficking and highlighted her collaboration with superiors on national, provincial, and international levels. She also shared her experiences working with the Archbishop and conducting talks in over 50 parishes within the Archdiocese of eastern Croatia. Unlike her sometimes shorter presentations, this session was uniquely engaging, as the Formator allowed ample time for discussions in the warm and inquisitive atmosphere created by the young participants.

This presentation was particularly meaningful as it marked the culmination of Sister Viktorija’s efforts in organizing a two-and-a-half-hour HT awareness program for more than 300 Sisters of the Croatian Province. This January, her focus shifted to the youngest members of the congregation, who had joined the Convent in the past three to four years.

A Gathering with Franciscan Youth in Vinkovci

On 19 January 2025, Sister Viktorija connected with members of Franciscan Youth in Vinkovci. Her talk on human trafficking was attended by young people associated with the Franciscan convent. Following the discussion, the group united in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament to honor and remember the victims of trafficking.

Additionally, plans were made to extend these conversations to the broader community. During the first week of February, leading up to the Feast of Saint Bakhita, Sister Viktorija will deliver talks on HT to the faithful gathering in the Franciscan church in Vinkovci.

Preventive Workshops for Students in Gundinci

Sister Viktorija’s outreach continued on 6 February 2025, when she was invited by a religion teacher to visit a school in the village of Gundinci. She conducted two workshops aimed at preventive education on human trafficking, engaging 37 students in meaningful discussions. These sessions underscore the importance of early awareness and education in the fight against this global issue.

A Podcast with the Evangelisation Community

Currently, Sister Viktorija is collaborating with the Evangelisation Community of Vinkovci to produce a podcast on human trafficking. This initiative aims to further educate and inspire listeners to take action against trafficking. The podcast is expected to be completed before 8 February 2025.

Looking Ahead

Sister Viktorija’s tireless efforts to combat human trafficking through education, prayer, and advocacy remain a testament to her commitment and compassion. Her journey continues to touch lives and inspire hope, bringing light to a critical global issue. We are deeply grateful to her for her unwavering dedication to the fight against human trafficking.

Modern Slavery: Sr. Imelda Poole Speaks at Corpus Christi Church


In January, Sr. Imelda Poole MBE delivered a thought-provoking talk at Corpus Christi Church in Wokingham, addressing the critical issue of modern slavery and supporting victims of trafficking. Drawing from her extensive experience, Sr. Imelda highlighted global efforts to combat trafficking, the impact of technology, and practical steps individuals can take to make a difference.

The evening concluded with a prayer of hope and a lively Q&A session, reflecting the community’s commitment to tackling this global crisis.

Read more here:

A Christmas Celebration of Friendship and Hope at Amaranta Foundation


On December 19th, the spirit of Christmas filled the air as groups gathered excitedly at the entrance of the Amaranta Foundation Centre in Madrid. Women with children greeted each other warmly, their joy and excitement palpable as they reconnected after a long time apart. The Adoratrices sisters, as always, extended a heartfelt welcome, with hugs, laughter, and shouts of happiness echoing through the space.

Inside, a beautifully decorated Christmas panel stood welcomed all the invited guests, symbolizing the celebration and the shared journey of those present. The event brought together women currently residing in the house, apartments, or other projects of Amaranta Foundation, along with the Adoratrices sisters, volunteers, and, most notably, women who had been part of the program in the past and had since rebuilt their lives. These women proudly introduced their children and shared updates about their current activities, creating an atmosphere of pride and mutual encouragement.

Figure 1- The Adorers novices with their novice mistress

A Shared Journey of Transformation

The annual Christmas gathering is more than just a festive occasion; it is a celebration of the transformative journey from victimhood to survivorship. The Adoratrices sisters extend invitations to those who have supported and accompanied these women on their path to healing and empowerment. This includes professionals, volunteers, and other collaborators who work tirelessly toward creating a just world filled with opportunities for all.

As everyone moved to the hall prepared for the occasion, the sight was heartwarming: in the middle a long table laden with delicious food, set up by young volunteers from a nearby school, stretched the length of the room. The atmosphere was one of joy and togetherness. Before diving into the feast, the Novitiate community of the Adorers sisters led a prayer, expressing gratitude for the past year and preparing hearts for the true spirit of Christmas. The prayer was also a moment to honour the resilience of the women whose courage to rewrite their stories inspires everyone involved.

Moments of Joy and Reflection

The children added a delightful chaos to the event, their laughter and playful antics filling the room as they explored the long tables and sampled their favourite treats. Their uninhibited joy was a reminder of the innocence and hope that Christmas embodies. Meanwhile, the women, volunteers, sisters and professional seated and standing moving from group to group, shared heartfelt conversations, reconnecting with old friends and making new ones.

A highlight of the evening was a special surprise: a recognition ceremony for two remarkable women, Marta and Iris, who had dedicated 25 years to the work at Hope Project, now called Amaranta Foundation Madrid. Their contributions have profoundly impacted the lives of countless women, transforming the project into a beacon of hope and renewal. Their commitment, marked by empathy, respect, and a deep alignment with the charism of Saint María Micaela, the founder of the Adorers, was celebrated with flowers and a small token of appreciation. While Marta couldn’t attend due to a family loss, Iris, deeply moved, expressed her gratitude and passed the microphone to a current participant of the program.

Figure 2- From left to right: Sr Ramona, Carmen, Iris, Sr Lumi at the service of Amaranta Foundation Madrid.

Testimonies of Hope and Gratitude

The testimonies that followed were the heart of the evening. Women currently in the program and those who had been part of it in the past shared their stories of transformation. They spoke of arriving at the Project in moments of despair and finding not just support but a home where they felt valued and accompanied on their journey.

The women expressed deep appreciation for the dedication of the Adorers sisters, educators, professionals, and volunteers, whose warmth and respect created an environment where they could heal and rebuild. While the program’s structure and rules initially seemed challenging, the women later realized how essential these were for achieving stability and growth.

The celebration of milestones—birthdays, Christmas, and other holidays—strengthened their sense of belonging and brought moments of joy and connection. One woman summed up the collective sentiment beautifully: “Here, we didn’t just find help; we found a family.”

Figure 3 – Epiphany morning at breakfast is an important moment in Spain.

A Community United in Solidarity

The evening concluded with hugs and goodbyes, as attendees accompanied each other to buses and metros, promising to reunite at the next celebration. This Christmas gathering was more than an event; it was a testament to the power of community, shared experiences, and unwavering support.

The transformation witnessed in the women who have passed through Amaranta Foundation is a source of joy and hope, not only for them but also for those who walk alongside them. Their courage inspires everyone to continue striving for a world filled with greater solidarity, love, and hope.

As the celebrations ended, it was clear that this shared journey is far from over. Together, they look forward to more milestones, more lives transformed, and more reasons to celebrate the beautiful bonds of friendship and resilience.

Begoña Iñarra,
Volunteer at Amaranta Foundation Madrid

Member of RENATE

Ukraine: More than 1000 Days of War


Context of Ukraine in numbers:

  • Another 400,000 refugees arrived to EU in the first six months of 2024 alone.
  • 4,7 million people are displaced within Ukraine.
  • 11 973 civilians and 583 children killed;
  • 19 546 children deported to Russia or to temporary occupied territory;
  • 1 932 children missed;
  • New wave of vulnerable internally displaced people (IDP) from the East. Since August of this year, 170,000 people have left their homes in the east of the country;
  • Intensification of bombing: introduction of guided aerial bombs (Zaporizzha, Sumy, Kharkiv regions), combined attacks of drones, missiles, ballistic missiles (Poltava, Lviv, Kyiv regions), double tapping (Odesa, Kharkiv regions);
  • Movement forward on the front line, burnt ground tactics;
  • Continued destruction of energy infrastructure – 60% of 2022 capacity was destroyed in 2024.
  • Destruction and damage of civilian infrastructure: 250 000 houses, 3 798 educational facilities, 1 911 healthcare facilities, 2 093 cultural objects, 630 religious building.[1]

Caritas Ukraine at the Front Line of Counter Trafficking

Significant war-related population displacement has increased the risks of human trafficking, as noted in a report by the Office of Monitoring and Combating Human Trafficking at the US Embassy in Ukraine. The war and its economic impact increased the individual vulnerability to human trafficking even of those Ukrainians who did not become displaced persons. National social service noted more cases of human trafficking and only for half a year granted 121 official statuses of the victims of human trafficking (in comparison to 118 in 2023). As in December 2024 National social service noted already 182 cases of human trafficking. 123 cases are combined types of exploitation, 19 cases of involving into war conflict, 15 persons became the victims of labor exploitation and 13 persons were sexually exploited.

[1] Data as of November 2024 by Ombudsman of Ukraine

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The tendency of labor, sexual and other exploitation of Ukrainians in captivity or at the occupied territories, is going on. The representatives of Caritas Ukraine and all the experts in counter trafficking underline the affection of war and increasing the cases of exploitation due to armed conflict, occupation and captivity of civilians by russians.

“The on-going war has accelerated these exploitation trends. Traffickers know how to prey on people under stress; they know exactly who to target, how to recruit vulnerable individuals for later exploitation.” – Natalia Holynska, counter trafficking project manager, Caritas Ukraine.

      During the last 6 months Caritas Ukraine staff identified 120 potential victims of trafficking, 78 survivors of trafficking. 77 of them were included into the project as direct beneficiaries and received the comprehensive assistance. Tailor made assistance to the victims is being given to the beneficiaries during a period of time. All the direct beneficiaries received psychological or psychotherapeutic services, social, medical, judicial, material assistance, information, referral, assistance in job searching and grants for micro-business.

Almost 70 thousand people received useful information and were probably prevented from risks of human trafficking. The on-line course created by Caritas Ukraine at the platform Prometheus “Human trafficking: how to protect yourself and your loved ones” was actively advertised among different target groups. General feedback of the participants is very good, they estimated the course with the mark 8,6 (from 10 possible). 9 from 10 participants would recommend this course to the others. 

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Prepared by Natalia Holynska,

Caritas Ukraine counter trafficking project manager



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons