2022 Assembly


Updates from RENATE member Natalia Holynska, Ukraine.


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Dear RENATE members! 

Caritas Ukraine continues its work for prevention of human trafficking, raising awareness and protection of survivors. In October to European Day against human trafficking Caritas conducts many different information and awareness events. Thousands of Ukrainians were informed about risks of trafficking and prevented from this crime. 

You can see more about our events by clicking on each of the links below!

  1. In Kyiv city there was a walking march Against human trafficking and proactive digital screening of potential survivors under slogan “Awareness will save lives!”.

  • In Chernivtsi there was a competition organized of social posters and digital images on the subject “Human beings are not a commodity”.

  • In the Ivano-Frankivsk region there were a lot of events organised: A charity run “Be free: say STOP to human trafficking in Ukraine”, a bike-ride for children, street action and more.

  • In the Lviv region there were interactive street events and competitions for the thematic pictures and photos.
  • In Odesa city and surrounding region, the information campaign “Informed means safe!” was held for young people, IDPs and vulnerable populations.

You can find out more about Caritas Ukraine counter trafficking activities by clicking the link here:

Caritas Ukraine appeals for justice, freedom, humanity, dignity, inclusion, merciful love and fraternity!

Best regards! Stay safe!

Natalia Holynska,

Anti-trafficking project manager

Caritas Ukraine

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons