What’s Happening at the UN |
The 27th Conference of Parties (COP27) |
The 27th Conference of Parties (COP27) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) took place in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt from November 6th – 18th. Throughout the autumn months, UNANIMA International prepared for COP27 by collaborating on an official COP27 side event, writing a statement, and engaging in advocacy/events leading up to the Conference. UNANIMA International was greatly involved in the COP27 proceedings. The delegation – consisting of Executive Director, Jean Quinn, and Executive Assistant/Assistant UN Representative, Lara Hicks – attended numerous events in the “Blue Zone,” the conference zone to which those accredited had exclusive access. UNANIMA International also visited many Pavilions, which were hubs for countries, organizations, and coalitions relevant to COP. You can find short clips of the team visiting Pavilions that represented some regions and countries that have UNANIMA International members here. UNANIMA International also attended a meeting with the Holy See and met dozens of young people, climate activists, environmental ministers, and NGO representatives while at COP. |
UNANIMA International co-organized the side event titled “Catholic Perspectives at COP27 | Climate and Biodiversity Justice from A Faith Perspective: What’s Next?” with the Carmelite NGO, VIVAT International, the Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries – Medical Mission Sisters, and International Young Catholic Students International. The side event took place in person at COP27 from 11:30am to 1pm (Egyptian time) on November 17th and was livestreamed by the UNFCCC, you can view the recording of the event here. The event consisted of a round table segment with speakers from each of the co-organizing NGOs, as well as representatives of Laudato ‘Si. On behalf of UNANIMA International, Lara Hicks delivered short remarks on the subject of women and girls, climate mobility, and homelessness related to climate change. As an outcome of the side event, a written climate justice statement incorporating the perspectives and concerns of the speakers and is currently being circulated for signature, you can view and sign it here. |
In addition to the main round table component of the side event, the NGO co-organizers had a video exhibit featured at the COP27 venue. The video exhibit played video clips of grassroots voices and experiences with climate change, as well as play excerpts of the film The Letter: A Message for Our Earth. You can view the virtual landing page for the video exhibit at this link. Importantly, history was made when the Parties agreed to a fund on Loss and Damage at the conclusion of the conference. While the implementation and financial details of the fund are still to be determined, this is a step in the right direction for those most affected by climate change and disasters. Much of the progress made at COP27 focused on the effects or impacts of the climate crisis rather than the causes – fossil fuel phase outs, decreasing emissions, etc. The Sharm El Sheikh Implementation Plan, the outcome document of COP27, excludes language on these important issues and could be strengthened by more substantive language around gender and climate, climate mobility, and climate-induced homelessness. You can read more about UNANIMA International’s experience and our Executive Director’s reflections in the Global Sisters Report article, here. To read UNANIMA International’s COP27 statement, visit our website here and check out our social media pages where the statement was launched. Be sure to follow our social media pages and blog for the latest updates on outcomes of COP27 and for more information about post-COP27 events and initiatives from UNANIMA International! |
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2022 |
 | Each year, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP) takes place on October 17th at the United Nations. IDEP is an important day for advocacy on the subjects of poverty, human dignity, and solutions that can break the cycles of economic injustice that millions of our planet’s most vulnerable people face each day. The Day represents a safe space of meaningful participation for people whose voices are unheard and whose life stories, when told by others, are reduced to hardships – without showing all the courage it takes to fight poverty. It is a space to share not only the struggles they face in their lives but also their aspirations for the future. The IDEP holds space for a joint reflection on the commitment to end poverty by 2030, strengthening the continued partnerships and dialogue between civil society, Member States, communities and other stakeholders. This year, IDEP’s theme ”Dignity for All in Practice: The commitments we make together for social justice, peace, and the planet.” An official IDEP program took place at the UN in the ECOSOC Chamber as well as virtually. UN Secretary-General António Guterres (via video message), UN General Assembly President Mr. Csaba Kőrösi, and International Movement ATD Fourth World President Donald Lee were among the many excellent speakers at the event. Moreover, one of the most consistently impactful parts of the IDEP is the inclusion of people with a lived experience of poverty. Andrew Holohan, an activist with a lived experience of poverty from Ireland delivered especially powerful remarks. Musical pieces and performances were also featured throughout the event. You can view the recording of the IDEP event here, we highly encourage you to check it out! |
61st Commission for Social Development Updates |
 | UNANIMA International is playing an active role in the civil society preparations for the 61st Commission for Social Development (CSocD61), which will take place from February 6 – 15, 2023. The priority theme for CSocD61 is Creating full and productive employment and decent work for all as a way of overcoming inequalities to accelerate the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Jean Quinn, UNANIMA International’s Executive Director, is serving as the Chair of the NGO Committee for Social Development (NGO CSocD) for the 2022 – 2024 term. |
In addition to serving on the Executive Committee for NGO CSocD, UNANIMA International has submitted a written statement for CSocD61 which focuses on the need for a just transition and the dignity of people to be recognized in labor, employment, and decent work policies. It also calls on Member States to acknowledge the deep connections between the changing world of work, livelihoods, and other human rights to effectively meet the targets of the 2030 Agenda and the Copenhagen Declaration. The deadline for civil society and nongovernmental organizations to register is January 16, 2023. You can register here. Be sure to regularly check out our social media pages as well as the NGO CSocD website and social media pages for CSocD61 updates! |
NGO Committee UpdatesNGO Committee for Social Development |
 The Executive Committee of the NGO Committee for Social Development (NGO CSocD) has met regularly throughout autumn in preparation for the upcoming 61st Commission for Social Development. All members of the Committee participated in the September, October, and November monthly meetings. As Chair, UNANIMA International’s Executive Director, Jean Quinn, has led Executive Committee meetings, devised an internal and external NGO CSocD Strategy document with members’ input, and began extensive planning for NGO CSocD’s areas of focus for CSocD61: the Civil Society Forum, the Civil Society Declaration, and Advocacy with UN Member States. You can find important updates related to NGO CSocD’s work and contributions to the Commission at the NGO CSocD website and social media platforms. |
The Working Group on Girls (WGG) had its November monthly meeting and had a successful 10th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl Child on October 11th, 2022. Each year, WGG prepares an 11 days of action advocacy campaign and works with UN agencies, Member States, and other Civil Society collaborators to advocate for and alongside girls. This year, WGG has a different theme for each of the 11 days of action that lead up to October 11th. |
In recognizing the 10th anniversary of IDG, the working group decided to focus on the theme of “IDG+10: Minding the Girls’ Rights Gap-Active, Accountable Participants of IDG.” UNANIMA International, in partnership with other organizations, sponsored October 3 rd – day 3 of the 11 days of action – on the theme of Mental Health. On the day, UNANIMA International shared good practices from our publications related to girls’ mental health and social supports for girls. You can see all the social media posts on our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook pages. For more information about IDG and to learn how you can get involved in future IDG events, check out the Working Group on Girls website and social media platforms. |
Each year, World Homeless Day takes place on October 10th. For World Homeless Day, Sophia Housing held its inaugural Service User Forum at Cork Street. The forum brought together residents, staff, and Board Members of Sophia Housing, as well as experts by experience from Midlands Simon Community and the SAOL Project. Sophia Housing was founded 25 years ago by UNANIMA International’s Executive Director, Jean Quinn, to provide wrap around supports and housing for people on their journeys out of the cycle of homelessness. The Service User Forum highlights the process of building local and national frameworks for greater Sophia Housing service user participation and engagement. Jean delivered opening remarks with a focus on the mantra “don’t talk about us without us.” It was evident just how powerful and meaningful this phrase was in the presentations from Experts by Experience during the day. John McEvoy, project manager, reflects: “the people that have real and lived experience of homelessness should be the experts on what type of homeless services are developed and Sophia has embarked on ensuring firstly that it listens to and acts on the feedback of the people it supports but also ensures that people with lived experience of homelessness can influence homeless policy at a local, regional and national level.” Sophia Housing considers the inaugural Forum to be the first step on the road which builds on the work carried out at a local level by staff and residents. In addition to Jean’s participation in Sophia Housing’s Service User Forum, UNANIMA International launched a written statement for World Homeless Day 2022. The statement focuses on urban homelessness, climate change, and displacement. It urges Member States to center efforts to address homelessness/displacement at the heart of their sustainable development strategies. It implores our communities to consider how different manifestations of homelessness intersect with thematic and priority issues frequently brought up at the UN, and states that we cannot sufficiently meet the targets of Sustainable Development Goals without properly working to end homelessness across the globe. To view UNANIMA International’s full statement and recommendations please click on this link. |
Partnership with the International Union of Superiors General |
UNANIMA International has partnered with the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) on multiple events and initiatives in the lead up to COP27. On Tuesday, October 25th, UISG hosted the webinar “Catholic Sisters at COP27.” Jean Quinn, UNANIMA International’s Executive Director served as a panelist for this webinar alongside Sisters and representatives from UISG, the Justice Coalition of Religious, and the Dominican Leadership Conference. The event convened Sisters and faith-based organizations for discussion around COP27 and highlighted the impact of Sisters advocating for our common home: Earth. You can watch the recording of the event, here. Additionally, Jean participated as a speaker in UISG’s event “Sisters for the Environment: Integrating Voices from the Margins.” This event was held on Thursday, November 3rd to officially launch the statement Sisters for the Environment in-person at UISG’s headquarters in Rome as well as online. This statement, written by UISG, was born out UNANIMA International and UISG’s side event collaboration and partnership at the UN High-Level Political Forum back in July. You can listen to Jean’s remarks and view the recording of the event at this link. |
Urban October Event: “Gender Equality, Women’s Land and Housing Rights: Bridging the Gap” |