2022 Assembly


U.S. Catholic Sisters against Human Trafficking: STOP Trafficking Newsletter – January 2021


’Climate change is one of the causes of poverty and forced migration, which make people vulnerable to human trafficking…’’ 

The stark headline of the January 2021 issue of STOP Trafficking anti-Human Trafficking Newsletter sets out the theme of this month’s edition of the Newsletter, which not only informs about the consequences of climate change on the most vulnerable but also highlights the distinctions between refugees who are displaced due to natural disasters created by climate change and all other refugees.  Under current international refugee agreements, people displaced by environmental disasters do not qualify for international aid or protection under the 1951 Refugee Convention…thereby rendering them vulnerable to  traffickers.

Read about the story of Dahia, sold by traffickers into prostitution in Somalia.

The Newsletter cites several country narratives from the Annual Trafficking in Persons Report (2020)  linking human trafficking and natural disasters (Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Vanuatu).

Under the heading of Advocacy, there is a comprehensive feature on vulnerabilities after a natural disaster, including reference to refugee camps and labour trafficking. 

And finally, ACTION and what can be done, features on the closing pages of the Newsletter.

A MUST read!

To access the Newsletter:

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons