2022 Assembly


“The economic contribution of migrants to host countries” – Vatican COVID-19 Commission Bulletin


A new Bulletin by the Vatican’s COVID-19 Commission and Migrants & Refugees Section has been published:

Flaminia Vola, Regional Coordinator in Western Europe for the Vatican Migrants & Refugees Section, emphasises the prevalence of exploitation and poor treatment of migrant workers in her introduction:

“Migrant workers often have to accept unsafe and unfair work and must live in precarious conditions. They are exposed to various forms of slavery and lack a welfare system protecting them. They are among the victims of the widespread “culture of waste”, which – Pope Francis reminds us – is at the origin of the inequality that afflicts the world.

In this Bulletin, we will look at solutions that might help build a new future for work, offering decent and dignified working conditions, in which the most vulnerable are not left behind. A future that strives to provide proper work everywhere, for those staying in their homeland and for newcomers too. A world where all workers are treated equally, without discrimination or exploitation and with due regard for their rights.”

“If we really want to promote those whom we assist, 

                                we must involve them and make them agents in their own redemption.”
Pope Francis, WDMR 2020

The full bulletin can be accessed in 5 languages in our library here

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