2022 Assembly


Talitha Kum Webinar with Gabriella Bottani, 6 March as part of the ongoing celebratory events to mark the 10th Anniversary of Talitha Kum.


2019 sees Talitha Kum celebrate its 10th anniversary, a very significant year for Talitha Kum and for all Religious working to combat and end Human Trafficking and Exploitation. As part of that celebration, Sr. Gabriella Bottani, International Coordinator of Talitha Kum since 2014, kindly invites us to connect online, on March 6th, at 2pm in Italian language (Rome time) or at 3pm in English language (Rome time).This is a lovely opportunity to listen to Gabriella’s testimony of how Talitha Kum will continue to respond to the challenge of trafficking in persons, and what each of us can do. You can pose questions live to Sister Gabriella or text them via WhatsApp at +39 3499358744.

Below are the links to access the online meeting:

We hope that you may be able to connect on Wednesday next. Looking forward to an interesting and engaging webinar.

Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons