2022 Assembly


The Talitha Kum Strategic Plan 2015-2018 provides for the creation of courses for the qualification of Talitha Kum members in the service of leadership.


The Talitha Kum Strategic Plan 2015-2018 provides for the creation of courses for the qualification of Talitha Kum members in the service of leadership. 
The course will provide tools to enhance the skills that will support leaders in developing professional and relational skills, aimed at collaborating and managing activities. The course content includes leadership models, networking, programming and development, economic management, communication, fundraising. Participants will be required to present a final thesis at the end of the course.  This will serve the participant to find solutions to specific situations relevant to the network of which s/he is  part. From September, the site of the Pontificia Unversità Antonianum,  will be open the pre-registrations, which must be made online. The course will be recognized by the Antonianum Pontifical University.
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