2022 Assembly


Mary Ward Loreto & URAT Anti-Trafficking Awareness-Raising Project in Albania


MWL and URAT Project in AlbaniaSince 2014, the New Project URAT in Albania, has led more than forty awareness-raising training seminars on human trafficking. Managed and funded by the NGO Mary Ward Loreto in Albania, the project is a collaboration with several other organisations present in Albania, e.g. the Peace Corps, the NGO Different and Equal, the IRCA (Institute of Romani Culture in Albania) and De Nobi Te Gruas Shqiptare. The project focused primarily on those who are socially and economically marginalised, the most vulnerable in Albania, who need protection against different forms of exploitation, including human trafficking.
A full report on the project is available at

Awareness Campaign in Albania to mark the European Anti Trafficking Day


Mary Ward Loreto (MWL) are busy running a Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign to mark the European Anti-Human Trafficking Day. Featured below are some photos of attendance at a recent Information Seminar held in conjunction with URAT.
For further information, check out

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MWL & URAT: Report on Training Initiatives in Albania


MWL/URAT (Mary Ward Loreto/ United Religious Against Trafficking) have compiled a report on their anti-Human Trafficking training initiatives in Albania, up to July 2014 last.
URAT is an Albanian word which means “bridges” and is an appropriate abbreviation for work which helps to build bridges of understanding and knowledge within the various communities.
So far this year, Mary Ward Loreto and URAT have conducted almost thirty Human Trafficking awareness training seminars with schools and municipalities throughout Albania. Engaging Peace Corps Albania and the NGO “Different and Equal” (works to support women who have been victims of trafficking ), Mary Ward Loreto and URAT have done enormous work in drawing materials together in order that training seminars are both informative and empowering of people, so that they can act to prevent and stop human trafficking.
For further information, please see  and the report attached URAT Report_July 2014



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons