2022 Assembly


Prevention against Trafficking, Good Practice in Slovakia


The Presentation Sisters opened a Centre in 2004 which includes a Pre-school. This clip shows Sr. Anne collecting children from the outlying Roma settlements 3km from the town and providing transport for them to attend the Pre-school. This is done because the Municipality of the town of Spišské Podhradie is not willing to provide transport.
Link to the video: Na 5 minút s nami: Iná škôlka

Round Table Discussion on Human Trafficking in Lithuania


Round Table discussions in Lithuania_1The Missing Persons’ Families Support Centre in Lithuania (member of RENATE), organised a round table discussion on best practices in the prevention of human trafficking. The event took place in the British Embassy in Vilnius on the 26th February 2015. In addition to sharing best practice, participants learned about the United Kingdom’s  organisations which are helping victims of  trafficking. Round Table discussions in Lithuania_2
Twenty two delegates attended, representing key organisations such as the Lithuanian Prosecutor’s Office, the Lithuanian Police, the Vilnius City Municipality, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Vilnius City Social Support Centre, Children’s Rights Protection and Adoption Service.



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons