2022 Assembly


KANA Journal, Sr. Stanka Oršolić Interviewed about Modern Day Slavery


In an interview with Izidora Franić for the Croatian Family Magazine KANA and published in December 2015, Sr. Stanka Oršolić responds to a number of questions about modern day slavery, the work being done by religious throughout Europe to eradicate human trafficking and exploitation and the importance of bearing witness to Gospel values as we minister to others more needy than ourselves.
Full text in Croatian available here: Sr. Stanka Oršolić_Interview for Kana Journal, December 2015_HR
For English translation click here: Sr. Stanka Oršolić_Interview for Kana Journal, December 2015_ENG
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons