Ending Trafficking Begins with us. Das Ende des Menschenhandels beginnt mit uns. Terminarea traficului incepe cu noi.Dhënia fund e Trafikimit Fillon me NE. Az emberkereskedelem vége velünk kezdődik! It-tmiem tat-traffikar uman jibda minna stess. Ukončenie obchodovania začína od nás. Крајот на Трговијата започнува со нас. Terminar com o tráfico começa por nós. Fine tratta comincia da Noi. Oprirea traficului de persoane începe cu noi. Położenie kresu handlowi ludźmi zaczyna się od nas. Het einde van mensenhandel begint bij ons. Mettre fin à la Traite : à nous d’abord de nous y mettre. Konec trgovanja z nami. Припинення торгівлі людьми починається з нас. Kova prieš prekybą žmonėmis prasideda nuo mūsų. Acabar con el tráfico humano empieza con NOSOTROS. At gøre ende på menneskehandel begynder hos os. Cilēku tirdzniecības beigas sākas ar mums. KONEC OBCHODOVÁNÍ S LIDMI ZAČÍNÁ NÁMI! KRAJ TRGOVANJA POČINJE S NAMA! PRESTANAK TRGOVANJA LJUDIMA ZAPOČINJE S NAMA! Краят на трафика на хора, започва с нас
It might appear that human trafficking is a problem which is far removed from Ireland and that the term ‘Slavery’ refers to a bygone era. Gráinne Loughran, in writing for the University Observer, discovers that modern slavery is a worldwide, secretive and multi-billion dollar business, in which vulnerable people are exploited by others for personal, financial gain. Drawing upon statistics from the Blue Blindfold site, the Migrant Rights Centre Ireland (MRCI) and RUHAMA, Miss Loughran paints a picture of criminal exploitation where it is suspected that the vast majority of the victims of trafficking who were identified by the authorities, have been forced into sexual exploitation. For the full article, please see; http://www.universityobserver.ie/features/modern-day-slavery-tackling-irelands-human-trafficking-problem/
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person
APT Ireland (Act to Prevent Trafficking) shared the following Resource Pack for Parishes, which has been designed and offered by the Sisters of the Divine Saviour (Salvatorian Sisters) in the USA. It suggests Liturgies, Prayers, sample quotations, information for Pastoral staff, recommends educational DVD’s and actions to address Human Trafficking. We hope that you will find it helpful. Catholic Parish Resources for Stop the Traffic Campaign
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person
Fr. Donal Dorr, Missionary Priest, Theologian & APT Ireland (Act to Prevent Trafficking) member, gives us an insight into why Pope Francis is a powerful advocate for those who have become enslaved through Human Trafficking, as suggested in the publication ”The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope”, by Austen Ivereigh (2nd edition, London: Allen & Unwin). Full article at: http://www.aptireland.org/pope-francis-anti-trafficking-movement/
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person
Details of an Early Legal Intervention Project (ELI) informed a Conference entitled “Upholding Rights! Early Legal Intervention for Victims of Human Trafficking”, held in Dublin, Ireland on the 14th of January last. Numerous European Directives and international human rights instruments have sought to hold member states accountable for the introduction of national legislative and policy frameworks. The concept of ELI incorporates the provision of confidential legal counsel and advocacy at first encounter between victims and authorities to ensure immediate protection and legal representation with a view to achieving the best outcome for the victims of trafficking. For more, please see: Report on attendance at ICI Conference_Upholding Rights_14.01.2016
Report prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person
RENATE Members attend Training for Transformation and Board Meeting in Dublin
Members travelled from across 16 European countries to All Hallows College, Dublin, for this training programme and board meeting, from the 26th to the 30th of October, 2015. Most enjoyed and gained much benefit from the three-day training. It was followed by input from various organisations located in Ireland and working to stop human trafficking:
APT – Act to Prevent Trafficking
RUHAMA – ngo supporting women affected by prostitution and trafficking
ICI – The Immigrant Council of Ireland
MECPATH – an initiative of the Mercy Congregation to Counter Child Prostitution and Trafficking in the Hospitality Sector
CORI – Conference of Religious in Ireland
AHTU – Anti Human Trafficking Unit in the Department of Justice, Irish Parliament.
Imelda Poole, IBVM, President of RENATE thanked both Aneta Grabowska, RENATE Website Manager and Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person for their work. Board matters such as RENATE Structures, Constitution and Articles of Association were given due consideration, including discussion on the need to ensure East-West balance in terms of representation on the Core Group. Members of the Core Group all agreed to sit for a second term of office (3 years), with the exception of Patricia Mulhall, who steps down at this time from the Board and Core Group.
Sisters Dagmar Plum and Adina Balan updated the Board regarding arrangements for the next RENATE Training which will take place in Budapest, from the 6th-12th March 2016. Sr. Gabriella Legradi is leading the arrangements locally. The Theme for the training is: Advocacy and Campaigning. Sr. Bohdana Bezakova shared her experiences from recent meetings with sisters in the Ukraine and her attempts to establish solid and supportive links with local communities there. [Full report on the RENATE website here: https://renate-europe.net/archives/3492]. Bohdana spoke of how the local Greek Catholic communities and the Catholic Church in the UKRAINE are emphasising awareness-raising about human trafficking in order to empower and equip young people who are the most vulnerable. In light of the ongoing war in the region, of particular concern to Bohdana was her observation of the great need for trauma therapy. Patricia Mulhall presented the final draft of the Mapping Exercise across 13 European countries. Everyone congratulated Patricia and all those who contributed to the exercise, which is a unique catalogue of the work that is being done by religious and ngos, including members of RENATE, to prevent human trafficking and exploitation. Practical details regarding the number of copies and dissemination are under way. On one of the evenings after the training, Iva Kúšiková, SSpS, screened the ‘rough cut’ of the film on the work of RENATE. It is hoped that the film will be released early in 2016.
A highlight of the week was the visit to Solas Bhríde Centre and Hermitages in the monastic home of St Brigid, Kildare www.solasbhride.ie. The Brigidine sisters extended their hospitality to RENATE, and afforded the members the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of St. Brigid by leading a mini-pilgrimage to Brigid’s well where prayers were offered for the victims of human trafficking and exploitation. It was a sacred time together. Members arrived at Saturday morning with the feeling that the week had passed by all too quickly and included a tremendous amount of work achieved in a short time. Gratitude was expressed to Mary Mangan, SHJM, for making the arrangements for the week, with the assistance of Eilis Coe, RSC and Patricia Mulhall, CSB and to the members of APT who were at Dublin airport to meet and greet RENATE members.
Compiled by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person
A RENATE Training for Transformation for the members of RENATE Working Board has now been organised and takes place in Dublin, Ireland, from 26th till 28th October 2015. The training is led by Mr. Frank Naughton and Ms. Maureen Sheehy from the Partners Training for Transformation. There are 23 participants from sixteen European countries. The training will be followed by a short Working Board Meeting from 29th till 30th October, at which three staff members of RENATE will be present too. It is planned that during this time there will be an opportunity to experience the work of the Irish organisations working in the field of anti-trafficking and to learn from them of the challenges which they face and the actions being taken. The Working Board is privileged to have the opportunity to become exposed to a new cultural reality.