2022 Assembly


International Day of Prayer & Awareness Against Human Trafficking


Samples of events from amongst the RENATE Network for the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, can be found here: RENATE_Saint Bakhita’s Day 2016_compilation_ENG

Albania_2016 St. Bakhita Day 2016_URAT leaflet_ENG
Hungary_2016 Invitation to the Service in Budapest_HU_ENG
Hungary_2016 Ima Február 8_prayer_HU
Malta_St. Bakhita 2016_presentation_MT
Poland_2016 Apel na MDMiR na temat Walki z Handlem Ludźmi_PL
Poland_2016 International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking_ENG
Poland_Zaproszenie na film 7.02.2016_invitation_PL
Slovakia_St. Bakhita 2016_CARITAS_plagat_SK
UK_2016 St. Bakhita Day_TRAC Awareness Raising Card_ENG
Other useful links & information:
Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS) – various materials in Italian
A Light Against Human Trafficking
Talitha Kum_UISG_A Light Against Trafficking_programme outline_ENG
Interfaith Toolkit on Human Trafficking 2016 Final_ENG

Poland_Noc Miłosierdzia 8.02.2016_plakat_PL
Poland_Noc Miłosierdzia 8.02.2016_plakat_PL

Malta_St. Bakhita 2016_flier_MT
Malta_St. Bakhita 2016_flier_MT

Calendar of daily prayers to end Human Trafficking_St. Bakhita_ENG
Calendar of daily prayers to end Human Trafficking_St. Bakhita_ENG


Interfaith Toolkit on Human Trafficking, Resources for Worship and Action


Dear Readers, please find the attached Interfaith Toolkit on Human Trafficking 2016, which has been compiled by the American organisation “The Washington Inter-Religious Staff Community Working Group on Human Trafficking”. Comprising prayers, reflections, personal stories and an index of references to films, short videos and government publications, the Toolkit is intended to be an instrument for communities of all faiths and none, as they inform themselves and others about human trafficking and how to take action. There is a specific emphasis on the impact of human trafficking on children, in recognition of their vulnerability.
In light of the forthcoming International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking on the 8th of February next, we believe you will find this Toolkit as a very valuable resource: Interfaith Toolkit on Human Trafficking 2016 Final
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons