2022 Assembly


Social Pathology Amongst Youth, Interdisciplinary Conference in Slovakia


Conference in Slovakia helps in Raising Awareness to Prevent Human Trafficking
On 23 April 2015, “Stop Human Trafficking” in Caritas Slovakia and local RENATE members actively contributed to the first interdisciplinary conference on socio-pathological concerns amongst children, youth and adults.
The conference entitled “Social Pathology Amongst Youth” / SPAY 2015 / organized by the College of Health and Social Work Vol. Elizabeth and Pan European University with the participation of representatives from the academic and scientific institutions from Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary.
The Conference programme explored seven specialized sections. Specific emphasis was given to the most problematic socio-pathological phenomena in our society among children and young people. The following aspects were considered:

  • Addiction
  • Bullying and cyberbullying
  • Harassment and abuse of refugees and migrants
  • Prostitution and human trafficking
  • Children’s problem behaviours such as truancy, delinquency, crime, violence and aggression

Sr. Bohdana Bezáková, CJ – member of RENATE – presented a workshop on the project entitled “Prevention of trafficking in Slovakia.” The film Two little girls was presented as part of the workshop to conference delegates. The presentation was followed by questions and discussions
Jana Urbanová and Miroslava Víglašská, Caritas Slovakia staff and members of RENATE, presented information materials at the Conference and also presented the film Two little girls with subtitles for those who were unable to attend the workshop.



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons