2022 Assembly


European Day Against Human Trafficking 18th October 2014


On the 18th of October, all over Europe we ask your attention to Human Trafficking.
We, RENATE, ask you to remember the victims of this inhumane crime.
RENATE: Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation
Vision: All people are created in the image of God. We, the religious of Europe, believe in a world where everyone has a right to human dignity. Human dignity cannot be compromised. Therefore we labour to free the world from trafficking and exploitation.
Goal: To respond to the issue of the trafficking of women, children and men in the light of Gospel values.

  • To develop awareness-raising activities against human trafficking and the growing demand within all levels of society in Europe, using all forms of modern technology and communications.
  • To network, share resources, skills and knowledge.
  • To research and implement actions against the growing demand for such abuse in the countries of origin and destination.

You are welcome to get in touch with us via and for more information or for prayers for this work.

Pope Francis about Human Trafficking on 12th December 2013
Pope Francis about Human Trafficking on 12th December 2013


Awareness Campaign in Albania to mark the European Anti Trafficking Day


Mary Ward Loreto (MWL) are busy running a Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign to mark the European Anti-Human Trafficking Day. Featured below are some photos of attendance at a recent Information Seminar held in conjunction with URAT.
For further information, check out

MWL Training in Albania_1
MWL Training in Albania_1

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MWL Training in Albania_2

MWL Training in Albania_3
MWL Training in Albania_3

MWL Training in Albania_4
MWL Training in Albania_4

Unique Film Festival for the European Day Against Human Trafficking


The Slovak Catholic Charity Caritas, based in Bratislava, Slovakia, have commissioned a series of short films, to highlight various forms of Human Trafficking, ranging from the sex trade to labour trafficking.
The Film Festival officially launches at the Cinema Lumiere, Bratislava, at 17:30 on 17th October next, on the eve of the European Day Against Human Trafficking.
RENATE congratulates Mgr. Anna Bartosova, the Stop Human Trafficking Project Co-ordinator with the Caritas Slovakia and wish all concerned with the production, continued success.
[nggallery id=1]
Click below for more information in Slovak:


"Bodi pozoren, bodi previden": Awareness Raising Campaign in Slovenia


Slovenia is holding a number of events to mark October 18th, as follows:
From 1.5.2014 to 31.9.2014 Caritas Slovenia (Slovenska Karitas) had campaign Be watchful, be careful (Bodi pozoren, bodi previden) for youth from 13 to 15 years old. A series of workshops have been conducted nationally as well as a photographic competition. The winning entry can be viewed on

Winning Photo of Be Watchful, Be Careful Campaign
Winning Photo of Be Watchful, Be Careful Campaign

Similarly, you can view their video clip on YouTube
Slovenian singer and Gloria with lyrics “You are not alone”:



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons