2022 Assembly


ACRATH Online Education Resource


This educational resource has been prepared for secondary school teachers to assist you in educating and raising consciousness about the issue of human trafficking.
Developed as 4-step process for teaching about human trafficking: Introduction – Information – Recognition – Action, each step in the process is crucial and requires completion as students move through the learning cycle to a deepened understanding of the issue of modern day slavery and a commitment to action.
The resource has five aims:

  • To educate and raise consciousness about human trafficking
  • To provide a process for teaching about human trafficking
  • To invite reflection on the issue of human trafficking
  • To encourage action to address the issue of human trafficking
  • To invite transformation in attitude on the issue of human trafficking

To access the education resource click on the links below:
Source of information: ACRATH



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons