2022 Assembly


Unite to Fight Against Modern Day Slavery


GENEVA, Switzerland, 17 October 2014 – Heads of three international organizations have issued a call to citizens from all walks of life to join the fight against modern day slavery ahead of tomorrow’s European Anti-Trafficking Day.
“Everyone has a part to play in this struggle, from shoppers in supermarkets who demand more information about the origins of the produce sold, to high-level executives, legislators and judges who can write and enforce laws to eliminate modern-day slavery from corporate supply chains and bring traffickers to justice,” the heads of the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) said.
In 1948, the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed: “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.”
Unfortunately, in the decades since this landmark declaration was adopted, new forms of slavery such as human trafficking have emerged and multiplied, leading the ILO to estimate in 2012 that there are 20.9 million people in situations of trafficking and forced labour globally, with around 880,000 in the European Union. These numbers cover a broad range of practices, from those trafficked in the sex trade, forced to hand over their income to their exploiters, to construction workers or agricultural labourers toiling for little or no pay on isolated sites that they cannot leave.
“Forced labour violates the human rights and dignity of millions of women and men, girls and boys. It contributes to the perpetuation of poverty and stands in the way of the achievement of decent work for all. The ILO Protocol to Convention No. 29 on Forced Labour adopted this year reaffirms the obligation to punish perpetrators of forced labour and to end the impunity that is still pervasive in so many countries,” Guy Ryder, ILO Director-General said.
“The responsibility to increase our joint efforts to fight trafficking in persons concerns each one of us, international organizations like IOM, states, private sector companies large and small, civil society, as well as private citizens,” said IOM’s Director-General, Ambassador William Lacy Swing.
The IOM recently launched the Missing Migrants Project, documenting more than 40,000 fatalities among migrants since 2000 (see:
OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier said, “As we remember all trafficking victims on this day, the OSCE remains firmly committed to continuing to work towards the elimination of this crime in our region and beyond.”
For more information on the International Labour Organization’s work on forced labour:
International Organization for Migration:
OSCE – The Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings:

200 Women Walking: Walk for Freedom through The Hague, Netherlands


Walk for Freedom 2014, Hague, Netherlands
Walk for Freedom 2014, Hague, Netherlands

A row of 200 women, silently walking, one after the other through The Hague, this is the Walk for Freedom. This Saturday, 18.10.2014, during the European Day against Human Trafficking is thus called attention to the fight against human trafficking and modern slavery.

The women are walking in the same outfit and on high heels on a route through the city. They ask attention for the growing number of victims in the sex industry. The participants take the route in a long line and in silence. In the Netherlands last year alone more than 1,400 potential victims of human trafficking were registered. The majority of victims (88 percent) are women, and the largest group of which is exploited in the sex industry.

The Walk for Freedom will be opened by National Rapporteur on Human Trafficking, Corinne Dettmeijer, and starts at 13:30 pm at the Lange Voorhout.

At the same time worldwide in dozens of other cities similar marches are held.

by Gerard van den IJssel

APT Stand at the National Religious Education Congress in Dublin, Ireland


Members of APT (Act to Prevent Trafficking) will hold a stand at the National Religious Education Congress, on 18th October 2014, at the Mater Dei Institute of Education, Dublin, Ireland.
It is intended that the APT representatives will take the opportunity to meet with as many educators as possible during the day and encourage their active engagement in the work to stop human trafficking. Educators are significant adults in the lives of young, impressionable students and take particular care and pride in ensuring they empower their students with as much knowledge and life-skills as possible in order to play active and meaningful roles in civil society.
The Conference theme is taken from Psalm 96, which calls us to “Sing a new Song”. Working in the area of Human Trafficking, we have a song to sing, as we rejoice in our collective powers to work together to stop trafficking. It is the same song which was sung by our ancestors in faith in the deserts of the east. Together, we can make the difference to the lives of those victimised by trafficking.
Check out

APT logo
APT Ireland

„Concurso No A La Trata” in Spain for 18th October 2014


The Spanish Conference of Religious have been running a photographic competition, since 25th September and concluding on 15th October, entitled “Say NO to Human Trafficking”. All photos entered will be shown in an exhibition organised by the Pontifical University of Comillas, Madrid. Originality, creativity, novelty and beauty are amongst the criteria for winning entries.
Concurso Noalatrata_Espana 2014
Concurso Noalatrata_Spain 2014
Click here to learn about one day event held at the Pontifical University of Comillas in Madrid: Programa_Jornada Contra La Trata

European Day Against Human Trafficking 18th October 2014


On the 18th of October, all over Europe we ask your attention to Human Trafficking.
We, RENATE, ask you to remember the victims of this inhumane crime.
RENATE: Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation
Vision: All people are created in the image of God. We, the religious of Europe, believe in a world where everyone has a right to human dignity. Human dignity cannot be compromised. Therefore we labour to free the world from trafficking and exploitation.
Goal: To respond to the issue of the trafficking of women, children and men in the light of Gospel values.

  • To develop awareness-raising activities against human trafficking and the growing demand within all levels of society in Europe, using all forms of modern technology and communications.
  • To network, share resources, skills and knowledge.
  • To research and implement actions against the growing demand for such abuse in the countries of origin and destination.

You are welcome to get in touch with us via and for more information or for prayers for this work.

Pope Francis about Human Trafficking on 12th December 2013
Pope Francis about Human Trafficking on 12th December 2013


Awareness Campaign in Albania to mark the European Anti Trafficking Day


Mary Ward Loreto (MWL) are busy running a Human Trafficking Awareness Campaign to mark the European Anti-Human Trafficking Day. Featured below are some photos of attendance at a recent Information Seminar held in conjunction with URAT.
For further information, check out

MWL Training in Albania_1
MWL Training in Albania_1

MWL Training in Albania_2
MWL Training in Albania_2

MWL Training in Albania_3
MWL Training in Albania_3

MWL Training in Albania_4
MWL Training in Albania_4

Unique Film Festival for the European Day Against Human Trafficking


The Slovak Catholic Charity Caritas, based in Bratislava, Slovakia, have commissioned a series of short films, to highlight various forms of Human Trafficking, ranging from the sex trade to labour trafficking.
The Film Festival officially launches at the Cinema Lumiere, Bratislava, at 17:30 on 17th October next, on the eve of the European Day Against Human Trafficking.
RENATE congratulates Mgr. Anna Bartosova, the Stop Human Trafficking Project Co-ordinator with the Caritas Slovakia and wish all concerned with the production, continued success.
[nggallery id=1]
Click below for more information in Slovak:


"Bodi pozoren, bodi previden": Awareness Raising Campaign in Slovenia


Slovenia is holding a number of events to mark October 18th, as follows:
From 1.5.2014 to 31.9.2014 Caritas Slovenia (Slovenska Karitas) had campaign Be watchful, be careful (Bodi pozoren, bodi previden) for youth from 13 to 15 years old. A series of workshops have been conducted nationally as well as a photographic competition. The winning entry can be viewed on

Winning Photo of Be Watchful, Be Careful Campaign
Winning Photo of Be Watchful, Be Careful Campaign

Similarly, you can view their video clip on YouTube
Slovenian singer and Gloria with lyrics “You are not alone”:



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons