2022 Assembly


Successful collaborations key to anti-human trafficking awareness-raising seminars in Romania.


As the academic year ends, congratulations to RENATE colleagues at SOLWODI Romania as they conclude their final anti- human trafficking awareness-raising work with students in com. Dragalina.
It has been a very successful collaboration with the Romanian National Agency against Human Trafficking, Adpare, Romania.

As a result of the seminars, students have a heightened awareness about the risks of Human Trafficking and the need to protect themselves.

During the seminars, the presenters and students were able to explore how and why global patterns of work have changed and the practical effects where people seek employment through the internet, which requires astute insights in order to distinguish between honest job opportunities and those that are traps for human trafficking and exploitation. .

The seminars were also helpful in informing the students about the importance of awareness and the need to be discerning about the life-choices they make for their futures.

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Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons