FOCUS: This month’s newsletter focuses on those who are exploited and trafficked as domestic workers.
The most common way traffickers control domestic worker victims is financial, thus it comes as no surprise that there is a wide disparity between the median hourly wage of domestic workers and the media hourly wage of other workers.
There is a spotlight on the Kafala (sponsorship) system in the Lebanon, which contributes to abuse and exploitative conditions of domestic workers. Forced child servitude is referenced in Haiti and the underworld of domestic servitude in Greece is analysed, with resulting exposure of a thriving economy on the exploitation of women from African countries and the Philippines, in domestic servitude.
An analysis of age profiles of populations in Southeast Asia indicates there will be an increase in demand for domestic workers….and therein lays the opportunities for traffickers eager to ply their trade.
Throughout, the document calls on governments and civil societies to ratify Conventions to protect the rights of women, migrants and domestic workers.
STOP Trafficking Newsletter July 2021. Vol 20. No. 7.