2022 Assembly


RENATE member Sr. Joanna Lipowska, fmm, sends us news from the Bakhita Network in Poland, in honour of St. Bakhita’s Feast Day, 8th February 2018.



This year, as part of the preparations for the 4th International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking, the St. Bakhita Network in Poland prepared a special Novena to St. Bakhita, which began on 30th January and will last until 7th February.
The Novena to St. Bakhita for the victims of human trafficking and for the cessation of all forms of slavery was addressed, along with an appeal, to a wide audience. Many religious Congregations and communities in Poland join in this prayer. Thanks to the Conference of Major Superiors, the letter written by us – the Bakhita Network – was delivered to all Congregations in Poland.
The novena was also published on many Catholic websites. Some parishes, various community groups, school youth (we informed catechists) and individual people also join in this prayer.
On the 8th February, in the memory of St. Bakhita and to be mindful about Modern Slavery, holy masses and services will be celebrated in many places. In several cities there will be a screening of the film Nefarious: Merchant of Souls, followed by a meeting about counteracting human trafficking. For these occasions, small leaflets with brief information on human trafficking prevention have been printed for distribution.
The members of the Bakhita Network, their collaborators and friends are responsible for organising most of those events.
All materials are available at:  ;
8 Feb 18 Poland Novena Nowenna do św. Bakhity_PDF
Adapted by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons