2022 Assembly


RENATE at Katholikentag in Leipzig: "Give a Voice to the Poor and Oppressed"


On Wednesday, the 25th May 2016 in Leipzig, the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) inaugurated the 100th Katholikentag or Catholic Day. This popular festival brought together Catholics, as well as people of other religious traditions, in dialogue with political, cultural and business leaders.
More than 1000 exhibitions, performances and talks took place and more than 40.000 people participated, over the five days of the festival.
RENATE was present with an information stand and organized a public discussion, with a view to sharing information about the work of RENATE and awareness raising about human trafficking.
A comprehensive report from this event is available here: RENATE at Katholikentag in Leipzig_report by Sr. Andrea Tillmanns RGS
Please see also an interview with Sr. Andrea Tillmanns by Tobias Böcher, Journalist with Steyler Missionare.

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons