2022 Assembly


RENATE attends Council of Europe meetings, 27th and 28th June 2017.


At the invitation of and as part of the delegation of Andante, which has participatory status at the Council of Europe that RENATE are hoping to achieve, Marie Hélène Halligon, OLCGS RENATE Core group member, represented RENATE at the June meetings of the Council.  Both days were very full and interesting. On the 27th of June, Marie Helene attended two working groups, the first one considered Poverty and Social Rights, while the second working group focused on Migration to Europe and the Mediterranean crisis. 
On the second day, the following topics were considered: Gender and Political Processes, Women mobilization in Europe and its impact in politics; Culture and Education Commission. The two-day meeting concluded with a welcome extended to the new NGOs.
Marie Hélène’s attended both days together with Dr. Mary McHugh, President of Andante and Sybille Bader, Andante’s permanent representative to the Council of Europe.
‘’ Marie-Helene has worked well with us and we have enjoyed her contribution to our delegation. This partnership can work well for the benefit of both RENATE and Andante,’’ said Mary.
RENATE is excited at this first step towards gaining full Council registration in the future.
More from Marie Hélène soon.
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person. 

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