We rejoice with Gabriella Bottani, smc, coordinator of Talitha Kum on being recognised amongst the TIP Heroes when the TIP Report for 2019 was launched on Thursday, 20 June, 2019.
In her address, Gabriella acknowledged her fellow TIP Heroes, identified the underlying causes contributing to Human Trafficking which include unequal power structures in contemporary societies, with reference specifically to women, children and indigenous peoples; inadequate migration policies in an increasingly interconnected world and an economic model that exploits human beings and environmental resources for the benefit of a few in contrast with the exploitation of many.

Gabriella concluded her speech with an invitation to one and all to’’… courageously raise the bar, and our dreams, in order to open new pathways toward freedom. This freedom is possible when it is based on a mutually transformative relationship, at the personal level, between survivors and anti-trafficking activists, and the organizations we represent, but also at the geo-political level, between countries of origin, transit, and destination. Let us stand up, together!’’
For Gabriella’s full speech: