2022 Assembly


Launch of anti-human trafficking project: ASSIST, Dublin, Ireland, 12 March 2019.


Brian Killoran, CEO, Immigrant Council of Ireland & colleagues.

RENATE members who attended the Launch of the new transnational project led by the Immigrant Council of Ireland entitled ASSIST – Gender Specific Legal Assistance and Integration Support for Third Country National Female Victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation, share some information and supporting documentation.

The Immigrant Council formally launched this new innovative anti-trafficking project to assist trafficked migrant women. The project focuses on the integration of trafficked women recovering from sexual exploitation. This initiative takes into account the gender dimension of trafficking in Europe and the gender specific harms and trauma associated with trafficking for sexual exploitation.

The aim of the project is to provide a number of trafficked migrant women with legal advice, information and support in accessing material assistance (social and financial). The importance of gender-specific assistance is recognised in EU law, which Ireland has adopted.

Such assistance is particularly important in cases involving sexual exploitation. It is acknowledged in such cases victims often experience a significant trauma and lack the life skills, training or experience required to quickly integrate into the job market and thus provide for them or any dependents.

The Immigrant Council of Ireland are excited at the prospect of partnering on this exciting new two year project with SOLWODI Germany, JustRight Scotland, BeFree Italy, SURT Spain and  the European Network of Migrant women.

German NGO SOLWODI visited Ireland to help launch the EU joint project to assist the integration of migrant women trafficked for the purposes of sexual exploitation, funded by the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

Powerpoints presented by SOLWODI and also by JustRight Scotland at the launch are attached.

Adapted by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.


Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons