Dear participants of the EU Civil Society Platform against THB,
Following from the meeting of the Platform of 30-31 May 2017, please find attached the power point presentations as follows:
- An overview of the EU Anti-trafficking action at a glance which is also publicly available on the EU Anti-raffickingwebsite:
- “Navigating EU Funding”session. Please be informed that national programmes under shared management (AMIF, ISF-Police and ISF-Borders) are available on the national website of the Responsible Authority.
- “Commission’s year of focused actions to combat violence against women”, you can find the presentation attached as well as relevant information concerning available funding at this link (Daphne calls):,c
- alls=hasForthcomingTopics/t/true/1/1/0/default-group&hasOpenTopics/t/true/1/1/0/default-group&allClosedTopics/t/true/0/1/0/default-group&+PublicationDateLong/asc
A personal message from the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator.
‘’Thank you for your active participation and contributions to the biannual meetings. Your work is crucial in assisting, protecting and supporting victims of trafficking, in contributing shaping local, regional, national and EU policies; and your diversity brings a crucial value added to our joint efforts.
During the meeting last week, in workshops and networking breaks, several of you shared experiences and ideas, mentioned reports, made references to upcoming and foreseen events. We wish to encourage you once more to consider all these examples as input to be shared with all participants to the e-Platform. It is important to ensure we make full use of this instrument to give continuity to discussions, both making and input and receiving information, and that we involve those additional NGOs that are not included in the meetings.
Best regards and looking forward to hearing from you,’’
Office of the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator.
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications Person.