2022 Assembly


CCARHT Summer Symposium July 2018


Since 2007, Dr. Carrie Pemberton Ford at the Cambridge Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking, has held Summer Symposia, with a view to facilitating ‘’…multi-agency, cross departmental and inter and intra university research efforts to respond to the multiple challenges of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery in all its global and local realisations.’’
This year’s theme was The five ‘Ts’ of Human Trafficking: Trauma, Transport, Terror, Transparency and Technology. Jesus College in Cambridge, UK welcomed speakers from Universities of Barcelona, Oxford, Cambridge, California, Johannesburg, Lagos, London who presented papers. Additional practical input was presented by representatives from the business sectors, major freight companies, airlines and social philanthropists.
Amongst the broad brush strokes of the Symposium’s theme, attendees learned about the concept of ‘’chaining,’’ applicable to irregular migrants who due to their status, are ‘chained’ to forced labour and trafficking; the increase in efforts within the airline sector, to combat human trafficking and exploitation; information from practitioners at refugee centres on the traumatic impact of trafficking on victims; the inter-play between SDGs and combatting/preventing human trafficking and labour exploitation; how technology has facilitated Human Trafficking and how it might be harnessed in order to combat Human Trafficking.
One of the participant’s evaluation from the week, speaks eloquently about the value of the Symposium, ‘’A wonderful week of purposeful engagement with the generosity of over 30 panellists from across the globe offering expertise and insights from Venezuela, Italy, South Africa, India, Bangladesh, Lebanon, Greece….’’
While we look forward to the post-symposium report and the possibility of papers being made available, more information at : …
Dr. Pemberton Ford is currently finalising the RENATE Child Trafficking Mapping research, commissioned by RENATE with a view to publishing this coming Autumn.
Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.  

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons