2022 Assembly


CARITAS Slovakia: Bakhita Day reflection


Reported by Jana Urbanová

To mark St. Bakhita day this year, CARITAS Slovakia recorded a novena that was broadcast over the 9 days leading up to February 8th. It was broadcast on Slovak Catholic Radio (LUMEN) each evening after Holy Mass. This Novena would culminate in a larger prayer service on St. Bakhita Day.

 The prayer itself included 6 stories of clients that were captured in their own words and read by CARITAS colleagues. To each of the stories, a reading was chosen from the bible and a prayer that included both a persona and general aspect of human trafficking. Another CARITAS member sang songs and a psalm in between the prayers.

CARITAS also extended their invitation this year to parishes to join the prayer and provided small round chocolates that had Bakhita´s portrait and a CARITAS cross on it. Both milk and dark chocolate versions from the finest local chocolatier (brand LYRA) were provided, with the text reading “St. Josephina Bakhita, From Slavery to Freedom”. 

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons