2022 Assembly


CARITAS Kosovo launch of project ‘STOP AND HELP’


RENATE Colleagues at CARITAS Kosovo share with us news of the launch of their new anti-human trafficking and domestic violence initiative entitled ‘’STOP and help’’

The initiative is the result of nine years collaboration amongst the Euro-Mediterranean network and includes reports, guidelines and research.

Additionally, the initiative comprises film footage Rruga-The Path and documentary ‘shorts’ of CARITAS Euro-Mediterranean anti-Trafficking. 

The following components are particularly informative:

  • The national strategy against Human Trafficking in Kosovo; 
  • Reports on shelters for victims of domestic violence in Kosovo;
  • A peer education training manual on adolescent-related risks and dangers;
  • A needs-assessment report on human trafficking and domestic violence in the region of northern Kosovo;
  • A second report on the compliance of Kosovo with the standards of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings; 
  • A Guidebook for the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence;
  • A feature on Invisible Children and unpunished Crime;
  • Mapping of Sexual Violence Services in the Western Balkans and Turkey. 

The Project proposal STOP AND HELP! will help to improve prevention of domestic violence
and human trafficking, to advance protocols and means of intervention and to elevate the
system of referral services for victims of human trafficking and domestic violence on a
higher level. In this way the project will support the ongoing battle against these increasingly occurring violent criminal acts.

Components of the project will mostly rely on: public campaigns through electronic media and printed promotional material in order to increase public awareness on risks of domestic violence and human trafficking, strengthening of cooperation between municipal authorities, civil society and other key actors, psychological sessions and counselling, as well as basic support and medical assistance provision.

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons