On Monday 12th June as part of RENATE’s newest Awareness Raising in Schools project, Sr. Patricia Mulhall visited St. Gregory’s Catholic School in Kent, to speak to 120 Sixth Form students on human trafficking.
This newly funded project aims to run an awareness raising event in at least one school in a minimum of 28 countries in the RENATE network in the year 2023, and the same again in the year 2024. These events can take place in the form of an awareness raising talk, film premier, dynamic awareness raising workshops, or a simple Q+A format.
Before her talk, Sr. Patricia shared that students had devised their own questions and presented them to her beforehand, so that Sr. Patricia could tailor her presentation to their specific questions. This made for an extremely engaging and informative awareness raising event.
An inspirational start to RENATE’s awareness raising events in the UK!