2022 Assembly


Awareness Raising and Preventive work Against Trafficking in People – Croatia


Leaflet 2 2023-09-04 u 13.45.19
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Update from Sr. Victoria Šimić

On the very first day of the 2023/2024 school year, the students from 6th to 8th grade (ages 12 to 14) in the school in Posavski Podgajci, had the opportunity to reflect on the topic of human trafficking. The school was visited by a former employee of the school, L. Šimić, who taught English for several generations and as a nun, has been involved in preventive work against human trafficking for years.

Even at the beginning of the meeting, the students demonstrated basic knowledge about the various forms of exploitation of victims of human trafficking, like the illegal sale of organs, forced begging or drug selling, labor exploitation and the like.

Through work in five groups, each of which received a different quote from a victim of human trafficking, students had the opportunity to learn even more deeply about this issue through concrete, true examples. Most students conscientiously and responsibly participated in the group work and answered the questions related to each quote, and after working in a group, they presented their answers to the whole group.

Each student also received a leaflet with some additional information about human trafficking, such as the World Anti-Trafficking Day July 30 and the European Anti-Trafficking Day October 18th. The leaflet also contains a few thoughts on “How to stay safe on the Internet?”. It brings an interpretation of “The Blue Heart” campaign – an international anti-trafficking program launched by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Students can also read on the leaflet what human trafficking is, and some estimates at the world level about the victims themselves. On the back of the leaflet there is some information about Saint Bakhita, and a Prayer to her.

In the end, the children were encouraged to obey their parents and teachers, in order to first protect themselves from this serious crime, since today there are tens of millions of people around the world who are victims of human trafficking, even a third of whom are children.

For those who wanted to do more for the victims, Sr. Victoria, who led the meeting, encouraged them to pray the Prayer to Saint Bakhita.

Later, the conversation on the topic of human trafficking continued in a pleasant atmosphere in the Staff room with the teachers of the School in Posavski Podgajci.

Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons