2022 Assembly


Pope Francis on April 11 addressed participants in a Vatican conference that examined the implementation of the Pastoral Orientations on Human Trafficking. This conference was organized by the Section for Migrants and Refugees of the Dicastory for Promoting Integral Human Development.


Pope Francis declared that: “Human trafficking a crime of the “commercialization of the other”

RENATE President Imelda Poole (IBVM), Sr Maria Luisa Puglisi AASC, (RENATE Member and elected Core group Member), director of the Fundación Amaranta, and RENATE Communications Person, Anne Kelleher and Caritas Albania, among 200 participants, attended the private audience with Pope Francis.

Pope Francis condemned trafficking in human beings as one of the most dramatic manifestations of the “commercialization of the other”, a crime against humanity that disfigures both the victims as well as those who carry it out.

Please read the full article written by Vatican News:

In English Language

In Albanian language:

Click here to read the Pope’s Address to Participants in International Conference on Human Trafficking.



Pastoral Orientations on Human Trafficking: Conference- Releasing Those Unjustly Bound. Sacrofino, Rome, 9 – 11 April 2019.


RENATE President Imelda Poole, Sr Maria Luisa Puglisi AASC, director of the Fundación Amaranta, and RENATE Communications Person, Anne Kelleher, were amongst approximately 200 delegates gathered at Fraterna Domus, in Sacrofino, near Rome to look concretely, pastorally and practically at the Church’s implementation of the POHT, favouring a deep appropriation and our working better in concert.   It was a time of open and deep sharing and reflecting on how best to implement the Pastoral Orientations on Human Trafficking document, produced by the Vatican 17 January 2019.

Present were:

  • Representatives of Bishop Conferences 
  • Catholic pastoral agents   
  • Representatives of major organizations expressing the Church’s social commitment 
  • Experts, partners, representatives of foundations and NGOs.

(POHT)  The POHT is the fruit of consultation with international Catholic organizations, religious congregations and Bishops’ Conference from all regions of the world. The document was approved by the Holy Father and has been signed by the two Under-Secretaries of the Migrants & Refugees Section.

The Conference planners and sponsors, chaired by the Migrant and Refugees Section, included Caritas Internationalis, the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the International Catholic Migration Commission, Talitha Kum, the Santa Marta Group, and the Apostolate of the Sea. Each of these organisations played significant roles throughout the three days of the conference.

In terms of process, seven thematic sessions corresponding with the major topics treated in the POHT, were considered over the three days. Each of the seven sessions was introduced by two speakers, 15-minuteseach, providing background to the topic and questions for the discussion of 60 minutes. The themes were as follows:

  1. Human Trafficking in the Context of Sexual exploitation.
  2. Human Trafficking in the Context of Slave Labour.
  3. Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling.
  4. Other forms of Human Trafficking.
  5. Identification, Prevention and Prosecution of Human Trafficking.
  6. Protection of Survivors.
  7. Partnership in Responding to Human Trafficking.

Everyone agreed that at the end of the three days, we gained a greater appreciation of the Church’s teaching and ministry in terms of strengths, weaknesses, policy options as well as enhanced coordination worldwide.

We also had a deeper appreciation for our understanding of ‘Church’ not as an institution but more so as a communion of souls together, working together to ensure the dignity of the human person and in honour of the Gospel.

It was a hugely valuable time of reflection and hard work, underpinned by mutual respect and appreciation for each other’s contributions. We had great possibilities to build and forge links and understandings, which will support us in our future work together towards the implementation of the POHT over time.

By 11 April, we had collectively devised 500+ recommendations, which will be further refined and condensed before taking them further in terms of implementation at local parish and community levels.

The highlight of the work was the Papal audience on 11 April, where Pope Francis not only affirmed us in our work but encouraged us to ‘’…persevere in the mission – often risky and anonymous, but precisely because of this , irrefutable proof of your selfless generosity.’’ view more.

Full report and recommendations will be available in the coming weeks.

Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.   

Reflection from RENATE member Clare O’ Mahony, olcgs, on her ministry in recent times.


In Northern Ireland, since January 2018,  we have not had statutory events or discussion meetings concerning the overall work undertaken  in relation to trafficking of women for sexual exploitation or, as has been prevalent here migrant workers trafficked for economic  exploitation.   Both these problems are still part of our reality and the dearth of focus or sharing of supports in place is probably due to the absence of our Executive functioning.

Two slender signs of positive energy being focussed and expended  are –

  1. The continued functioning of Solace – small accommodation refuge  for victims. This is the project of a most Christian couple who have set up and welcome  residents to their six-bedded unit in the countryside, where genuine healing space is offered.
  2. I am aware of a strong support group that supports this vibrant unit.  This group has a functioning Charity Shop that provides much-needed finance and is a great support to Solace.
  3. Our main event in this year was  the coming together of three groups to reflect and pray, sharing their prayer contribution on the Feast of Saint Bakita and their inclusion of prayer for the eradication of the trafficking scourge from our local  environment. where horrific cases have emerged and been exposed.

Clare O’Mahony.

Pastoral Outreach.



RENATE Europe representation at the OSCE 19th Alliance against Trafficking in Persons conference, Vienna, 4 April 2019, ‘’Using Technology to combat Trafficking in Human Beings : turning a liability into an asset.’’


RENATE members Ana Stakaj and Annie Bannister represented RENATE at the OSCE conference where the focus was on improving our understanding of how technology is being misused to facilitate human trafficking and exploitation so that we can build better responses and exploring how technology can be adopted to help combat all forms of human trafficking.

The Secretary General stated that regrettably, it is a fact of life that technology and the internet are enabling the market for human trafficking. Anonymity contributes to the global increase of this crime and the associated illegal proceeds which human trafficking includes. It was agreed at the conference that our task should be to harness technology as an asset. The following were emphasised:

  1. We need to listen to survivors.
  2. In our efforts to prevent and combat human trafficking, we need to partner with civil society and the private sector.
  3. Broad, multi-agency co-operation is invaluable.
  4. Technology as a force multiplier is the only way to fight crime in the modern context.

Technology can be deployed to deter the criminal operations of traffickers in the virtual space and disrupt the human trafficking marketplace by carrying out innovative, targeted and large-scale interventions. The Alliance conference heightened awareness about practices and participants had an opportunity to discuss how national legal and institutional frameworks could be adjusted to allow replicating these best practices on a wider scale.

It was agreed that Information and Communication Technologies can also help victims of Human Trafficking by enabling them to report their exploitation, seek shelter and assistance and engage in rehabilitation programmes.

The world’s leading anti-trafficking experts attended the conference, which also heard form survivors, NGOs and representatives from tech. companies involved in the development of new technology tools addressing this crime, e.g. Microsoft, Nokia, Thorn and British Telecom (BT), who showcased their latest developments at the Conference.

It was particularly beneficial for RENATE to be represented at this year’s conference as the RENATE website has been newly reconstructed with a view to enhanced capacities to use technologies to support the work of the network, as well as support survivors who may wish to access the website.

The Conference was streamed live at : and may still be available at this link.

Prepared by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.



A forum to improve legislation and work with institutions dealing with immigration and anti-trafficking work – 26 March, Shkoder, Albania.


On the speaker panel was Prof. Roland Dodani, Dean of the Faculty of Law University of Shkodra; Mr. Engjell Gjugja, Coordinator of the Youth Center Atelie; Mr. Dode Mehmetaj, representative of DRFPP Shkoder; Mimoza Kallaqi, Representative of the Shkoder office; Mr. Ndoc Mulaj, Head of the Centre Association Aple; Mr. Denis Mema, Immigration Expert and Sr. Imelda Poole President of Mary Ward Loreto Foundation/President of RENATE Europe.

During the meeting, community activists and attendees discussed the work being done to combat illegal and unsafe migration. The dialogue was positive, dynamic, and was an exchange of ideas and reflections related to the consequences in their community.

This forum will serve as a starting point for other local initiatives to improve legislation and work with institutions dealing with immigration and anti-trafficking work.


Council of Europe publication- Digital Citizenship Education Handbook.


In this digital age, when technology has become an integral part of daily life and is deployed for both positive and negative uses, the Council of Europe has issued a timely publication. It is intended that use of the Digital Citizenship Education Handbook, will empower and protect children and the most vulnerable in society.

Digital citizenship competences define how we act and interact online. They comprise the values, attitudes, skills and knowledge and critical understanding necessary to responsibly navigate the constantly evolving digital world, and to shape technology to meet our own needs rather than to be shaped by it. The Digital citizenship education handbook offers information, tools and good practice to support the development of these competences in keeping with the Council of Europe’s vocation to empower and protect children, enabling them to live together as equals in today’s culturally diverse democratic societies, both on- and offline.

The Digital citizenship education handbook is intended for teachers and parents, education decision makers and platform providers alike. It describes in depth the multiple dimensions that make up each of 10 digital citizenship domains, and includes a fact sheet on each domain providing ideas, good practice and further references to support educators in building the competences that will stand children in good stead when they are confronted with the challenges of tomorrow’s digital world. The Digital citizenship education handbook is consistent with the Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture and compatible for use with the Internet literacy handbook.

You can access the handbook here: CoE DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION HANDBOOK.

Adapted by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

RENATE members in Ireland join the TORL Campaign.


RENATE members in Ireland are back on the campaign trail once more, joining the TORL group (Turn Off the Red Light), with a view to ensuring implementation of the legislation which criminalises the purchase of sex.

A police and enforcement strategy aimed at prosecuting pimps, brothel owners and those who buy sex and brothel owners is needed to disrupt the commercial sex industry and reduce pimping, trafficking and sexual exploitation, the Oireachtas has been told.

The Turn off the Red Light (TORL) group told politicians in the Irish Parliament that, more importantly, the strategy would prevent the targeting, grooming and coercion of young girls and children to meet the demands of pimps and buyers.

The campaign group, which successfully advocated for the Sexual Offences Act that criminalised the purchase of sexual acts, says a range of measures are needed to ensure the effective implementation of the law.

“As women and young girls in prostitution and victims of trafficking are integrated into the commercial sex trade and are subjected to pimping, coercion and exploitation, an overall police and enforcement strategy is required, coordinated and aimed at the prosecution of pimps, procurers and brothel owners,” a spokesperson said.

The campaign group has also called for a national public awareness campaign so people are aware of the legislation.

It points out that one in 12 men in Ireland buy sex and the average buyer of sex is male, well-educated, with a middle to high income and in a relationship at the time.

However, surveys of men also highlight that the greatest deterrent to buying sex is a criminal sanction and/or risk of public exposure.

The campaign group points out that the State accepts that prostitution is a form of violence against women so the demand to have any girls or women made available to supply sexual acts for money should not be regarded as legitimate or acceptable in Ireland.

Survivors of prostitution who spoke to members of the Oireachtas said they, like other Irish women, fought very hard and very long for the introduction of the Sexual Offences Act.

“There is nothing about our personal histories that this legislation will change, but it will change the future for other women, and that’s exactly what we fought for,” said Rachel Moran, who has written a book about how she survived seven years of prostitution.

Leading human rights campaigner, Mia De Faoite, who once turned to prostitution to pay for her drug habit, said she will not rest until women are no longer for sale.

“For those who bought me, who ‘didn’t know’ my story, who never asked, who looked past my drug-addicted body, who looked past my lost eyes, who surrendered their ability to think in order to satisfy their own wants, well now you know and if you still don’t get it, there is now a law in place to ensure that you do,” said Ms De Faoite.

Turn off the Red Light says the State needs to fund the collection of data to measure the impact of the legislation.

The Sexual Exploitation Research Project in University College Dublin has started working with relevant state agencies, survivor’s organisations and frontline services to progress research and data collection.

The campaign group also says laws on the purchase of sex must be accompanied by a wide range of measures so there are no negative consequences for prostituted and trafficked women.

The underlying factors that have led to more than 1.8 million migrants coming to Europe since 2014 have not gone away. And while the numbers are sharply down from their 2015-2016 peak because of a 2016 EU deal with Turkey, new border fences in the Balkans and a 2017 bilateral agreement between Italy and Libya, tens of thousands continue to try to reach Europe.

With many migrant women having to resort to prostitution, it is critical that support organisations are able to provide early legal intervention, adequate supports and exit routes.

Text: Evelyn Ring, The Irish Examiner.

Adapted by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.

Launch of anti-human trafficking project: ASSIST, Dublin, Ireland, 12 March 2019.


Brian Killoran, CEO, Immigrant Council of Ireland & colleagues.

RENATE members who attended the Launch of the new transnational project led by the Immigrant Council of Ireland entitled ASSIST – Gender Specific Legal Assistance and Integration Support for Third Country National Female Victims of Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation, share some information and supporting documentation.

The Immigrant Council formally launched this new innovative anti-trafficking project to assist trafficked migrant women. The project focuses on the integration of trafficked women recovering from sexual exploitation. This initiative takes into account the gender dimension of trafficking in Europe and the gender specific harms and trauma associated with trafficking for sexual exploitation.

The aim of the project is to provide a number of trafficked migrant women with legal advice, information and support in accessing material assistance (social and financial). The importance of gender-specific assistance is recognised in EU law, which Ireland has adopted.

Such assistance is particularly important in cases involving sexual exploitation. It is acknowledged in such cases victims often experience a significant trauma and lack the life skills, training or experience required to quickly integrate into the job market and thus provide for them or any dependents.

The Immigrant Council of Ireland are excited at the prospect of partnering on this exciting new two year project with SOLWODI Germany, JustRight Scotland, BeFree Italy, SURT Spain and  the European Network of Migrant women.

German NGO SOLWODI visited Ireland to help launch the EU joint project to assist the integration of migrant women trafficked for the purposes of sexual exploitation, funded by the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

Powerpoints presented by SOLWODI and also by JustRight Scotland at the launch are attached.

Adapted by Anne Kelleher, RENATE Communications.


Collaboration key to successful Human Trafficking Awareness campaign in Košice, eastern Slovakia.


RENATE members at CARITAS Slovakia share news with us about the success of the Red Bus Human Trafficking Awareness-Raising Campaign held in Košice, the second largest city in eastern Slovakia. The event was organized by the British Embassy in Slovakia, together with the Ministry of Interior, the National Crime Agency, the GangMasters and Labor Abuse Authority, Caritas Slovakia and the City of Košice.

A typical ‘’London’’ double-decker bus was parked on Košice’s Main Street, where locals and visitors had a chance to see it on Wednesday, March 13, 2019, as part of an awareness-raising campaign on human trafficking.

The UK Embassy in the Slovak Republic supports educational activities in this area, as the UK is a top country of destination for Slovak victims of trafficking.

“We came to the east of Slovakia because the victims often come from this region, especially from Roma communities, who are more vulnerable to this phenomenon. The main goal is to raise awareness so that people do not become victims of human traffickers, ”said Kimberly Gillingham of the British Embassy.

The program consisted of three separate sections for different audiences. It started with a press conference for media representatives, where Kimberly Gillingham (British Embassy), Jozef Halcin (Head of Crime Prevention Department) and Jana Verdura (Caritas Slovakia, STOP Human Trafficking project) responded to journalists.

Right after the press conference, a workshop on human trafficking took place for invited experts from the city police, non-profit organizations and social workers. In addition to representatives from the Crime Prevention Department and the Slovak Catholic Charity, a presentation from the Gangmasters and Labor Abuse Authority was presented. This British agency is investigating modern labour and exploitation in the labour market.

At the same time interactive activities for high school students took place directly on the bus. On the ground floor, short films about this phenomenon were shown to young people, and discussed with colleagues from the Crime Prevention Department of Ministry of Interior and British border police officer. The second half of the students were involved in interactive sessions on the second floor with the workers of Caritas Slovakia. Then the groups exchanged. Brochures and leaflets were available for students and their teachers to remind them of what they need to know before they decide to travel abroad. After the school sessions, the bus was also open to the public.

Photo: Veronika Janušková

It has been a most successful campaign, with opportunities to inform and heighten awareness amongst people of all ages on the day.

Some links with photographs:

For more information, please contact:

Mgr. Jana Urbanová
STOP obchodovaniu s ľuďmi / STOP Human Trafficking

Koordinátor preventívnych aktivít / Prevention Campaigns Coordinator
Slovenská katolícka charita  / Caritas Slovakia
Kapitulská 18, 814 15 Bratislava
tel.: +421 2 5443 1506        mob.: +421 910 842 536



Stop Human Trafficking | Pray for Trafficked Persons